Jul 08, 2014 15:37
"I still can't believe she told him that."
- David
Well, I still have all 4kids. I love my kids. I really do. This morning, I woke up with Laurynn asleep on my knee and she started crying while I was getting ready for work so I put a hair bow on her wrist. She was very happy about it. I was surprised when I got in the truck and she proudly showed me it was still on her arm.
Which is why I honestly cannot believe what I heard yesterday. Apparently, Jessica over drafted Laurynn's card (No, she didn't leave it with Laurynn tho' Laurynn lives with Kyle) $200 and DSS got all up in a tizzy over it. They called Kyle to see what gives and he informed them he doesn't have the card. Cut to later and Jessica calls the people to tell them that she doesn't see why Kyle thinks she's just gonna sign the card over to him when Laurynn isn't his daughter. Wait... What? Now, seeing as how she already missed a meeting with the courts yesterday, they (Meaning Trey, their case worker) were hearing none of that. They told her Kyle has been there and he's got himself in order and Laurynn is safe and happy while she (Jessica) is living with a known, convicted child molester so there's no help to be given to her. Apparently, he hung up on her after saying such things. I think Imma like Trey.
Whoa tho' on the Laurynn's not his thingy tho'. I'm in such shock that she would even sink so low. That's a load of crap. Even if she genetically isn't, she's his. She's mine. You can't just uproot a child from the only life they know on a whelm. Who does that?
David said she's an ex-whore but, I reminded him that people didn't want me to let him back in my life. Kyle might let her rejoin his orbit. If that's the case, who are we to say anything? Yes, this sounds weird coming from me but, I am living breathing proof that love doesn't just fade overnight. If you love someone, it doesn't go away. It's just a part of who you are. He may be hurt and angry right now but, no one really knows what's going on in Kyle's head. We can only do what anyone does in these situations: Sit back and wait to see how this will unfold. That's life.
PS: I'm supposed to be giving him a break from all this Thursday. I think he needs it, I really do. There's too much shit hitting the fan.