"If we succeed in the words that we've promised, everybody is dead..."
- Yoongi (Run BTS)
(Started on 7/2/2022) Bruh, today's positive point is so epically random that I wouldn't believe it happened if it wasn't happening to me. So, here's the thing: I was supposed to see Caleb today but he forgot it was today. (We're supposed to be watching Umbrella Academy together) I'm good with it tho' cuz I am crazy tired. (Work was gah-awful) Honestly, when he told me he forgot, I almost applauded my phone. Anyway, it's hot as hell outside but I was gonna walk anyway. Sharetta rolled up on me like the popo and was like: "Get in this car!" before I could get to the store. As I was walking through my local Food Lion, a part of me wished that I could get a drink cuz today was just 😭😭😭
Food Lion's selection is shitty tho' and I'm not an alcoholic so I figured doing without it wouldn't be so bad. Before I checked out, I sent for an Uber. He was really cool and told me he would take me to the liquor store at no charge since he was wanting to go anyway. We had a nice conversation about working out/losing weight. It was nice. I'm glad too cuz after the day I just had, I appreciated the pick me up (Caleb just texted me. We're gonna reschedule. Yay! 😌😌😌)
I'm so tired my thoughts are passing out.
Hoseok's music video for "More" dropped yesterday.
^It's already a hit all over the world. Ugh, it's so good! I gave it a few listens last night to be sure and yup, I love it!
I like that it feels darker than the upbeat peppy stuff that he puts out with BTS. There's an edge to it. He even mentions the Grammys! (Scamming artists since before you or I were thought of) It kinda reminds me of the old days of Linkin Park. (RIP Chester Bennington) It's the vibe honestly.
That's not even why I started this entry tho'. I started it because of Proof, BTS' latest album. There's a song on there…
Just for my husband's "Run beautiful… Run beautiful…" At the very end. Oh and this line: "If we live fast, let us die young…" There's just something about this track that draws me to it. Even more than "Yet To Come". Sucks they're not gonna shoot a video for this cuz I would love to see the concept they came up with. Truthfully, some of my favorite BTS tracks don't have videos. This one tho', it actually hurts that it doesn't 😭😭😭
*sighs* Did I mention that I miss BTS already? Cuz I do…
PS: Caleb forgetting about Saturday inspired me to ask him if he meant it when he suggested us being in an open relationship cuz due to where I am in life, I wanna do it, but if it was just some drunk talk, I would prefer to know. I used to be the relationship jump off point for dudes because I wouldn't speak up for my wants/needs and I won't go back to that. If we're not on the same page, I'm good. I just need to know so that I can go looking for a book of my own
Will it sting a tad? Yup. Cuz he's texting me right now and I'm scared to click that shit 😂😂😂 Okay… Shinigami, you're either in an open relationship or you're looking for something like that… Why can't I find a man/woman/vegetable/mineral/animal who really wants to be in an open relationship?! 😩😩😩
Okay… No. Best to rip the band-aid off. In 3… 2… Ugh. I figured as much. Drunk talk. This is why I hate having conversations while drinking. I'll remember it later and more times than not, the other person won't. (For reals tho', it does make me side eye some of our other drunk interactions, but that's just the cynic in me) Story of my life 😭😭😭
Welp, instead of unpacking a feelings box, I think it's time I take the blueprint that I've mapped out over the last year and find what deserves me and no, I'm not saying Caleb doesn't deserve me. I'm saying us as friends still doesn't bother me, I'm just ready for something real. I have enough friends. I kinda want something that's for me, but isn't attached to me. I want it to have a life of its own. My presence is a bonus, not an need, ya know?