"Yessssss!!!! I'll always be right here for youuuuuuuu!!!!! You are so fucking dope!!!!! That's my sister!!!!!"
- Leisha (My sister is better than yours. I said what I said. Fight me)
Guess who’s black in the house? BAM!
I would just type this out tomorrow ( It's 4/14/2021) but I want to make sure what happened is written about today. *clears throate* dramatically* As of 47mins ago, Z-Quips Emporium is officially live! *applause* *confetti* *glitter* I did the step by step process with Ol’ Whathisface so he got to see when the paperwork was signed. (I had to literally sign my name. Not just internet type. So official) Tomorrow Imma screenshot our conversation so that I’ll have a more accurate account.
Oh, the shop needed a logo so I yesterday I came up with a logo for Z-Quips Emporium
I just wanted to take a moment before I retire for the evening to say I’m proud of myself. I mean, this year hasn’t exactly been the kindest, but no matter what has happened, I still kept going. I need it to be known that struggling through manic depression WHILE building a store from the ground up is not easy but I did that shit. I didn’t allow myself the option to fail. Were there days when nobody from casa de mentality didn’t want to deal with it? Yes. Did we stand up the next day? Fuck yeah!
Since I mentioned casa de mentality, SA finished Part 2 on AOC Tuesday afternoon (Stupid LYFT had me standing outside for almost a full hour but instead of getting mad like we normally would've, SA used that time wisely) and finished up the editing today. Editing allowed me to rework not only my view on the mourning process, it allowed him to research, and in turn, learn more about who wrote them out in the first place. I mean, people are always saying there are 5 stages of grief but did you know that someone literally jotted them down in 1969? *shrugs* I didn’t.
I think I’ve earned a slice of celebratory cake…
*sighs* Tomorrow.
I’m too exhausted to chew. I think.
I’ll let you know tomorrow.
PS: I totally ate that piece of cake. I earned it *laughs* Or at least, that's how I explained it to my calorie count
PS2: Yup, I really had to draw my name...
PS3: I made my first sell in 1hr after opening...
It was my sister but it didn't make my smile any less broader