I haven't been updating for quite some time orz There are a lot of birthday greetings I haven't sent out and comments I haven't replied to as well T___T I feel like a fandom newbie all over again orz orz orz
I haven't been doing anything fandom-related for a few months already, so I'd like to break that silence? by asking for help in betaing? (Yes this means I've been writinggggg;;;;) Since, as some of you might know, the
byakushou comm is holding a
fic/art contest :D I'm working on 3 fics (well actually, just two, since one's finished already; one's 95% done; one's 50% done) so I'll probably need help clean up those three fics :D
If any of you are interested, please let me know? :D :D :D
Yes, I do have my usual betas, but I'm not sure if they're free between now and first week of October? orz