Title: Pretty
shining_momentCharacters/Pairing: Ten/Donna
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Ok, this is the last one written for the
Weekly Drabble Challenge # 17 (prompt word 'Touch') at
doctor_donna and it's fluff, pure fluff.
Disclaimer: The full sized versions still aren't mine but Mini Donna has seen the error of her diva like behaviour and is much sweeter this morning.
Grabbing her hand before it lands on the intended target, he smiles at her frustrated sigh.
“No, sweetie,” he whispers, gently squeezing her fingers.
“Pretty,” she says, gesturing to the long red hair of her mother.
“Yes, pretty,” he agrees, “But we don’t want to wake Mummy up from her nap yet, do we?”
“Yep,” she nods and he bites back a chuckle, scooping her up into his arms and settling them both into an armchair.
“Sometimes,” they gaze adoringly at centre of their world, sleeping soundly, “We can look at the pretty things but not touch, ok?”
“Ok, Daddy.”