playing it cool

Mar 11, 2015 23:41

my title sounds cool hahahaa...i got it from the rom com movie i have watched just a few hours ago with a was fun, lighthearted movie...not so dramatic even when they got together...and well Chris Evans has such beautiful eyes..all his close ups I can 'ampogi' which translated means 'so handsome'..hahaha

i had to say...i was attracted to this movie because my recent WGM fave couple Jjongah did the same pose only vice versa..

now if i want to start about my craziness with Jjongah these post might be maybe i will just talk about other third month of the year is nearing the half of the month...i feel like just yesterday we celebrated chinese new year and now bamm...i have so many things to think about and ponder on..sometimes i feel like my mind will blow off..

work is so so...its actually disappointing to see the exchange rate going not really happy my beloved country's currency kicking up--bad bad citizen lol....i hope in the next few months ringgit will pick up..its one of the factors im considering finding another job mwahahaha...maybe another country to hop on mwahhahaa...but still lot of things to think about..dues and bills..

i am always surprised that eventhough i don't exclusively join many colleagues..somehow..they still try to find me when they have problems and talk it to honored...though i feel pressured and happy to be of help..currently i have this close colleague of mine through chatting found out we had quite a lot of common..but only recently she opened about a break up and well we hang out together a lot these days...does anyone ever feel..that you cannot say something anymore and have run out of comforting words to say..hahaha..i do feel that a lot of time...oh well

i told myself this year..i try to be just cool..not minding the people around me..and enjoy the ride..i don't think i have even made progress...if you ever have the chance to see post of mine..can i have a moment of your time to pray for me..
i am not desperate..but i still have figuring out things to your prayers will be helpful..

blabbers, jjongah, wgm

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