"At least say something funny, bitch."
- Spice (Bye, Bye Sugar 🍭🍭🍭 Oops, I meant 🚨🚨🚨 SPOILERS 🚨🚨🚨)
Before we get into the gig...
Over the weekend I found out that Elizabeth might be needing surgery soon. I'm kinda worried cuz I watch entirely too much Grey's Anatomy as of late.
As we were sitting there, the conversation swung to addiction and our mom (her mom) was talking about her family's struggles with alcohol and she kinda roped me into it. I was like: "Whoa, I've never had a problem with alcohol. I always knew where it was." Ya know, kinda joking it off at first. We were on an entirely different discussion when I realized that I was bothered by the very idea that someone would think I, of all people, have ever been an addict. I drank A LOT for shit reasons and depression reasons, never addiction reasons. I wasn't one of those "I can quit whenever I want" people. (Mostly because nobody ever asked me about my alcohol consumption outside of the people drinking with me and those people were mostly asking if we could get more. Man, I used to get mad snippy when people would describe me as an ex party girl, but re-reading that sentence has me like 👀👀👀 *laughs*) I just stopped. I go to therapy to keep my personalities in check. Shit, I was already not drinking when I stepped through those doors. Never have I ever spent a session discussing alcohol cuz I never had a problem with it and that's just the truth. Now I'm a social drinker like a normal person. Them 365s we're running my ass into the ground honestly. She apologized and you know what? Now that I've had time to think on it, I'm pretty sure a lot of people thought my ass was an alcoholic. From an outside perspective, people see someone who drinks a lot and think "Alcoholic", but that's just based on surface knowledge. Not on knowledge of the person themselves and I can't speak for others. I can only speak for myself when I say there was no struggle for me. Were that the case, I would have gone to rehab instead of paying for Player 456 (Which turned out to be a huge waste of money, but that's neither here nor there) My struggles start and stop with my depression dragon and I've learned better ways of keeping her quiet… The majority of which were implemented before I started therapy.
And now…
Imma start with the end of this episode then swing back to Snatch Game. Cool? *looks around* Cool.
Here's the thing: I'm so glad they didn't spend the entire season on Sugar and Spice. We all knew there would be a lipsync between the pair and I can only speak for myself when I say I'm glad they went ahead and got it out of the way. The first time Sugar fell she was able to cover it. The second time, I was like: "Welp, she's going home." The funny part is, it looked like a choreographed routine. My problem was it wasn't Denali season 13 "100% Pure Love" choreography. It was a hot mess. I laughed alot, but yeah, it was super duper uber very sloppy.
Ya know, I think I've said this before, but drag race has become entirely too mainstream. All these queens have spent coin and MTV isn't really busting their asses to make sure we know much about them and the ones they do highlight, it's for a fraction of a second. Second, Mistress had her Instagram suspended due to bullying so I told Mo we had to watch Untucked this week so I could see what was so bad. I wasted $3 on that mess! I was livid! What the hell, people?! That was some lukewarm tea that I could have gotten from a review or something. All they were doing was debating over the ranking for the top 3. Shit, I agreed with Mistress. She was 2nd. Marcia 3x's was 3rd. Still in the top, yes, but still, 3rd. (Her Tim Gunn was great, but Mistress' Rosie O'Donnell/Abbie Lee Miller was MINT. That's just a fact) Nothing to do racist shit and/or getting her account snatched up over. That's dumb as shit. I'm sorry, it just is (Mind you, this is the same Mistress who welcomed both Sugar and Spice into her drag family. Like dude, y'all are definitely doing too much.
Speaking of reviews, I love me some Bianca, cows knows I do, but I prefer Bob or Monet (With a dash of Trixie) doing the Pit Stop. Her humor just feels… I dunno. It feels perfect for hosting gigs or something. That's to me tho'. The majority of the world probably doesn't mind. I hope one of her episodes is with Bob. I would love the shit outta that.
Okay, so let's back up in the episode.
Every season I am reminded that there are parents who still don't/won't accept their LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ children. It's heartbreaking to understand that this mindset still lives on in 2023. Like damn, you're not perfect so why are you expecting perfection from your children? That's so hypocritical.
With how they carve these episodes up now, I had to drag my memory for this week's fits and fashions. "Beautiful Nightmare". They're supposed to be cute yet freaky. That's what I got outta it.
Oh! Before I get started, Jaxx was great as the Mona Lisa even though I'm still miffed at how she treated Sugar last week. Also, I'm kinda baffled as to why so many of the queens chose spiders for the theme. Like, why? Well, I guess some people find spiders beautiful. Definitely not Mo, but somebody 😂😂😂
^Queen (I love the movement of this. There's just something about ostrich feathers)
Snatch Game: This was missing A LOT. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't the best thing ever either
^Goddess (Y'all sleeping on Luxx in these streets. This is next level. My only complaint is that the tights didn't match)
Snatch Game: Her Amanda Lepore was a'ight. It wasn't anything to write home about but it was cute. (The fact that she and Trinity went back and forth on Twitter over Snatch Game was pretty hilarious)
^Queen (Over on ye ol Fashion Photo Review,
Soooooooo Sugar was Trisha Peytos and Spice was Miley Cyrus through two separate eras. Trisha was so honored that she did a photoshoot with Sugar. Imma need to hear Miley's opinion cuz that was gah-awful. Both of them deserved their bottom placements.
^Queen (OMC... Give Sasha the crown already! 😭😭😭)
Snatch Game: Um, who the heck was Sasha? Lemme go look cuz I swear they barely cut to her
Snatch Game: Not only was Amethyst not in the bottom FINALLY, her tanned mom was funny... Sorta. Imma be honest here: This Snatch Game was lacking and I feel like not only was it because it was carved up like a holiday ham, it was also too early in the season. There. I said it. There were entirely too many queens for this shit
^Queen (I will forever believe that this gown saves her from the bottom cuz this... This is what dreams are made of... And her presentation... Everything was right!)
Snatch Game: What was that? What was going on? If you don't know, I don't know
^GODDESS (Just for the Jason Voorhees reference alone. OMC... I audibly gasped when she walked out)
Snatch Game: This. This is how you win Snatch Game. Her Joan Rivers was hilarious and she was good at volleying with the other queens. I laughed the most with her. *** Cut to war flashbacks 🚁🚁🚁 of season 14's Snatch Game*** Jimbo did a really, really good Snatch Game on Canada's Drag Race, but Loosey's had a lil something, something extra.
Oh! Last week I didn't talk about how great Loosey's Dolly Parton was as God. I thought Sonique had the reigns when it came to Dolly, but in comes Loosey, proving me wrong
Welp, I already spoiled who goes home soooooooo...
Bye Bye Sugar 🍭🍭🍭
PS: I get to start back giving plasma today! *sighs* As much as my arm probably needed the break, I really, really missed having another card to use in case of emergencies or whatever. That card really, really came in handy when I went on vacation and Hallowmas time. Just saying. I've gotta start at the $30 tier tho' and I hate that shit, but Imma do it... Just 3x's 'til I can be back making real $$$