Mouse and Applehead - Part 13b

Dec 25, 2011 14:07

And here's the second half of Part 13.

Title: Mouse and Applehead
Author: shinigami518
Rating: PG-13 (but will go into the R territory at times)
Warnings: Swearing, the occasional violence, future talks of attempted rape, abuse, and some racism
Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this story except for Annie, her family, and her friends. All music used is owned by their respective owners, writers, and singers. I also, unfortunately, do not own Michael. If i did, he would still be around, playing with his children and making all of his fans happy.
Summary: Late 1979, Michael, after the release of Off the Wall, is longing for a friend. He walks alone at dusk in hopes to find one. He discovers one in the form of a little girl named Annie. This would lead to a long lasting friendship that spans three decades, featuring highs and lows, including: an obsessed older sister, an overprotective father, "Billie Jean", haters, alligations, death, and the pitfalls of being friends with the (currently not as of the time this starts) King of Pop.

Part 13a

           Annie was still in most of her Captain Eo costume when Michael and her family came up to her as everyone headed for the cafeteria for the Aftershow party.  She still wore the shirt, pants, and boots, but had the jacket draped over her shoulders and the gloves stuffed in one of the pockets in her pants.  She had her glasses clipped to the collar of her shirt as she wiped her face with a damp paper towel.
            “Annie!” Tommy yelled, running over to his sister.

“Annie!” Paul echoed, a few steps behind his brother.  The two nearly took down Annie when they hugged her, still in full run as they collided with her.

“That was so awesome and you were totally great!  An’ when you did all those cool moves, like that full body roll thing Applehead does for that song… THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!!” Paul exclaimed, clinging to Annie’s waist.

“That’s all good and all, Paulie, but do you and Tommy mind letting me go?  I need to breath.” Annie winced, trying to regain her balance.  Both boys released her, allowing her to stand and put her glasses back on.  Alison, Diana, Marty, Maggie, and Michael made their way over to Annie once they saw she was alright.

“Well, well, well, Captain Eo, huh?” Diana asked in amusement.

“Annie, you were terrific out there.  I had no idea you could dance like that.” Alison told her middle daughter, giving her a strong hug.

“Well I learned from watching the masters, mom,” Annie replied, then looked over at Michael and Diana, “especially the ones I know.  Diana blinked in surprise, realizing that Annie wasn’t just referring to Michael.

“Wow.  You mean-?” Diana asked, clearly touched.

“I got into dancing because of you and Michael, Diana.  Both of you are so good - no, so great.  I only wish I could be as great as you two.” Annie explained honestly, breaking away from her mother.

“Annie, you’re already great, making up your own style.  And…,” Michael remarked, before placing a hand on her shoulder, “you were wonderful out there.  You did an incredible job doing that song.” Michael told her proudly.  Annie smiled, tearing up, and hugged Michael, who in turn hugged her back.

“That song.  I wonder why she picked that one, and why is it so special to her?” Marty mused out loud to Diana and Maggie.

“That... is between her and Michael.” Maggie smiled secretly.


Mid-July 1987

The set of Smooth Criminal

Annie arrived on set, leading Kelsey and Yukina, who were looking around in amazement, to where they would be filming that day.  The two friends had promised to Annie they wouldn’t tell anybody about what they were going to see.  The two were also excited when Annie said that Michael was going to be there that day.

“Oh man, look at this setup!  It’s so…” Kelsey exclaimed softly, staring at the sets.

“30’s?” Annie asked, finishing for her friend.

“I was gonna say retro, but yeah, that, too.” Kelsey remarked.

“Annie-Chan, is all your family in this?” Yukina asked Annie curiously.

“Well, sorta.  Tommy and Paul are involved in a different bit, while Diana, Maggie and I are gonna be in this segment we’re filming, and Kevin’s in another bit during this.  Mom, however, isn’t involved.” Annie explained.

“Sugoi…” Yukina said softly in awe.  Kelsey then let out a soft gasp, pointing off in the distance.  Annie followed Kelsey’s line of sight and saw what she was pointing to.

Standing on set were Michael and Diana, talking and in full costume.

Diana was wearing a black, long sleeve dress that went past her knees, a pink flower pinned above her left breast, black stockings with black pumps, and gray gloves.  Her hair had yet been done up and she was holding a black box hat with a feather sticking out of it.  She looked really mature in her attire.

Michael wore a white 30’s era suit over a blue shirt, a white tie, white and black shoes, and had a blue armband around the bicep of his right arm.  He also had some tape wrapped around the tips of some of his fingers.  His curly hair was pulled back in a pigtail and he had in his hands a white fedora.

“So have you decided who ya gonna dance with?” Diana asked, playing with the feather in her hat.

“Well, I’ve danced with some of the girls the director picked, but the only one I’ve felt comfortable with was-,” Michael started to say, then while glancing around, he spotted Annie walking over with Kelsey and Yukina, “Ann!” Michael exclaimed.

“You’re going to dance with Annie?” Diana asked, clearly confused.  Michael didn’t hear her, he was running over to Annie and her friends.

“Sorry I’m late.  We had trouble with the starter of Kelsey’s car.” Annie apologized to Michael.

“I really need to find a good mechanic…” Kelsey fumed slightly before getting a good look of Michael in his attire.

“That’s alright.  Some of the dancers aren’t here yet and filming hasn’t started for you yet.” Michael told Annie.

“Thank God for that.” Annie let out a sigh in relief.

“Michael-Sempai, you look incredible.” Yukina observed.

“Yeah, you look hot in white.” Kelsey agreed.

“Thanks, girls.” Michael smiled.  Diana, meanwhile, made her way over to the four, wanting an answer to her question.

“Hold on a sec, you’re really going to dance the Cha-Cha with Annie in that one bit?” Diana asked Michael.  This took all four by surprise.

“You’re gonna dance with Michael?  You lucky little devil!” Kelsey asked Annie, looking a little jealous.  Annie turned to Michael and Diana, not expecting this little bit of news.

“Wait, what?  What’re you talking about?  I thought Michael was gonna dance with Mira?” Annie exclaimed, asking Michael and Diana.

“Mira’s dropped out due to appendicitis.  The director’s been on Michael’s ass today about choosing a replacement girl.  Looks like that lucky girl is you, Ann.” Diana explained, smiling slyly at her younger sister.

“B-but why don’t you dance with somebody else, like Diana?  She’s a whole lot better than me.” Annie asked, starting to get really flustered.

“Hey, I’m the one he tangos over with when he saves the girl from the two guys before he does the cha-cha with her.  And, in case you’ve forgotten, he was more comfortable with you aside from Mira and me.” Diana answered, placing her hat on her head.

“I really hate to do this, but Di-Di’s right, Ann.  Out of the ladies in this, you’re the only one I feel really comfortable dancing with.” Michael sighed.

“What about Maggie?” Annie nervously asked in hopes that the youngest girl was available.  Michael stared at Annie, a look on his face that read “Sorry, you’re not going to win this round, Annie”.  Diana, meanwhile, was smiling more.

“Forget it, Annie, you’re not gonna win this argument.” Diana stated.

“Damn…” Annie cursed softly.  It wasn’t like she didn’t want to dance with Michael, but she knew that this would just be more fuel for Diana to use whenever she voices her thoughts about Annie and Michael getting together.  On the other hand, Michael did say he was more comfortable dancing with her than anyone else.  Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as she was thinking.  Then again, their relationship seemed to be shifting more and more away from brother-sister like friendship.

“Alright, I’ll do it.” Annie sighed, relenting.

“Thanks Ann.” Michael smiled.  Annie then turned to Kelsey and Yukina.

“You tell anyone about this before this thing comes out, I will hurt you.” Annie warned her friends.

“Oh don’t be so mean, Ann.  You know they won’t tell.” Diana teased playfully.  Annie then shot a glare at her older sister.

“And you better not tease me about this, either.  Remember, I’ve got some dirt on you I’m not afraid of revealing.” Annie threatened coolly.

“Like what?” Diana asked, crossing her arms and hoping to call what she thought was a bluff.

“The crush you had and still have on Robin Hood…,” Annie started.  Diana smirked as Annie paused.  Annie then smirked like Diana, but hers was much eviler.  “…The Disney animated version.” Annie continued.  Diana blushed angrily and embarrassedly.

“Annie, I thought I told you-!” Diana started to say.

“God, do you two ever stop arguing?” Maggie asked, approaching the group and already in costume.  She had on a sleeveless purple dress with a sheer purple scarf draped over her arms and black elbow length gloves.  Her curly hair had been cut really short, but still retained its curls.  She had a small matching purple in her hair.

“Annie, you’re needed in wardrobe in 5 and Diana, you and I need to get our makeup done.  Michael, you find a replacement for Mira, yet?” Maggie went on, then asked Michael, completely unaware of what the argument had been about, nor what started it.



Yukina and Kelsey watched from a distance as they filmed the “big dance moment” as Diana called it.  To everyone else, it was a small scene where Michael rescued a woman from two arguing men and in celebration, he dances a bit with the lady he rescued before going off.  However, that lady was going to be Annie and Diana and Maggie were to be there, watching.

Diana was the first one to get to be with Michael as he tangoed over to where the fight was before narrowly missing one of the dancers getting shot by an angry patron, the dancer doing a flip and landing in front of Michael and Diana.  In dress rehearsal and filming, Michael and Diana didn’t miss a beat since Diana was the original chosen girl for this bit and both had done some practice beforehand.

Then came Michael and Annie’s moment to shine.  The scene would play out with Annie, after both men fighting for her punched each other out, spinning into Michael’s arms and the two dances for a short time before Michael would slide away, leaving Annie content and a bit breathless.

Before the cameras turned on, Michael and Annie, in her full costume, did a run-through of what they would do.  Annie had butterflies in her stomach during the whole time.  She was actually dancing with Michael.  Sure she had danced with him before, but all those times were innocent and carefree and not in front of lots of people and cameras.

Annie’s outfit was also causing some looks, especially from Michael, who hadn’t been used to seeing her in a dress.  She was wearing a red dress with thin, spaghetti straps that crisscrossed in the back, an asymmetrical hem skirt, elbow length black mesh gloves, a black choker with a red gem flower on it, red and silver earrings (clip-on due to Annie not having her ears pierced), and a thin black headband.  Annie felt a bit uncomfortable, mostly due to her not being used to wearing high heals and a dress, but Michael said she looked very mature in her outfit.

It took Annie several minutes to stop blushing.

Once Annie regained her composure and she and Michael got down what they were going to do, it was time to film.  The first take went decently, despite Annie practically blushing the whole time in Michael’s arms.  The director, sensing some chemistry during their dance, made a suggestion that stunned both: could they dance a bit more sexually?

Annie turned the same shade of red as her dress while Michael stammered a bit, looking embarrassed, but both agreed to try it.  By the time the cameras rolled for the second take, Annie cleared her mind and just focused on dancing with Michael, pretending that no one was there.  And the two danced and both were deeply into it, getting into the act and dancing perfectly and romantically.

Annie then realized she was getting a little too into it once the director called cut and started blushing deeply.  Once the director said it was perfect and that they didn’t have to reshoot, Annie ran off the set, very embarrassed.

“Wow…,” Kelsey spoke a few seconds after Annie ran off, “I haven’t seen her bolt like that since…”

“…Since the final performance of Snow White last year after Peter kissed her for real, right after she slapped him hard?” Yukina finished.  Kelsey nodded.

“I remember that.  I still need to castrate that perverts one of these days…” Diana agreed grimly, walking over to the two.  The director, meanwhile, made his way over to Michael, who was starting to leave to find Annie to see if she was alright.

“That was great, Mike.  The two of you were really into it that second take!” The director gushed.

“Not the time…” Michael told the director, sound quite cold as he breezed past the other man.  Not only was he still embarrassed about dancing with Annie, but he was now worried deeply about Annie and what she was feeling.

“Sempai, where do you think Annie-Chan went?” Yukina asked Diana.

“Probably either the dressing room or the room where we do our warm-ups and minor rehearsals.” Diana figured.  Michael approached the trio with Maggie joining them.

“Is that what you think?  Then lets go.” Michael told Diana and the others.  The small group then left the set to find Annie.

Diana ended up being correct because they soon found her in the rehearsal room, dancing by herself to the boom box.  She had removed her shoes and her gloves, placing them aside as she worked out her emotional frustrations to the music.  Currently, she was dancing to “Hungry Eyes” by Eric Carmen, a song from the Dirty Dancing Soundtrack, which was playing off the cassette she had in the boom box.  Annie had fallen in love with the music from the movie and her siblings knew that she often danced to the songs, learning the dances from the movies and creating her own for the songs she loved.

“Sugoi…” Yukina whispered in awe, watching Annie lose herself to the music.

“Man, she can be really awesome when she has confidence, don’t ya think?” Kelsey mused out loud.

“I know, but try breaking through he insecurity to make her believe that.” Diana remarked.

“That’s what I keep telling her.” Michael nodded, removing his hat and giving it to Maggie.  He then made his way up to Annie, who was still dancing, her eyes closed as she let the music control her.  Michael then took a hold of her hands, which were raised up, and then gave her a small spin before dancing with her for part of the song.  It was after several seconds that Annie realized that she wasn’t dancing alone.

Her eyes shot open and gasped, seeing Michael in front of her.  She then noticed her sisters and her two friends still by the doorway.  “Michael?!  What-What are you?” Annie asked, startled.

“We were worried about you.  You know, with the way you ran off like that.

“And here you are, lost in the music as usual.” Diana added.  Annie pulled her hands free from Michael’s and turned away, blushing softly.

“I just needed to clear my head, that’s all.  Nothing to wo-.” Annie started to say.

“Dance with me.” Michael told Annie calmly, but seriously.  Annie stiffened in surprise, then turned to stare at Michael, her hazel eyes wide.  She looked around the room and at the others.

“What, right here?” Annie asked confusedly.

“Right here.” Michael nodded, speaking soft.

“Michael, we-.” Annie started, then paused.  Michael was clearly serious about this.  Her body relaxed.  “Alright, but I pick the song, ok?” Annie relented, then compromised.  She then went over to the stereo and rewound the cassette, knowing what song to play.  Once the tape was rewound, she hit play and went over to Michael.

“Now I've had the time of my life

No I never felt like this before

Yes I swear it's the truth

And I owe it all to you…”

The two then began to dance to the song, “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes.  The two incorporated both of their dance styles into the song, with Annie throwing in some from the movie.  Michael had seen some of the movie as well, mostly the music video for the song, so he knew some of the dance moves from the movie and he was able to match some of it almost perfectly.  Both were completely lost in each others embrace as they moved and danced together, smiling and playfully flirting with each other as if they were Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey from the movie.

Once the song ended, the two were locked in a passionate embrace, their faces inches away from each other.  It seemed almost inevitable that they would kiss…

That is, they would if Diana, Maggie, Yukina, and Kelsey hadn’t started to applaud, as did the director, some of the dancers, and a few stagehands, who had joined them during the dance to watch the two.  Michael and Annie immediately pulled apart, both embarrassed greatly.

“How long… were all of you here?” Michael asked, panting slightly.

“Well, you know that Yuki, Kelsey, Diana, and I were here already since we came with you earlier, but everyone else came here shortly after you two started dancing.” Maggie explained, gesturing to the rest of the crowd.

“Yes, that was very enjoyable.  Maybe if you two can keep that chemistry, we might get an even better-.” The Director started to say, but stopped when both Michael and Annie shot him matching angry looks.  He cleared his throat.  “Nevermind.  Break’s over, back to the set.” The Director announced.  Everyone then began to leave and soon, all but Michael and Annie were left in the room.  Annie removed the cassette from the stereo while Michael stood in the middle of the room, catching his breath.

“You ok now, Annie?” Michael asked curiously.  Annie nodded, sliding back on her heals.

“Hey Mike?” Annie asked suddenly.

“Yeah?” Michael asked back, looking at Annie.  Annie walked over and gently kissed Michael on the cheek.

“Thanks for the dance.  It really cheered me up.” Annie thanked after giving him the kiss, her cheeks rosy from both the dance and from the kiss.  She then left the room, a warm smile on her face.  Michael wordlessly touched the spot on his cheek where Annie kissed him.  He then sighed.

“This shouldn’t be happening, but it is…” Michael whispered to himself.  He then dropped his hand in defeat.  “No doubt about it now: I think I’m falling in love with-No.  I’m really falling in love with Annie...” Michael announced softly, correcting himself midway.

My, my, my, I'm such a bitch, am I? Looks like this friendship between Michael and Annie isn't gonna stay platonic. More will come when I have the inspiration to write, especially with Conspiracy, which I've hit a roadblock in it.

fanfic, michael jackson, mouse and applehead

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