Projects, projects, projects

Mar 02, 2008 21:12

Been busy with school work and home stuff.

First, I'm working on one research paper for the Art in the 50's class. Then there are the writing works for my creative writing class. And there is the paper for my digital class. As for theatre, I've got a play to see next week and work on reviewing a monologue for my class.

As for home projects, I'm currently working on my first real animation project. It involves the Super Mario series, the Sakura Wars OVA intro, and a fanfic I'm working on. And it's gonig to be hard work, but I can work on it on and off when I've got free time.

Also, I am planning on posting my longer and most time working on Whose Line fanfic. It was the first one I started and finished, right around the time I did my Midsummer Nightmare fic. This one has a lot more meat to it, plus it is the one I am aiming to finish typing and re-editing.

whose line home school

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