Mar 04, 2013 10:22
"When an elder can get the words: 'What the hell?' out their mouth faster than you... EPIC."
- Me (Via FaceBook)
Thanks to this nifty LiveJournal app on my phone, I can now posts entries if I'm not at home. I love this.
So... I'm on the train headed home with Becca and Amanda. Today has been fun. I love my friends. We've pretty much made asses of ourselves just about every place we went in the last 3days but *shrugs* shit happens.
Gah, glad I took off work tomorrow. I wouldn't wanna work right after getting home. I don't see how people do that honestly. Another thing Imma hate is going back to someone monitoring my every move. It was fun being my own person for a couple days.
Guess what I bought in a coffee shop this morning? Warm Bodies... Here's to hoping this will be the best book ever before my eyes rape the movie. (*laughs* Dunno why but, "rape" is perseriously one of Amanda's favorite words... We've all picked up different words and phrases due to this little field trip)
Dude man, Chris is good people. I dunno the whole story behind why Sherry and Co don't seem to like him but, it's none of my business anyway. We had all these nerd drenched conversations... Especially when I nerdgasmed in the LEGO store. Come on! It's the LEGO store. Can't go wrong with legos. True story.
I loved Delaware! I would love to live there. No lie. I would be ubber happy. When I was there, I was calm. Maybe my problem is my surrounding. Heh. Picture that.
Welp, guess I'm going back to Warm Bodies now.