Emagine Theatre.......(Because it's so bad you have to 'emagine' you're having a good time

Jan 07, 2010 21:57


It snowed today, about a foot and a half, so naturally we went to the movies.

Usually we go to the MJR theatre, it's tried and true. In all the...oh....hundreds of times we've gone, we've never had as bad an experience as we had at the Emagine.

The Emagine boasts valet parking, luxury seating, reserve seating and best of all you can enjoy your favorite cocktail, wine, or beer with the movie.

What they neglect to inform you is that the interior is completely concrete and uninviting.

Popcorn is $1 more than MJR charges.
If you want butter on your popcorn, well that's another $1 (course MJR has those self service machines for all the butter you want)
And oh, instead of having free refills like the MJR, those are a quarter a piece.

The girl who got our popcorn was nice, friendly and just doing her job. So was the guy who made our drinks.

However we had to wait in line for ten minutes because it was only the girl on the counter as the manager was off to the side talking to some random, nonemployee about stupid stuff, it wasn't as if they were having a meaningful conversation.

He didn't help out at all, then again with his appearance I'm not sure I'd want him touching my food.

It was just Terrible with a capital ERRIBLE.

Oh, and that luxury seating they were talking about? Well that's only in one theatre and is reserved for the first week of a movie's release. After that it's regular seating at the same price as luxury seating.

If you're ever in Michigan save yourself $30 and skip the Emagine.
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