a walking advertisement and other things

Mar 17, 2009 12:07

Ok, so I feel like a walking ad, but I need to post about a few things that are awesome.

1.) Zipcars. Damn. They make my life so much easier. I'm so glad I live somewhere now where I close to them. It's also crazy fun being able to drive all different cars around. It also reinforces to me what a piece of shit my last car was. haha. I've zipped around in a Honda Civic hybrid a few times. It's so weird to drive a car where you barely touch the gas and it's all "zoom zoom ZOOM!" It makes me want to race. XD

2.) Sobe Energy drinks. I usually never touch real energy drinks because they're gross. But, I got one at work this morning because I felt like a zombie. I haven't even drank the whole thing, but it has a massive amount of caffeine. It's made my face all warm like when you have a beer or two. It has way too many calories (230 for one can?! Holy shit, that's a normal meal for me), so I wouldn't drink it often, but on zombie days, I'd definitely have one, or at least half of one.

3.) 30-day Shred Workout. So, I started my whole weight-loss, healthy, exercise kick 10 months or so ago, and in trying not to let myself slack at all, I'm constantly trying to find other stuff to add or do. I 'acquired' the Jillian  Michael's 30-Day Shred video, and it's awesome. It's a lot like the Body Works class I was taking at my old gym. It's dumbbells and strength-training mixed with cardio and abs. I generally work out 4-6 days a week, and the Level 1 segment was still pretty challanging, but I was also following the 'advanced' examples. It's nice to have something I can do at home since the gym at work is a pain to get to on the weekends, and Tae-Bo has been getting old.


And, in other updates, since I haven't done any in ages, I'm joining my department's kickball team. XD My boss is on it. hahaha. I think the plan is to play a game and then go drink. It should be entertaining. It'll give me a chance to interact with some more of my co-workers too since I don't get to leave my desk much. I'm pretty swamped at work most of the time. One of my upcoming projects is so many pages (~80) that they had to put it in a binder.

Oh, and I got a tv. It's a Toshiba 32" LCD. The first thing I did was hook up the xbox. I'm pretty happy with how nice the image is even though it's only 720p. It fits perfect in the spot I have for it. One of these days I'll take some pictures of my apartment to share so everyone can see how sexy it is.

Am I the only that wasn't mature enough to handle all of the blue penis action in The Watchmen? I was torn between wanting to laugh, wanting to be turned on, and being mildly terrified of the blueness.

This is a test since I don't think anyone from back home really reads LJ anymore. If you respond to this, you get something awesome from Portland sent to you.

Hmm, I'm stupid busy at work, but apparently I have time for LJ. Shh, don't tell anyone. I just can't stare at HTML and CSS for 9 hours straight. :P
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