"I don't believe in fairy tales."
- Freddy Krueger
"You'll float too."
- Georgie (Not really. Pennywise was pulling the strings by this point)
"We all float down here."
- Pennywise
"Oh yes... There will be blood."
- Jigsaw
(^Some of my favorite horror movie quotes)
*clears throat dramatically*
I have so many entries I could crank out today
*** I could talk about how impressed I was that me dropping off the face of the planet prompted both Wyman and Damian to do detective work to find me
*** I could talk about how Erica was still unpacking her feelings box about me yesterday and was trying to drag Sherry into it saying I didn't wanna meet Dimitri cuz I told her Sherry told me not to even tho' I know that's not true. I almost took the bait and was in full screenshot mode when I kinda just shrugged and apologized for what she thought she heard because that's the thing about the truth: We all twist words in our heads from time to time. I can honestly say it has happened to me before. I can only apologize for my part in what she believes was said. Like I've been learning in therapy: Once someone perceives themself as correct, it becomes their truth and it is hard to separate someone from their truth so... Nope... As I've said countless times to her and several others, no one can make me do anything. I don't take on other people's opinions as my own. I've gotta see things for myself because I am my own person. I know exactly why I didn't bother... I just don't feel the need to unpack all that negativity so I won't
*** I could talk about this freaky dream I had about David, Kyle (Who again, was ubber apologetic... Why do I keep having dreams about Kyle apologizing to me? 🤔) Kenneth and my whole ENTIRE family only to wake up when I realized we were getting dressed for Khloe with a K's funeral
*** I could talk about how Khloe with a K is in the hospital and I can only imagine how Kyle's taking this cuz I remember how ripped up he was when Laurynn had heart surgery
*** I could talk about how I'm sick and I've been working this way all week and today I feel 🤢🤢🤢 but Imma keep on trucking
But... nope... Today I'm gonna list Top Ten Horror Genre Facts About Me because I just wrapped up The Haunting of Hill House and that shit was beyond EPIC... so, without further ado...
10. When I was a kid, there wasn't much emphasis on what was age appropriate so most of my horror movie intel came at an ubber early age... It started with Freddy Krueger (Which is also where I discovered Johnny Depp) and kinda grew from there
9. I discovered my greatest love Edgar Allan Poe in elementary. By the time he was being covered in Middle School, I could recite several of his works word for word. (I still remember Ms. High, my 6th grade teacher, being fascinated by me and my knowledge of Poe at that age)
8. I wanted to marry Anne Rice when I was like, 11. No bullshit
7. As a kid, both Pet Cemetary (Please don't let them fuck up the remake) and Children of The Corn were not only my favorite movies but favorite stories... Steven King meant the world to me when I was a kid. He still does to this very day. I keep quite a bit of his stuff around the house
6. I didn't find out about my honey Ed Gein until I was an adult receiving the A to Z of Serial Killers for Valentine's Day. Upon learning that he provided bits and pieces of backstory to several of my favorite horror villains, (Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers especially) I now love him even more
5. The puppet in the Jigsaw series has a name. It's Billy. Before the Saw series ruined their own franchise by becoming torture porn with no substance, I would get irritated when people called the puppet Jigsaw...
4. The Haunting of Hill House should be watched by anyone who dubs themself a horror movie buff. The way they set up the whole thing... If they ever put up transcripts, I'm printing them off. I don't mind reading it... Especially for the epilogue
3. My brother used to have a Good Guy doll. (For those who don't know, that's where Chucky likes to hang his hat and call home) We ended up burying it because he swore he wasn't doing it but that thing used to show up in the most random of places. I'm talking about getting outta the tub and it would be leaning against the wall kinda random
2. Candy Man gave me an interest in bees that followed me into adult hood. I have slapped bees outta mid air with my bare hands. I have had them land on me and just sat there. For some reason, watching his movies made me unafraid of bees
1. More fun time with Steven King... I prefer new school It over the original. Usually, I'm the other way around on remakes but new school Pennywise makes me smile... Fast fact: Tho' it is not his 1st horror film, new school It marks the 1st horror film that I watched with Zyi...
And so ends this random Halloween themed entry...