But Seriously... - Sequel to Truly, Madly, Deeply - Part 8b

Sep 26, 2010 12:36

As promised, here's the second half of Part 8 - in which the gang meets the twins, Christine begins to redem herself, Melissa and Alicia nearly beats up somebody, and Richard gets a scare.

Title: But Seriously….
Author: Shinigami518
Rating: PG-13, but with some bits of R in it for mpreg, swearing, some violence, and insanity
Main Character(s) and/or pairings: Ryan/Colin, Tony/Paul, Josie/Richard, Jeff/OFC, Stephen/Hugh (growing), OFC/OMC 
Summary: few weeks after their wedding, Paul and Tony take the next step in their relationship: Parenthood. Paul undergoes the "Mpreg Operation" as Alicia and the trio calls it and now he and Tony are to be parents. Keeping this a secret from the news is going to be a bit hard, but with the help of their friends, they are ready.

View Affirmation here:
Epilogue, but with all parts linked

View Against All Odds here:
Epilogue, but with all parts linked

View Truly, Madly, Deeply here:
Epilogue, but with all parts linked

View last chapters here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5a
Part 5b
Part 6
Part 7a
Part 7b
Part 8a

Part 8 - A Groovy Kind of Love
 &bsp;          Recovery Room 21
            Short time later…
            Paul was now currently holding his son while Tony was holding his daughter, feeding her with a bottle. Alana was in the room, checking on Paul to make sure there were no problems or complications from the surgery.
            “Well, it looks like there are no signs of any lasting problems. Your scar has begun to heal. Have you experienced any discomfort, pains, dizziness, anything troubling from the-?” Alana observed, lowering the blanket over Paul.
            “I’ve been cut open and suffered pain that’s even worse than passing a stone - worse than anything I’ve been through - of course I’m a bit sore in the gut from it all.” Paul snapped, growing quite annoyed from the questions.
            “Go easy on her, darling. She’s a nurse; she knows what you’ve been through.” Tony spoke up.
            “I sure do, and I‘ve got three of my own at home. I know how it feels after giving birth and you’re going to be just fine, Mr. Merton.” Alana nodded, shooting Paul a knowing smile. She then turned to Tony. “I think she’s had her fill. Remember what I showed you.” Alana observed, then told.
            “Yes, I remember.” Tony told her, placing the now empty bottle on the side table and grabbing a small towel. Paul watched Tony moved the small baby in his arms, the towel resting on his shoulder while Dr. Addy entered, a smile on the doctor’s face.
            “How’s our patient?” Dr. Addy asked Alana.
            “He’s just got some soreness from the surgery, but aside from that, there doesn’t seem to be any complications so far.” Alana reported to the young man.
            “Ugh,” Tony grimaced as he removed the towel from his shoulder, “this is one thing I’m not getting used to.” Paul laughed at Tony’s face. Tony then glared at his partner. “Laugh now, but wait for your turn.” Tony shot back. Paul pondered this, then shook his head in disgust. He then turned back to face Dr. Addy.
            “You want something?” Paul asked his friend.
            “You’ve got a lot of people in the waiting room, wanting to see you, Tony, and the babies. They’re - hehe - demanding information or threatening to cause damages. Mostly one blonde is making quite the demands, the one they’re calling ‘Lissa, I believe.” Dr. Addy told the two, chuckling. Paul and Tony looked at each other.
            “We can’t hide them forever. Let’s let them meet our extended family.” Tony remarked. Paul nodded in agreement.
            “Let ‘em in, Zach.” Paul told Dr. Addy before going back to his son.
            “They’ll be happy to hear that.” Dr. Addy chuckled. He then turned to leave, but stopped. “And Paul?”
            “Hmm?” Paul raised his head back up.
            “I’m glad you’re ok, old friend.” Dr. Addy replied, smiling back at his friend. He then left the room. Alana stood up straight, tucking a few strands of red hair behind her ear.
            “Well, try not to strain yourself too much, Paul- Mr. Merton. If you need any help, give a call.” Alana told Paul.
            “Sure thing.” Paul nodded. Alana turned and left the room, pausing for a second to flash a sweet smile at the brunet.
            “That nurse, she really seems to likes you.” Tony observed as he sat down next to Paul’s bed, holding their now sleeping daughter.
            “I noticed. It’s a lost battle, though.” Paul noted. He then turned and grinned at Tony. “My heart belongs to somebody else.” He stated. The little boy in Paul’s arms let out a few babbling sounds, a sign he wanted some attention.
            “You certainly got good timing, don’t you?” Tony smiled at his son.
            “Both of them do, and they’ll have plenty of interesting ‘teachers’ if they decide to follow after us… as long as they don’t make the same mistakes we did.” Paul noted, frowning slightly as he remembered some of the mistakes he made in the past.   Tony nodded, also remembering his past demons.
            “You thought of how we’re going to introduce the world to Daniel and Sarah?” Tony asked, talking about their children.
            “I’ve some ideas already, but I’m not going to let some prat make up things about us and them.” Paul answered softly.
            “What about Clarkson? What’ll we do about him?” Tony remembered, frowning as he mentioned Jeremy. A shadow fell across Paul’s face as he remembered what happened the night before.
            “He knows I can be dangerous when I’m angry. I reminded him of what Ian and I did to Angus.” Paul recalled. A slightly evil smirk appeared on his face. “I can do a whole lot worse to him.” He went on evilly.
            “You’re got quite an evil streak in you, don’t you darling?” Tony chuckled.
            “Only when smug gits are involved, especially when those gits insult my friends and my family.” Paul remarked, looking at Tony.
            “You’re just protective of those you love, angel.” Tony smiled, leaning in for a kiss.
            “Darn right I am.” Paul nodded, then accepted Tony’s silent offer and kissed him on the lips. The kiss was, unfortunately short due to the sound of the door to their room opening to reveal Julian, who peered into the room.
            “Even after giving birth, you still find the time to snog.” Julian smiled in amusement. Ton and Paul pulled apart, looking annoyed but amused as they turned to look at Julian. “You up for some visitors?” Julian asked the two men. Paul and Tony looked at each other before looking back at Julian.
            “Let ‘em in.” Tony replied. The door opened completely as the Sanders, Samantha, Stephanie, Melissa, Christine, Alicia, Ian, Julian, Stephen, Hugh, Emma, Libbi, Josie, and Richard entered the room. Thankfully, the room was quite big enough for the large group. There was a collective “Awww” from most of the women, plus a few men, when they saw the twins.
            “Oh grow up.” Paul rolled his eyes. Libbi pushed past everyone and was the first to reach Paul, giving him a very careful hug.
            “Don’t you EVER scare me like that again, you jerk!” Libbi scolded her older brother.
            “Libbi, I’m fine, but do you mind? I’m kinda holding a baby in my arms here.” Paul sighed. Libbi realized what he was saying was true and pulled away from her brother, blushing softly and whispered “sorry”.
            “Oh my goodness, look at them. Are you sure they’re yours?” Stephen exclaimed, walking over to them, then asked both men.
            “Stephen…” Paul glared.
            “They’re ours.” Tony told his old friend.
            “I never thought I’d see the day. Paul Merton: a father!” Ian remarked, moving next to Libbi and staring at the two babies.
            “Well now you have.” Paul smiled cheekily.
            “How do you feel, Paul?” Janet asked, walking over to the two new parents.
            “Quite a rush, though I don’t think I’ll go through that labour part again!” Paul replied with a grimace. Janet, Stephanie, and Emma, who was walking up to Tony, murmured in agreement, recalling that experience.
            “I’m so proud of you, Tony. You’ve been handling this so well.” Emma told Tony, giving him a small hug.
            “You should’ve seen him the other day when he found me. Poor guy was panicking… not that I blame him.” Ian stated, then noted while making a face as he recalled his own fears when he and Victoria went through parenthood the first time.
            “Right now, I think I’m more in shock than anything.” Tony remarked in honesty.
            “I remember that feeling when Willie was born.” Robert nodded in recollection.
            “Dad…” Will said, embarrassed and not wanting any stories of when he was little to be revealed. Paul chuckled, then noticed that Hugh has an extra arm and leg behind him. After blinking a few times, he realized that it was Julie who was behind Hugh.
            “Oi kid, come over here.” Paul called out to the brunette. Julie stepped away from Hugh and walked up to Paul, tears in her eyes. “Oh no, you’re not going to bawl your eyes out over me nearly dying, are you?” Paul groaned.
            “N-no, they’re of joy. I was- we were so worried about you. A-and when Dr. Addy said that- that there were…” Julie began, rubbing her eyes.
            “What she’s trying to say is ‘We were all scared what we might’ve lost you because of the pregnancy, therefore confirming Melissa’s and her fears” and probably some of our fears, too.” Samantha spoke up for Julie, placing a hand on her best friend’s shoulder.
            “I know I scared you, but it’s not like I had full control over my body and what was going on in it,” Paul frowned, “I was freaked out as well, especially near the end of the whole thing. Now I’ve got a whole lot of respect for you ladies. That pain was worse than when I broke my leg and got Hepatitis.” Paul went on, grimacing in remembrance.
            “It can’t be that bad… can it?” Richard scoffed, then asked nervously. Paul looked at his friend with a stern look.
            “Remember that stone you passed a few years ago?” Paul asked. Richard nodded with a pained look. “Think that amount of pain, but worse.” Paul remarked. Richard paled.
            “R-really?” Richard asked weakly, almost about to faint from that revelation. Paul nodded. “Damn.” Richard grimaced.
            “Alright, moving pass the stone passing, how about telling us what the names of these little angels are?” Alicia asked, pulling up a chair and really wanting to change subjects. Paul shifted in bed, changing his hold on the little boy in his arms.
            “Impatient, are we?” Paul asked. Alicia shot him an annoyed look, making Paul laugh.
            “Well, we both decided that we each name one of the twins. I decided on the name Daniel Stephen for our son.” Tony announced. Stephen stared at his friend in surprise.
            “Tony?” Stephen whispered.
            “After my father, and after my ‘big brother’, the one who helped me when I was lost.” Tony continued, confirming what Stephen was thinking.
            “I think that’s a wonderful honour, and very sweet.” Hugh remarked, taking Stephen’s hand into his.
            “I agree.” Emma nodded, planting a kiss on Tony’s cheek.
            “And the girl?” Will asked.
            “Well, I thought about it for a while, but I decided on Sarah Julia.” Paul replied. Julian and Julie looked at each other in surprise.
            “You named her-?” Samantha began to ask, but stopped. Paul nodded.
            “I’m honouring a promise I made… to a dear friend I lost.” Paul stated, looking wistful for a few seconds.
            “Paul, her middle name…” Julian began to ask.
            “I know, I picked it for two reasons. For you, Julian, one of my best friends, and…,” Paul looked over at Julie, who was walking over to Alicia, “For two young women who are special to Tony and I.” Paul went on. Alicia noticed Paul’s gaze and nudged Julie so she would notice, too.
            “Paul, what did I ever do? I’m not that special.” Julie asked.
            “Alicia, you’ve been like a niece to all of us and the closest I ever had to a daughter for a while. And kid - Julie - you were one of the first people to support my relationship with Tony and the first to congratulate us when we finally hooked up.” Paul explained with a smile. Julie began to blush silently.
            “Paul…” Alicia whispered softly, touched by his kindness.
            “Geez, what am I, chopped liver?” Melissa muttered in annoyance.
            “You’ve been a bit of a pain for everyone, especially last night with your panic attack on the ride over to the hospital.” Samantha told her friend.
            “It was just one-,” Melissa hissed back, then stopped when she realized that someone was missing from their group. She looked around and then noticed her older sister leaving the room silently.
            “Chris?” Melissa whispered and silently left Samantha’s side, leaving the raven haired woman confused.
            Melissa exited the room to find Christine leaning against the wall opposite the door, her back to her sister and her arms over her head, which was touching the wall.
            “Chris, what’re you doing out here? Don’t you even want to see the twins?” Melissa asked, walking up to her sister.
            “How can I face him…?” Christine asked softly. Melissa froze. “How can I face Paul and Tony again?  After all I said the other night and after all you told me?” Christine asked back, her voice cracking from the pain in her heart. Melissa stared at Christine in shock for a few seconds. Christine was almost right in the end; Paul nearly did die from the delivery, but had managed to live in the end. To see him after all she said and the fact that he, plus the babies, were alive must’ve been hard on her. Melissa placed a hand on her sister’s shoulder.
            “Chris, you didn’t know what you said would actually happen. You’ve been upset about dad and…” Melissa began to say, when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. A familiar face from watching TV in the past. She turned to look down the hall to get a better glimpse and frowned. “It can’t be.” She whispered. She then walked away from Christine, still frowning, towards the person - a man - that seemed to strike a chord for her. Not to mention he seemed interested in Paul’s room. Christine pushed away from the wall, wiping tears away, watching her little sister walk away.
            “Excuse me, sir. Are you who I think you are?” Melissa asked, walking up to the man. The man turned to look at Melissa, making the woman let out a soft gasp. It was him.
            “Well, it depends on who you think I am, miss?” The man asked. Melissa’s frown deepened.
            “Snarky as ever, somehow I knew it was you.” Melissa glared.
            “So you know me, don’t you?” The man smirked.
            “I recognized the voice, along with the face. Look, if you’re here for the reason I think you’re here, then you better leave. Paul doesn’t need you here while he’s recovering.” Melissa growled at the man, one hand on her hip, the other pointing accusingly at him.
            “Melissa, what in the world?” Christine asked, walking over while looking confused. Her question would be cut off by a fourth voice joining in.
            “Damn, I forgot the ugly side of-.” Alicia cursed, wiping her shirt with a tissue as she exited the room. She stopped talking when she saw the man Melissa was talking to. A look of anger flashed over her face as she recognized the man. “You!” She hissed angrily, crushing the tissue in her hand.
            “You’ve grown up some, Alicia, but you obviously haven’t changed in manners, haven’t you?” The man said to Alicia, looking bemused. Alicia ignored that comment and stormed over, tossing the tissue into a trash bin she walked by.
            “Get out! If you think you’re gonna come here and bust on Paul and Tony over this, then you got another thing coming, you self-centred, insensitive prick!” Alicia snapped, pissed off.
            “Can someone tell me what’s going on? Who’s this guy and why does Alicia look like she wants to do dangerous and illegal things to his body?” Christine asked, pointing at the man in question.
            “Remember that guy I mentioned that joked about screwing with Caroline, Paul’s first wife? The one who got busted with coke and a prostitute and got in trouble because of it?” Melissa asked her sister. Christine furrowed her brows in remembrance, recalling the conversation from last night. She then looked at the man in realization.
            “Wait… THIS is Angus Deayton?!” Christine gasped, pointing at Angus in disbelief. Melissa nodded, frowning angrily.
            “So why are you here? To gloat? To tease Paul? Well you listen and listen good, Deayton, he is in no condition for an insensitive prick like you to go and ridicule him!” Alicia asked angrily, still quite pissed off.
            “Still angry after all this time, aren’t you?” Angus remarked dryly.
            “You nearly killed the show for shagging a pro and doing coke - TWICE!” Alicia snapped.
            “I’m not here to cause trouble, I just want to see if Paul was alright and if what Clarkson told me was true or not.” Angus replied, holding his hands up to halt Alicia for the moment.
            “Clarkson blabbed?” Melissa asked, her eyes narrowing in angry and annoyance.
            “I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch.” Alicia growled, growing angrier.
            “Hold it. Before there’s any needless bloodshed, how about you let someone here, who doesn’t have a deep, burning desire to neuter Mr. Deayton, talk to him?” Christine asked, stepping forward and being reasonable.
            “Chris, are you insane?” Melissa asked incredulously.
            “No, I just want to hear the truth and you two are certainly making it harder than it already is to get it.” Christine replied. She then turned to face Angus. “So how much do you know about why Paul is here in the first place?” Christine asked the older man, crossing her arms. Angus was momentary floored by Christine’s kindness and didn’t reply until after a few seconds.
            “Like I was saying, Clarkson came to my flat early this morning, blabbing about Paul being brought to the hospital by Ian and four young women, one being you Alicia.” Angus recalled.
            “He should’ve taken Paul’s threat seriously.” Alicia snorted angrily.
            “I hope you can tell me if what he was blabbing about was true. He said-,” Angus hesitated, growing nervous, “Is Paul really, really pregnant with Tony Slattery’s baby?” Angus asked.
            “That’s it, Clarkson’s a dead man.” Melissa stated bluntly.
            “I’ll get Tony, Julian and all who’s got dibs on beating the crap out of him.” Alicia agreed, pointing back to the door.
            “Alicia, I’m surprised at you. I thought you were more mature than that. Melissa, no killing people, even if they do deserve it.” Christine scolded. Melissa glared at her sister while Alicia sighed in annoyance. Melissa then turned back to face Angus.
            “If you tell anyone, ANYONE, about this, I’ll set your dick on fire.” Melissa warned.
            “I’ve heard worse, but I won’t tell anyone. I swear on my children’s lives.” Angus vowed. Melissa looked at Alicia, then at Christine, who gave a nod. She then looked back at Angus.
            “Change one word in that question to past tense and pluralize another, and that’s your answer.” Melissa replied cryptically. It took Angus a few seconds to reorganize his question to fit with Melissa’s comment, then gasped in surprise.
            “Y-you mean- he did? He was really pregnant AND with twins?” Angus asked. He paused, then chuckled in amusement. “Still full of surprises, isn’t he.” He mused.
            “He nearly died, you wanker.” Alicia snapped coldly. Angus paled with this revelation.
            “Is he alright?” Angus asked, sounding concerned.
            “Why do you care?” Alicia asked, still coldly.
            “We may not like each other much, but I still respect him in some ways. I made a mistake back then and it cost me my job, plus nearly killing the show. I don’t want a repeat of something bad happening to Paul. He loves that show as much as Hislop does… as much as I still do. That’s why I care.” Angus retorted. Melissa was surprise by Angus’s revelation while Alicia remained stoic, not showing any emotion towards the man.
            “He’s alright, Mr. Deayton, no thanks to what Clarkson did.” Christine answered. Angus looked at the older woman in confusion.
            “What did he do?” Angus asked the older blonde.
            “You mean he didn’t tell you? He punched Paul across the face, insulted him, accused him of sleeping with Ian, and adding fuel to the fire, he insulted his relationship with not just Tony, but his past relationships with Caroline and Sarah!” Melissa answered crossly. To the three women’s surprise, Angus started to grow angry by this revelation.
            “He… he never said anything about that, the bastard.” Angus growled.
            “You done here? I highly doubt Paul would want to see you now or ever.” Alicia asked callously.

“I figured as much. Don’t tell him I was here. I just wanted to know if he was alright. If there’s a list of those wanting to give Clarkson a severe tongue lashing, I’d like to join in.” Angus nodded, then asked
            “Why?” Christine asked.
            “I may have joked about sleeping with Caroline back when she was still married to Paul, but I know damn well how much Sarah meant to him. I would never insult anyone the way Clarkson did. Even I have some standards.” Angus replied darkly.
            “Surprise you even have them.” Alicia muttered.
            “Look, I’m not here to start up an old fight, I just wanted to see if Paul was alright and if Clarkson was telling the truth… although I’d like to have some words with the latter after talking with you three. Since I’ve done that, I’m out of here.” Angus stated coldly. He then turned away from the three women and began to leave.
            “Wait!” Christine called out. Angus stopped, then turned to Christine. “We won’t tell anyone about this. Right?” Christine promised, then asked Alicia and Melissa.
            “Right.” Alicia agreed in annoyance.
            “No one will know.” Melissa vowed. Angus smiled softly at them, relieved over their promise.
            “Thank you.” Angus thanked. And with that, he left.
            “Chris, what the hell was that for?” Melissa asked her older sister as soon as Angus was gone.
            “Paul doesn’t need to know he was here, you said so yourself. I was just confirming our word to him.” Christine replied plainly.
            “But you don’t know if he’s gonna blab this to the nearest-!” Alicia began to state.
            “He wouldn’t. He knows what it’s like to be exploited in the news for something big. I don’t think he’d do the same to Paul.” Christine cut her off.
            “Chris, are you insane?!” Melissa was flabbergasted.
            “You heard what he said. He doesn’t want this to turn into another scandal that could hurt the show, like with what happened to him.” Christine explained. She then turned to return to Paul’s room. “He may not be the same Angus you remember last time you saw him, but even if he is, he wouldn’t do that. Now if you two’ll excuse me, there’s a man in this room I have to apologise to.” Christine went on as she walked to the door and enters it. Melissa and Alicia looked at each other in amazement.
            “….What just happen?” Alicia asked after a moment.
            “I think we just got owned by my big sister.” Melissa replied as she and Alicia walked to the door to re-enter the room.
            Back inside the room, Libbi was holding Sarah while Paul held Daniel. Everyone was still commenting on the babies and the chaos that occurred the other day.
            “You know, I think those two are going to be lots of trouble.” Ian remarked in observation.
            “Why do you say that? Because they’re twins?” Janet asked.
            “With their combined DNA?” Ian noted, pointing to Tony and Paul. Paul and Tony just glared at him in response.
            “Tony’s dirty mind and Paul’s quick deadpan wit? Oh yeah, they’re gonna be trouble.” Richard commented with a smirk. Melissa let out a giggle, then noticed that Christine was standing near the door, a look of fear and nervousness on her face. So much for that bravery she displayed earlier, thought Melissa. Alicia, on the other hand, smiled and walked up to Paul and Tony.
            “You plan on teaching them the tools of the trade?” Alicia asked curiously.
            “Only if they’re interested in it.” Tony replied. Paul nodded in silent agreement, then noticed Christine standing far back in the room.
            “You’ve been quiet, Christine.” Paul remarked plainly. Melissa then gave her big sister a soft shove forward, urging her towards the two men.
            “S-so, you are the babies are going to be ok, huh?” Christine asked, growing nervous with each step.
            “So far so good. Doesn’t seem to be any permanent problems yet.” Paul replied bluntly. Christine winced from his tone, he was still angry over her actions from the other day.
            “She’s cool now, Paul. Stephen read her the right act while you were having the twins.” Melissa stated, walking up until she stood next to Christine. She then turned to face her. “Apparently, she said those things mostly due to her prior experiences as a nurse and having dealt with C-sections.” She explained, staring seriously at her older sister.
            “Caesareans t-tend to be quite risky, even for healthy women. A-a man just isn’t built for this experience. I- that was what I was trying to say, but..,” Christine sighed, “I let my stupidity and ignorance, plus my sadness over dad’s sickness, get the best of me. I know apologising isn’t enough to condone for my actions, but I am truly sorry for what I’ve said to you two, my sister, and her friends.” Christine apologized, bowing slightly.
            “Christine…” Samantha whispered in shock.
            “What did you say to her?” Hugh whispered to Stephen.
            “A lot. Mostly about her actions, what Paul and Tony have been through, how much of a blonde twit she was being…” Stephen replied, recalling what he said.
            “Looks like it worked.” Emma remarked softly. Tony and Paul, meanwhile, looked at each other silently. Paul gave a short nod to Tony, who gently took Daniel from him.
            “Christine, come over here. I want you to meet someone.” Paul gestured at the older blonde. Christine made her way over, hesitantly at first.
            “This is our son, Daniel.” Tony introduced, referring to the baby in his arms.
            “Oh my Lord… he… he’s really your-?” Christine asked softly in awe.
            “He is. Libbi’s holding our daughter, Sarah.” Paul nodded.
            “You want to hold one of them?” Tony asked calmly. Christine looked at him, then at Paul, in shock.
            “W-what? R-really? After all I said the other day?” Christine gasped nervously.
            “We’re still a bit angry at you for what you said, but you obviously are feeling remorseful, correct?” Tony replied. Christine nodded slowly, but still didn’t reply.
            “What, don’t you remember how to hold a baby? And you call yourself a nurse.” Paul asked, partially joking and partially annoyed.
            “I-It’s not that. It’s just-,” Christine stated to protest, then sighed in defeat. “I know how to hold a baby.” Tony then handed Daniel to Christine, who held him almost expertly. She stared down at the little child in her arms, his dark blue eyes looking up at her curiously.
            That was when Christine remembered something from long ago. Something she had forgotten for a long time. The first time she held a baby…

Many years ago…
            “Mommy, who is that?” A four year old Christine asked, pointing to the newborn in the woman’s arms. The woman was Alexandra, Christine and Melissa’s mother, a beautiful woman with sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes that were shinning with joy and life.
            “This is your baby sister Melissa, sweetie.” Alexandra smiled at her daughter.
            “Baby… sister?” Christine echoed softly. Lennie chuckled, patting Christine’s head.
            “You’re a big sister now, pumpkin. That means you got responsibilities now. You have to protect, care, and love your little sister, and teach and help her when she needs you. Think you can do that?” Lennie explained. Christine thought about it, then stared at her mother and the baby she was holding. She then smiled.
            “I’ll be the best big sister ever!” Christine boasted proudly. Lennie and Alexandra laughed softly. As soon as their laughing subsided, Alexandra then got an idea.
            “Christy, would you like to hold her?” Alexandra asked. Christine looked worried.
            “Can I? W-what if I break her?” Christine asked, nervously. Lennie picked up Christine and placed her on the bed next to Alexandra.
            “We’ll show you how to hold her, pumpkin” Lennie told her. Alexandra handed Melissa to Lennie, who then helped Christine get a proper holding on the baby. Christine stared down at baby Melissa in amazement. Melissa blinked several times, staring up at Christine in confusion.
            “She’s so… tiny!” Christine remarked.
            “All babies are small, honey.” Alexandra told her daughter.
            “Oh.” Christine nodded. “Hi, ‘Lissa, I’m Christy and I’m your big sister.” Christine introduced herself, a big smile on her face. Baby Melissa cooed softly and raised her hands up at Christine, making the older girl laugh softly.

Present day…
            “Chris, you ok? Why are you crying?” Melissa asked Christine. Christine did have a few tears in her eyes.
            “Just… just remembering mama and when you were this small.” Christine replied softly. Melissa said nothing but placed an arm around her sister’s waste, giving her a small hug.
            “I think that talk worked, darling.” Hugh told Stephen, who smiled in relief.
            Paul, meanwhile, then noticed that there was still one last thing to take care of. He looked over at Julie, who was watching Libbi coo over Sarah.
            “You want to hold her?” Paul asked Julie, starling her. Julie spun to face Paul.
            “W-what? I- No, I- I’m not- I don’t know how-.” Julie sputtered out in shock.
            “And you think I’m an expert? I’ve been a parent for only a few hours, so sit down.” Paul retorted, then pulled Julie over and onto the bed, making her sit down. “We’re going to fix those fears of yours once and for all. Libbi, do you mind giving me a hand?” Paul stated, then asked his sister. Libbi nodded, then began to help a nervous Julie hold Sarah, showing her the proper way of holding a baby. After a few seconds, Libbi stepped away, allowing Julie to finally get a chance to look at Sarah for the first time. Sarah just blinked and stared up at the young woman.
            “Oh… wow, Paul, she’s… she’s beautiful.” Julie said softly.
            “I know. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? One year ago, she and Daniel weren’t even a thought. And now…,” Paul chuckled, stroking Sarah’s head.
            “Here they are.” Tony finished, watching Christine hand Daniel to Ian.
            “So, has it sunken in yet? That you two are parents?” Ian questioned, turning to face the new parents.
            “Well, I’m already feeling like one, since I had my first experience with feeding them.” Tony replied, making a face as he recalled that moment.
            “I think it got real when I first held them. That moment,” Paul sighed, smiling, “I knew it was real.” Paul went on.
            “This is incredible! First Ethan and Lea, now Daniel and Sarah. Man, I can’t wait to have my own!” Melissa gushed enthusiastically. Julie, Will, Alicia, and Samantha exchanged looks of dread.
            “Don’t even star, Melissa.” Christine warned her little sister, being quite protective of her sister’s dignity. Josie then shot Richard a flirty look, making him pale.
            “Josie, don’t you dare. We just got together!” Richard said nervously.
            “Well Tony and Paul got together earlier than you and they’re parents now.” Alicia pointed out, smiling innocently.
            “Oh Rich-hard.” Josie called playfully.
            “My advice? Run!” Hugh whispered to Richard.
            “Right!” Richard agreed, then turned and ran out of the room. Josie chased after him, hot on his tracks.
            “Richard, get your arse back here!” Josie screamed from the hallway. Laughter, giggles and grins erupted from the group. Emma then turned to Hugh and Stephen.
            “Well?” She asked curiously.
            “Well what?” Hugh asked back.
            “What about you and Stephen? You want one for both of you?” Emma asked, referring to having a child. Stephen coughed loudly.
            “Emma, I already have children!” Hugh exclaimed, his voice going up a pitch.
            “Yes, but not with Stephen.” Tony noted.
            “I agree, you two would create one amazing kid.” Libbi put in.
            “Totally! Stephen’s brains and charm combined with Hugh’s looks and music talent and you’d get one hell of a kid!” Melissa agreed. Stephen and Hugh blushed, the former sputtering out unintelligible words while Hugh kept silent.
            “I think you broke them.” Ian observed while several people, including Paul and Tony, laughed at their reactions.
            “Wouldn’t be the first time.” Tony remarked as Christine handed Daniel back to him.
            “Paul? Tony?” Julie asked softly, still looking down at Sarah.
            “Yeah, kid?” Paul asked back.
            “Your kids are going to have a great life. With all the laughter and love around here, I mean.” Julie replied with a warm smile. Paul smiled back and ruffled the young brunette’s hair, making her giggle.
            “Thanks Julie.” Paul said honestly.

All that is left is the Epilogue, which will be the end of my series. I may or may not write more Whose Line fics. Maybe some one shots or maybe work on one or two of the series that I've been thinking of writing. I have at least one or two long fics rolling around in my mind. It all depends on what the future holds.

whose line fanfic but seriously, tony slattery, hugh laurie, josie lawrence, julian clary, paul merton, stephen fry, richard vranch, ian hislop

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