Star Trek Music video - Truly Madly Deeply - Kirk/Spock

Feb 06, 2008 11:59

The other week I posted a new Music video i created. My first Star Trek Music video to be exact.

And it's a Kirk/Spock slash music video, too. it is done to "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden.

View it here: Youtube link

And now for my analysis of what the hell i did and reasons I picked certain scenes for the lyrics:

I used Final Cut Pro instead of my usual Adobe premire. I did it because it made the vid caping more easier since I have all of TOS and the movies on my computer.

Video details:

The intro: This is my standard video intro that I've been using for my more recent videos. The song used is the ending theme from "The raccoons" - "Run with Us".

The video starts:

Instramental beginning.
This was one of those scenes that I fell in love with. The way they talk is so casual. also, I've seen a few MV makers use this scene for the beginning of their videos. The little glitch happened due to me pulling the clip directly from the episode.

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy.
Oh god, the Enemy Within - The shot of Spock walking in and Kirk walking up, COMPLETLY shirtless - happen at different times in the scene. Even so, this is one of the examples I use to signify the Kirk-Spock relationship.

I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need.
Once again, same episode, same scene, different times.

I love you more with every breath
Truly madly deeply do..
Two different episodes, I know, but I got this idea from gin1119's "Hallelugiah" music video. The spock scene is from "Charlie X" while the Smiling Kirk is from "Errand of Mercy".

I will be strong I will be faithful
'Cos I'm counting on
Amok Time - scene used because Kirk promises to help Spock get back to Vulcan. Also, it was hard to pick a scene for it.

A new beginning.
Where No Man has gone before ending shot is PERFECT for this part.

A reason for living.
Random Miri shot of them looking at each other.

A deeper meaning.
"The empath" - Just a cute shot and symbolizes a scene that seems to have a deeper meaning.

I want to stand with you on a mountain.
"A private little War" - A case of finding a scene that matched the lyrics

I want to bathe with you in the sea.
First shot I used from the movies - "The Voyage home" - Kirk and Spock walking in San Fran. by the Golden Gate Bridge.

I want to lay like this forever.
"Paradise Syndrome" - Another scene that matched the lyric. Sorry for the glitch, here, too.

Until the sky falls down on me...
Same ep - not too proud of this scene, but the sky IS falling during this scene in a sense...

And when the stars are shining brightly
In the velvet sky,
Just a shot of the stars from the ending of "The Wrath of Khan".

I'll make a wish
Send it to heaven
Then make you want to cry..
Same movie - Kirk being all sad that Spock is gone. And it makes you want to cry to think that he (and the audience) may never see Spock again (well, until we learn about the 3rd movie ^_~)

The tears of joy
For all the pleasure and the certainty.
"The motion Picture" - the "Spock?" scene. Not really a good choice, but It seemed to fit at the time.

That we're surrounded
By the comfort and protection of..
The infamous sickbay-handhold scene from the same movie. When I was first listening to the music, I instantly thought of this scene to use.

The highest power.
Amok time - Spock and T'pau

In lonely hours.
The naked time - Spock's breakdown scene which leads to...

The tears devour you..
Spock crying. *goes over and hugs him*

I want to stand with you on a mountain,
Bread and Circus beamdown scene. Did't have any other scene to use.

I want to bathe with you in the sea.
Splashyness from "TVH"

I want to lay like this forever,
"the enemy within" - Good Kirk laying down

Until the sky falls down on me...
"Paradise syndrome" - random shot during the "saving the planet" scene

Oh can't you see it baby?
"Galieo 7" - Kirk casually puting an arm around Spock. It just fit.

You don't have to close your eyes
"Operation -- Annihilate" - lyrics fit scene

'Cos it's standing right before you.
"And the Children..." Spock calming Kirk down

All that you need will surely come...
The "Turbolift Scene" from the same episode.  Inserted the audio of Spock saying "Jim" to add to the effect of the scene.
Transitions to "the Changling" and the Kirk "cuddling" Spock after mind meld with Nomad"

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy.
"TWOK" - a bit of a role reversal to the first scene with this lyrics - Kirk 'enters' and talks with Spock.

I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need.
Spock's deathscene and Kirk being devistated.  Which leads to...

I'll love you more with every breath
Truly madly deeply do...
"The Search for Spock" - "Don't you remember?" Spock walks up to Kirk, Kirk looks worried...

I stopped the music just for these few words:
"Jim.  You're name... is Jim."
And restarted it with:
I want to stand with you on a mountain. 
Kirk smiles (which I LOVED!) as Spock

I want to bathe with you in the sea. 
"TVH" - Kirk nearly shits a brick on seeing Spock Swimming with the Whales ^_^

I want to lay like this forever. 
"The undiscovered country" - Kirk walking in on Spock in meditation.

Until the sky falls down on me... 
"TSFS" - Genesis is going to shit, and all Kirk cares about is saving Spock.

I want to stand with you on a mountain. 
"TVH" one of my favorite shots that actually inspired me to do this video (even making an icon for this scene)

I want to bathe with you in the sea. 
same movie - Kirk and Spock, together, fall into the ocean in celebration

I want to live like this forever. 
"The Final frontier" - Brig scene - Spock helping Kirk stand.

Until the sky falls down on me...
"TSFS" - Planet going nova and Kirk won't leave without Spock.

Last scenes:
Amok time - "JIM!!" (the scene that made me a K/S slasher
"Corbomite Maneuver" - Just a cute little scene.
"Return of the Archeons" - ending scene
"Errand of mercy" - men in tights ^^
"Devil in the Dark" - the "PAIN!" stumble.
"TFF" - "Please captain, not in front of the Klingons." Almost hug ^^
"TVH" - More of their walk by the bay.
"TWOK" - Spock looking up to see Kirk
"TFF" - The gravity boots-elevator shaft scene
"TUC" - How many slashers who saw this scene thought they did almost kiss ^_~
"TFF" - continuation of the last scene from the movie used
"TVH" - the boys exchanging looks
"And the Children..." More of the "Turbolit-hug" scene which fades to...
"TUC" - continuation of the last scene from the movie used

This whole damn thing took me over a week to do and I am damn proud of how it turned out!

star trek music video

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