Title: Ducky Umbrellas (2/2)
Author SHINeeSoSexxiii
Rating: G
Pairing/Focus: OnKey
Summary: Part two of
clicky! “No. I just came down here to give you an umbrella.”Jinki was sitting on the sofa of his small apartment when his doorbell rang. He opened the door with a simple thought, ‘Who would be visiting me?’ He walked to the door slowly, holding
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Comments 6
well whatever..
this is cool..
but just wandering did kibum came to jiki house at midnight??coz he was holding a bat when he went to open the door..
sory im quite slow..
Aw, 3:33 and I love you are very cute, finally, Onew made up his mind and be with Kibum. They were too shy, seriously, but that also makes them adorable. I hope I can read more fic from you :).
omoo dongsae you and you're fluff ideaaa
me like iiit
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