
Dec 27, 2009 23:57

So yeah I'm sure everyone is reviewing this movie but....

I gotta put my two sense in.

First of all

Avatar = Ferngully

End. Of. Story. Just with more side views of breasts, and it was like...four times as long....and cost a hell of a lot more.

Movie was great.

This new way they did the CGI was AMAZING.

Even watching transformers when the 'formers interacted with the world around them at times it was 'eh, they didn't line that up right...'

With Avatar you really felt you could reach out and touch someone.

So over all I'd give the movie a 9 out of 10. Gotta keep them thinking they can do better ya know? Still get your arse to the theatre and see it so you can say you were one of the billions of people to do so. Really needs a big screen to be appreciated.
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