because i was blackmailed into this.

Jan 17, 2009 10:01

So I need to update my LJ becausee if I dont I dont get to find out what happened to the giraffe. I hope he found a T.V.

Anywayss, it's 10.12 a.m. here. Saturday. One of my best friends Miasa had gone to Japan [she's half Japanese] three weeks ago and she comes back today. YAAAAAAAAY. I missed her so muchhh. <3
Besides that I'm just gonna spend the day with my little cousin because he's mom's outta town and he feels lonely, poor boyyy :[ Can't see Miasa until tomorrow anyway soooooo.
Yesterday, Friday, I went to watch this hindi movie I had been waiting for FOREVERR [its called chandni chwok to china] and it was the worst thing I've ever had to sit through. It was as bad as a bad movie could get. And then we went to eat Korean food. I'm SICK of Korean. I used to love it up uintel two weeks ago when I realised that's the only place we eat in this day. Partly my fault cause I encouraged my friends. And now they're just as addicted to it as they always were but I'm sooooo sick of it that if one more time I have to eat tuna wrapped up in rice wrapped up in Sea-Weed, I'm gonna have to kill myself. I just don't know how to tell my friends that hahhahahahaa.
Tomorrow, Sunday, I am hoping Grey's Anatomy will have downloaded [and I can start on the Office]. I'm soooo excited OMG. Mama Shepard coming and more death row guy and Merder and Slexiee. And Mark and Calliee. Mark, Lexi, Callie are my favoritee characters this season. They just make the show so effin hilariouss. MerDer are getting as cute as ever too, The danceee <3. Oh my tomorroww. But wait, I have the TOEFL tests tomorrow. [Test Of English as a Foreign Language] which I need before I can send my applications to American Universities. Which I havent studied for and dont plan on. 18 years of studying English better be enough. But well, it's at ten so if Grey's doesn't d/l by then I wont be able to concentratee hahahaa. 
Yeaaaaaah that's it for noww. Hope that earns me the rest of the story.
XOXO everyone who bothered to read ;P 
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