My little baby is coming!

May 09, 2005 10:35

tonight I go in to be induced!! Im excited and scared!! Im excited to hold a little baby but I dont want to hurt! AHH! Guess thats what I get!
Joe is pretty excited too. Hes going to stay in the hospital with me. Im glad because the first part is supposed to be really slow and I dont want to be bored.
I went to my moms yesterday to see her for mothers day and she gave me some blankets that Jenni Berg made for me. That was really really nice of her. I feel bad because I dont know how to get ahold of her so I think im gonna send the thank you card to Gary's Bernina.
By the way, I need mailing addresses for anyone who wants me to send a birth announcment and picture because I cant find my addresses and I made some cute announcments to send out. ANGIE That MEANS YOU!!
Im pretty nervous today. I have alot to do, Joe and I cleaned a bit yesterday but Ive got some of that to finish and Ive got to figure out what to do with Ryan for tomorrow night, Ive got tonight figured but Ill most likely stay in the hospital for a bit of time. Im so excited for him to meet his brother. we found a premee size spiderman outfit for the baby to wear when he meets Ryan.. Cute huh!!
Anyway Ive got to make some phone calls and pack some bags for me and Joe and Ryan. Next update I should have a baby!!! Pray for a painless labor and a healthy baby for me.. PLeASE!!
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