Positive Points Number 99... (And some other little snippets)

Dec 11, 2022 06:43

My positive point from today comes from *points* that.
A randomly hypocritical act. For context, last night, I was scrolling on Facebook. I don’t scroll often as of late cuz it’s hard seeing all those posts about Cin’Que every time I open my feed. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that this even happened so yeah, my avoidance game is top tier right now. Anywho, in the “People You May Know” section, there’s this dude I know for a fact I don’t know, but mentally, my brain was like: “Yes you do.” I have a strict “Follow your instincts” mentality as of late so I clicked the profile. No mutual friends, not one. Now I’m really confused. Why was I supposed to be there? I friended him just for the experience points then, feeling bold, I inboxed him. After this random act, I went on with my evening. (Mo and I spent the day shopping/talking’walking around doing Christmas related activities so by the time I got home, my thoughts were passing out. While we were at Five Below, I stood by during an adorable conversation between a mother and her teens about shirts. The kids were trying to get her to buy different ones because they were trying to quote “Bring her into the 21st Century” but one of them was like: “But they’re anime, I dunno how you would feel about that.” The mom goes: “Annie Mae? Who’s that?” The other kid goes: “Anime!” As the other ones goes: “Mom, we’re trying bring you into the 21st century.” She goes: “What do you mean? The only Annie Mae I know is Tina Turner.” One goes: “Yes, that’s exactly what we mean, Tina Turner.” The other goes: “Please stop talking.” I almost inhaled my lung, I was laughing so hard!)
Cut to an hour later, he not only friends me back, he inboxes me too! We talked about everything but our lives for damn near 3hrs! I told him we’re friends now, I’ve decided but I also told him if we never speak again, just know that I believe there was a reason why we connected and I enjoyed the conversation… Which led into him asking if I wanted his number.

^See? He swing by to check out my library... And then...

The second he said he liked Jimin, I just could not shut up...

^We discussed BTS! OMC *squeals in fan girl*
This shit got weirder and weirder by the second and the longer it went on, the more I became convinced that the universe pushed me because I needed the pick me up. Ya know, even if last night was yet another flash in time, (I have them quite often oddly enough ***I’m Yvie Oddly and oddly enough 💚💚💚***) I really did appreciate the push to do so. It was my first time inboxing a profile. I most certainly won’t do it ever again, (I think… Shit, who knows?) but yeah, it was a positive. Oh! Oh! The irony of this interaction was the fact that my block list is so long because of exactly what I did. Which is why I referred to it as a hypocritical act. *shrugs* And ya know, as much as I hate hypocritical things, I would do this again if I had the chance, just for the experience points. Towards the end, I realized what it was: He’s a Gemini. It’s weird how we all seem to find each other, even in a crowd of millions on Facebook.
Before I go, I have some Zyi’ news…
He gave a homeless man $20 this week. I was stunned! I would never. *sobs in poverty*
Also, while we were walking to the store the other day, he found one of those large candy canes full of Reese’s Cups that you can get from Wal-Mart. I couldn’t believe it! I told them to warn me if they decide to try the murder candy so I can have 911 on lock. This was after telling them we could try it, that way we would all die together. Mo was like: “I’m not doing that. If y’all die, I’m going to Elizabeth’s.” Ya know, as hilarious as this was, I’m glad they love Elizabeth so much. I was smart in choosing them another parent. I know people think it’s weird that I decided I wanted the kids to have three parents, but It’s cool cuz I don’t care
PS: Update…
Zyi' ate the death candy while Mo and I were at work yesterday. He's still alive and hasn't spent every second on the toilet so I'm seeing this as a win.
PS2: Three days in and I'm still talking to Eddie so apparently we're buds for reals. This is so weird 😂😂😂
PS2: Eddie and I are supposed to be doing a Hallowmas type Secret Santa thing that I'm calling the Gemini Bowl. Our gifts hafta be Gemini themed. I've already picked his... I told him if he backs out, I'll Liam Nissen that shit outta him, but he swears he's in

kids, new people, positive points, frustration

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