As most of you know, I love slash. I still can't get into RPS but that's neither here nor there. However, in most of my fandoms, I ship gen pairings. Yes, it's true =) Where I'm all for the slash is usually when it's canon -- eg Jack/Ennis and Jack/Ianto (Torchwood). The only time I've ever immediately spotted slash in the non-canon sense was The OC's Seth & Ryan. I wasn't even into Spike/Angel. I did wander into the Wincest fandom for a bit but I've lost interest in reading fanfics & such (still enjoy all the slashy bits the boys provide though cause damn, their chemistry is through the roof!). Being a gen shipper can get frustrating in terms of finding good fic, especially for 2 fandoms in particular.
Firefly. I was, and still am, all about Mal & Inara. The sparring and UST and angst and Inara crying alone in Heart of Gold and Mal defending her honour in Shindig etc etc gives me the warm & fuzzies. But in the fandom -- especially in regards to fanfiction -- it's all about the slash, mostly between Mal/Simon/Jayne in different combinations. It's so difficult finding Mal/Inara fic. I think I've found most of what is out there and it wasn't much.
Robin Hood. I am only a few days old in this fandom and still working my way through the series 1 episodes. What ship did I jump on? Robin & Marian of course (parts of ep 7 killed me with the angst). The Master/Manservant love between Robin & Much is very sweet and totally reminds me of Sam & Frodo. Next step: search for fic and icons. Lots of slash which didn't surprise me. What did surprise me is that it appears the popular couple in the fandom is another gen pairing -- Sir Guy & Marian. Finally, a popular gen pairing but it's not the one I like! I can't win, lol.
Reading update! I stopped reading for about 2 months but I'm hoping for lots of reading during the summer.
The 158-pound Marriage, John Irving 9 / 50 2,631 / 15,000
My progress is so sad, lol. I wonder if I can break 20 in # of books and 10,000 in # of pages?
ETA: Saw this on my f-list
Backstage photo of Jensen adjusting Jared's tie. *dies from the cuteness* Isn't that such a big brother thing to do? The affection that these boys have for each other makes me go all flaily.