So another award show has come and gone.
Still wondering what's Taylor Swift's appeal? She totally screwed up her duet with Stevie Nicks and, seriously, is this just sympathy awards after Kanye's interuption thing?
Pink, you're a good singer, but seriously, what's with that aerial performance? Lady Gaga's pretty cool, and that duet with Elton John was pretty cool, too, but I'm still a bit put off after that VMA performance of hers where she pretended to slit her throat and hung herself... Yeah.
The MJ tribute and Bon Jovi singing where the only two music things I enjoyed. I'm a Bon Jovi fan and actually did "It's My Life" for one of my High School talent shows, so I enjoyed that performance, especially them doing "Living on a Prayer" and "Who Says you can't go home".
As for the MJ tribute, I got a bit teary eyed while watching it. Celine, Carrie, and Jennifer were really good. Smokey was just awesome. Usher? Stop trying to be the next MJ, you'll never be him.
Prince and Paris were beautiful, I digged their outfits, especially their pants with the red stripe on the side (nice callback to Bad). My dad doesn't think they're MJ's kids, though, due to them being white. I just said that they are and went back to watching. Prince does sound a bit like Michael, but a bit deeper. Paris, I dig your glasses, girl, and you are very pretty. Michael would be so proud of his kids. Also cool to see 3T with them on stage. Sticking by their cousins.
I also watched This Is It with my parents on Saturday, btw.
My mom loved it. She commented many times over how incredible Michael was and how better he was than the other dancers. She was equally surprised by Michael actually singing the songs. Even my brother was surprised when he came up during Black Or White. Dad was impressed, but wasn't completely paying attention to it (he was playing on his laptop and making dinner)
Afterwards, we (mostly me and my brother) talked a bit about Michael - from the trials to Prince and Paris accepting the Lifetime Achievement award and we all agreed that Joe Jackson sucks.
Mom did make a comment about Michael having all sorts of surgery on his face, but redemed herself on her comments on his dancing and how he moved.
So, yeah, a somewhat cool weekend. And a pic to make it relevant.