Jul 22, 2017 17:07
"I've decided to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear."
- MLK Jr.
I have a confession to make...
Okay, so I have recently noticed a lot of people randomly supporting the Black Panther movie. Now, being the Marvel buff I am, I always ask do you know who he is? Do you know about Wakanda and so on and so forth. What bothered me to no end was some of these people were flat out judging me, (some of them for years... Like dude... Really?) saying that my comic knowledge/you name it ( ______ <--- Insert me related hobby here) labeled me as "not black enough" but here you are repping Black Panther and you have no backstory outside it's a movie coming out in 2018. I totally get the appeal. The cast will be 90% black. You probably voted for Obama cuz he was black knowing you didnt know jack shit about dude. Like dude, do you know his real name or are you just hollering "Black Panther" this and "Black Panther that?" Do you even know that Storm (His freaking WIFE) probably won't even be in the movie cuz Marvel doesn't have the rights to the X-Men?!
As you can see, I was all up in my feelings. I like to say I only judge people who wear socks with sandals but... Tho' it's hard for me to admit: I realized I was doing to those people what they comfortably did to me: In being in my feelings because I am considered not black enough, I was saying "You're not nerdy enough for this movie! I am a black nerd! THIS IS OUR TIME!" I wasn't even trying to offer an education. I was thinking about me, myself and all up on I. I didn't even ask was the interest really random or was that part of my baggage. Truth is, I realized I was almost in the middle of a full on judge fest but I checked myself... whoo! That was close
PS: This entry was orinally a Facebook post but I figure it could have a home here too seeing as how I was almost all the way in my feelings about it. Truth is, I'm better than that. You can't act a fool if you never even offered to educate someone on a subject. I say it all the time: You should always approach a conversation with an educational heart and mind. Not spewing vile then getting mad when people don't embrace what you hafta say.