SBB 2016 Entry #23: Before Dawn (2/3)

Aug 03, 2016 21:07

Title: Before Dawn
Pairing: Onew/Jonghyun
Rating: R
Genre: Supernatural, Angst, Romance
Warnings: Mention of abuse, Slight Violence
Final Word Count: 26 612 Words

Jonghyun observes quietly, eyes leaving his own arm - the array of little bite marks already faded almost completely - in favor of looking at the vampire’s features. He sits on the edge of the tub and waits for his bath to be ready, the other seemingly unaware of his stare as he places a towel and clothes for him nearby. Jonghyun’s come to terms with the other seeing him naked but when he catches a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, he recoils a little at the sight of the scars forever marbling his skin.

He can already feel the anticipation gnawing at the pit of his stomach. By now, he’s grown pretty used to their routine. At the end of the day when Jinki announces bath time, Jonghyun knows the vampire wants him to relax as much as possible before he bites him. At first Jonghyun thinks it’s stupid because how can anything make him relax so much that he forget he’s going to get bitten but now…He started looking forward to it. He’s not quite sure what it is. If it’s the rush of blood going to his head, the intoxicating proximity or if he’s just gone mad but he enjoys it and it’s with a burning face that’s he’s more than once thought about having the vampire’s mouth and hands swerving from their safe places on his arms and explore the rest of him - Minho’s words never really having left his mind either since that day a few weeks back.

“Are you feeling okay Love?” Jinki asks after Jonghyun slid in the tub and jumps for the second time when he starts washing his back.

Jonghyun curses himself mentally for already having him asking questions. He knows Jinki has been observing him more ever since what happened when he met his mother. He hasn’t asked any questions but Jonghyun can still feel how worried he gets about him sometimes and while he’s flattered about it, now he wishes he wouldn’t see the slightest change in his moods.

Jonghyun gives a small sigh and grabs the sponge from his hands, if only to have something to distract himself with - he’s not sure if he’s going to be able to actually go through with what he wants to do.

“I’m nervous.” He says quietly, deciding to be honest, Jinki looking at him a little surprised and Jonghyun doesn’t blame him, he’s told the vampire bath time became one of his favorite part of the day and he’s done nothing out of the ordinary to make him nervous.

“What’s wrong?” The vampire asks gently and Jonghyun feels his heart quicken and he knows Jinki probably realizes it too and he can feel the flush going all the way down to his neck as the thought keep probing the back of his head.

“I…” He starts, trailing off, eyes moving between Jinki and the sponge in his hand before he lets it float away from him. “Can I try something?” He says quickly and Jinki tilts his head a little, looking all kind of curious and handsome and Jonghyun swallows thickly.

“Yes?” The elder smiles a little, obviously still not convinced if he should be worried or not.

Jonghyun turns sideways in the tub so he’s facing the other. He holds his gaze for a few seconds and before he can back down, he reaches his hands out to gently cup his face - the skin not as cold as he thought it might feel - and waits for Jinki to tell him off. But he doesn’t. The vampire keeps his eyes on him and it gives Jonghyun the last little boost of confidence he needs to let his eyes flutter shut and press their lips together. His heart seizes up a bit at the cool plushness of his lips and the need to explore more of it buzzes under his skin but he pulls back after the chaste touch, leaving their foreheads touching and holding his breath when he sees the vampire’s eyes slowly open and fall right onto his.

“I…” He croaks, voice tight. “I’ve wanted to try this for a while…Whenever you bite me, so I wanted to see how it was before you do.” He says quietly, hands slowly sliding from his face to his neck and he can feel Jinki swallow, spot the small smile blooming on his face and his eyes glancing to his mouth for half a second.

“And? Did it change your mind?” He asks and Jonghyun has a feeling he already knows the answer with how close he’s staying to him.

“No.” He still confirms in a quick breath and Jinki smiles again before he’s the one kissing him.

It’s a lot more assured this time, lips moving together easily and Jonghyun can’t quite keep the pleased little noise at the back of his throat when Jinki’s teeth catch onto his lower lip and without even realizing, he’s moving closer, pulling the vampire more against him. Suddenly, Jinki chuckles against his mouth, pulling back a little and wiping the moisture from Jonghyun’s lip with his thumb as he gives him a half-confused, half-flustered look.

“You’re dripping water all over me.” He says and Jonghyun moves back, looking down at the vampire’s now mostly soaked shirt and he feels himself turning slightly bashful.

“Sorry.” He says with a sheepish smile.

“I tell you what, I’ll go change while you finish with your bath and then you can join me, I’m getting pretty hungry.” He says and Jonghyun nods quickly, his cheeks not yet gaining back their usual color as thoughts start swimming in his mind again.

As soon as Jinki leaves, Jonghyun submerges himself in the water as much as he can - as if that would help in any way - as he considers maybe staying there for a few more hours. Staring at the door leading back to the bedroom for a few seconds, Jonghyun decides to hurry up with washing up because he wants to go back in there. As he goes to slip on the sleep clothes already laid out for him, Jonghyun realizes with a faint smile that it’s the fluffy robe he’s come to love a lot. Throwing it on and tying it around his waist, Jonghyun opens the door before he can feel all little confidence he has wavering off.

“Already done today?” Jinki asks from where he’s sitting on the bed, his legs stretched in front of him and crossed at the ankle, a stack of paper in his hands and it’s obvious that he was expecting him to take a lot more time to come back - which kind of makes Jonghyun blush at how eager he might seems.

“Yeah, I didn’t feel like staying too long.” He replies simply but stays rooted on his spot and Jinki chuckles.

“Well come here then, Love.” He smiles, putting the papers down on the nightstand and Jonghyun quietly obeys with burning cheeks. He’d like to tell himself that he’s gotten used to the pet name but somehow it feels different now. Jonghyun climbs on the bed and only hesitates for a second before sitting himself on the vampire’s lap, a knee on each sides of him instead of his usual spot beside him. “Aren’t you a bold little thing tonight.” Jinki chuckles, seeming pleasantly surprised.

Jonghyun feels his face heat up a little more and he looks away to the side, feeling embarrassment flooding him at his own actions but then there’s a finger on the side of his jaw guiding his face forward again.

“I…Is this okay?” He asks, feeling a lot less sure of himself, hands fisted on his own thighs and his breath hitches a little in his throat when Jinki straightens up and his face is suddenly so close to his.

“You can do whatever you want.” He whispers and Jonghyun feels heat pooling in the pit of his stomach at the implications.

Jonghyun’s eyes instinctively move to the other’s lips and his hands almost shyly go up to rest on his shoulders and without adding anything, he kisses him again. Jonghyun feels a kind of excitement he’s never really have to luxury to enjoy before, the kind that makes his skin breaks in pleasant shivers and makes his breath short. He can feel his blood pump faster in his system and he knows Jinki must feel it too with how his arms go around his waist and pull him closer to his body.

Jonghyun doesn’t understand how he can feels so hot, how there’s so much heat when technically he’s the only one producing it but he doesn’t put too much thought into it when Jinki’s mouth trails over the side of his jaw. With a shaky intake, Jonghyun realizes how short of breath he is and he pushes his fingers into Jinki’s hair when the vampire moves open-mouthed kisses over his neck, tongue trailing over his pulse. Jonghyun breathes harshly, eyes still closed as he enjoys the feeling and he knows how dangerous this could be but he doesn’t feel any fear - if only some type of thrill at having the vampire’s teeth so close to his neck.

“Jonghyun.” Jinki whispers against his skin and Jonghyun feels it more than hears it, his fingers tightening in his hair as he slowly opens his eyes, blinking to clear his vision - he briefly thinks his head shouldn’t feel this cloudy from only this much but then Jinki’s lips are on his again and he forgets about it.

With a short gasp, Jonghyun reflexively pulls his head back when he feels a fang catch on his lower lip and draws a drop of blood - he hadn’t even realized his fangs had come out. Licking the drop away, Jonghyun finally catches how dark the vampire’s eyes are as they look at him and it makes his blood boil.

“Go ahead.” He breathes out, catching Jinki’s attention, swallowing thickly when the vampire’s hands move to the front of his robe and untie the knot, pushing it open just enough so his shoulders and a part of his chest are exposed. The cool air in contrast to how heated up his skin is makes him shiver.

“Sorry.” Jinki apologizes, voice low as he lowers his fingers somewhere the robe still covers his skin.

Jonghyun wants to tell him that it’s okay, that he can keep his hands where they were but then the vampire is leaning in and pressing his lips against the skin of his shoulder, sharp teeth barely grazing the skin there and Jonghyun catches his lip between his teeth so he doesn’t let out a noise he knows he’s going to be embarrassed about.

When Jinki trails his mouth to a spot right under his collarbone and holds him tighter again, Jonghyun knows he’s going to bite him. Burying his face in the elder’s hair, Jonghyun feels himself shaking when teeth sink into his skin. The initial pain is still there but there’s so many more sensations than he’s not used to that he can only hold onto him tighter. From where he’s biting him, Jonghyun knows Jinki can’t draw that much blood but it feels like so much more. The vampire’s hand move to his thighs and back up to his waist as if he doesn’t know where he wants them to be most and it makes Jonghyun feel wanted.

After what feels like forever, Jinki unhooks his teeth from his skin, tongue soothing over the wounds before he comes back up to his face and places another kiss to his lips, licking up a new tiny drop of blood that appeared from the small cut and Jonghyun isn’t sure he should like the feeling he gets when he gets a hint of the metallic taste but it somehow adds to everything.

Opening his eyes he hadn’t realized he closed, Jonghyun still feels a little embarrassment coming back to him when he sees how sated Jinki looks compared to earlier. The vampire brings one of his hands from his waist up to move the hair out of Jonghyun’s face and gives him a small smile.

“You okay?” He questions and Jonghyun finds himself nodding a tad numbly, fingers going lax in the elder’s hair.

“Yeah I’m uh…I’m fine.” He clarifies when Jinki seems to be waiting for him to answer out loud.

“So…Are you going to tell me what this is all about?” He asks and Jonghyun’s eyes widen a little, now all too aware of how close they still are.

I…It was nothing really just…wanted something different?” He says, most likely sounding as unsure as he feels - the slight grin Jinki gives him does nothing to help him either.

“Was it how you expected it? Did you feel the rush go through your body, the heat almost being too much despite me being cool, felt the need for more nagging you?” He questions, the words sounding all too familiar and it takes a second for Jonghyun to be hit with realization.

“You mean - you…Jinki!” He whines, sliding off his lap in pure mortification, understanding that Jinki did hear the conversation he had with Minho before in the library.

“You know if you wanted me to do something about it before, all you had to do was ask.” He says, sounding way too innocent for what he’s implying and Jonghyun feels himself still warm at the thought, his body not having gone down from the high just yet before he sends a short glare at the vampire.

“Stop playing with me.” He shoots back, ignoring how warm he still feels and pushing the covers down so he can hide under them.

“I’m being serious.” Jinki chuckles and Jonghyun turns his back to him.

“And I’m going to sleep.” Jonghyun replies quickly, burrowing deeper in the sheets despite feeling the vampire’s eyes still on him as he stands from the bed.

“Goodnight love.” He chuckles and Jonghyun’s pretty sure Jinki can hear him grumble something about how he can’t really resist when he calls him that because when he pokes his head out of the covers again, he has that fond smile on his face, hand on the handle of the door.

“Night.” He mutters, hiding away again.


Jinki loves to watch Jonghyun read. He can’t exactly pinpoint the reason but there’s just something calming and quite beautiful about the way he sits on the windowsill of the library, the only spot the sun filters through, completely immerse in some book.

As if feeling his stare on him, Jonghyun looks up, eyes still a little wide with interest at whatever he was reading before his expression melts into a soft smile. Jinki returns the gesture as he stands up, the human tilting his head a bit in a silent questioning.

“Did I ever ask you where you learned to read?” He asks, knowing fully well that Jonghyun’s never talked about it before.

“My grandmother taught me.” He starts, a nostalgic smile, too faint on his lips to be only happy as he runs his fingers over the corner of the pages. “It was her passion and I was the only one eager to learn.” He explains as he seems to recall old memories and Jinki guesses she must have passed long before he was brought here - he’s not quite sure if it has anything to do with his mother.

“Come here, Love.” He says gently, extending a hand and while he shouldn’t think much of it, he enjoys the soft pink tinting Jonghyun’s cheeks as he puts the book aside and walks to him, taking the offered hand.

“What?” Jonghyun whispers after a few moments and Jinki chuckles because he must be confusing him a little.

“You’re pretty and I like looking at you.” He replies honestly and Jonghyun’s face turns a deeper red.

“You’re always like this.” He says back, not quite hiding the whine from his voice and Jinki grins.

“You make it easy for me to be.” He chuckles, pulling him closer before letting go and placing his hands on his hips.

When Jonghyun keeps his eyes locked down, Jinki brings one of his hands up and tips his chin back a little with a finger. It still amazes him how the younger still looks all kinds of flustered as his eyes shift to his mouth for a second but he waits to see if he’s going to make the first move.

It takes a moment, but then Jonghyun is pushing on his toes and letting his hands trail up to his shoulders so he can kiss him. Jinki smiles and lets his eyes flutter shut, kissing the younger back a little more insistent. Jonghyun hums, arms going up to wrap around his neck instead, pulling him closer and Jinki kind of really likes how warm and nice his body feels against his. When Jonghyun tries to push closer against him, trying to deepen the kiss, Jinki moves his hands down to his hips to hold him back - he doesn’t want them to get carried away somewhere anyone could walk in.

Breaking the kiss, Jonghyun gives him a small sheepish smile as if he realized the same thing as him and Jinki squeezes his hips as he gives him a small smile.

“Hey uh...I wanted to know if I can go outside?” Jonghyun questions suddenly and Jinki raises a brow.

“So you try to seduce me so you can get me to agree to things, I see how it is.” The vampire replies and Jonghyun’s eyes widen.

“That’s not it.” He says immediately. “I just wanted to go outside during the day. It has nothing to do with…now.” He finishes with pink cheeks and Jinki laughs.

“I’m just teasing. Of course we can go.” He smiles and Jonghyun blinks at him a few times.

“We?” The younger echoes. “But the sun…” He trails off and Jinki kisses him again shortly.

“The gardens at the back have enough shades at this hour for me to walk through while you enjoy the sun.” Jinki explains and Jonghyun grins, eyes sparkling a little.

“Okay.” He beams and Jinki smiles to himself because Jonghyun looks like he’s about to start bouncing around.

“I’m sorry, it’s become so natural for me to avoid the sun that I never thought of asking if you missed it.” He apologizes, extending a hand for Jonghyun to take.

“It’s not a problem.” He shrugs, eyes going down coyly as he slips his fingers through his. “That’s why I asked.” He adds almost cheekily and Jinki smiles fondly at his antics as he leads the way.

However, as soon as they leave the corridor, Jinki stops at the top of the stairs, picking up a familiar scent he doesn’t particularly want to deal with - especially not with Jonghyun in tow.

“Oh - everything okay?” The human questions, having bumped into his back and Jinki tightens his hold on his hand a little, willing him to stay behind him.

“Jinki, son, I didn’t expect you to be here at this hour.” The man says from the bottom of the stairs, right arm looped with his assistant’s own - for a guidance Jinki knows his father can do perfectly well without.

“Yes I was just heading out.” He replies shortly.

“I wanted to tell you actually, you’re going to go on runs again for a while.” He tells him and Jinki sighs quietly. “I’m also surprised you still have that boy with you.” He adds and Jinki feels Jonghyun moving behind him a bit more. “I thought you’d have killed him off by now like -”

“Father.” He interrupts the man, smelling the slight fear bubbling in the human behind him - he knows his father can smell it too. “There’s no need to do this. Jonghyun is here to stay, much like Minho.” He says and his father laughs - a sound that’s always made him fairly uncomfortable.

“Very well. I’ll get the papers for the runs sent to you. Taemin is going to have to do some too.” He says and Jinki can already feel his stomach getting queasy at the thought.

“Of course. I’ll tell Taemin when I see him later.” He says, pulling Jonghyun to walk down the stairs. “If you’ll excuse us.” He mutters, keeping Jonghyun close when they walk by him. It’s not like he believes his father would try something but he knows the feeling he can give to people.

Once they’re outside, Jonghyun is oddly quiet and Jinki knows it’s not simply because he’s enjoying the early spring breeze and the sun on his skin.

“Did my father frightened you?” He asks and Jonghyun seems to be snapped out of his thoughts.

“Not exactly. It’s just…” Jonghyun trails off, frown on his face. “Was he…Is your father blind?” He questions quietly - almost as if he’s not sure he’s allowed to ask.

“I figured you’d ask.” Jinki sighs but leaves a small smile on his face to let him to know that it’s okay to ask.

“I’m sorry I just…I thought vampires were immune to that sort of illness.” He starts. “Though I probably shouldn’t still believe what I learned from before.” He mutters more to himself and Jinki chuckles.

“I don’t blame you, he thought so too.” Jinki starts and Jonghyun stares at him silently. “When I was around ten years old, talks of vampires were already big, people used to refer to them as night walkers, and when Father started going blind and couldn’t do much anymore, some people talked him into…this.” He says vaguely and Jonghyun looks a little confused for a moment before it dawns on him.

“Someone convinced him to…get turned into a vampire?” He whispers and Jinki nods slowly.

“He was desperate. Barely thirty-five years old with a wife, two children and he was losing his sight. So he stupidly took the offer. But he wasn’t brave enough, he couldn’t do it on his own so he forced Mother into it as well.” He says, not able to keep the slight bite from his tone. “They told him children couldn’t survive the change so they’d have to come back later. Taemin and I spend over fifteen years thinking our parents had been killed by these vile creatures while going to a neighboring village. We were taken care of by our grandfather and…” He hesitates for a moment and he shakes his head with a soft laugh when he sees Jonghyun looking at him with a deeply worried expression. “Then all I can remember is waking up tied up in a pool of blood, all of my senses going crazy with oversensitivity, my body feeling as though it’s been beaten and thorn apart and I still remember the hunger I felt back then.” He says, the memory is distant now but he could still tell in details what he felt like.

“Was Taemin with you?” Jonghyun asks, obviously trying to derail the subject a little.

“He wasn’t. I remember screaming my throat raw for him. He was all I had, all I could think of.” He replies, Jonghyun coming to join him in the shades when they get to a small bench and sit for a moment. “Until I saw my father, standing there, looking at me. I thought I was going mad.” He chuckles but there’s no real humor in it. “I’ll spare you the gruesome details of what the next few months were like but…When Taemin and I grasped our senses, we learned everything from our mother. What he did to her all those years ago…what he did to us and how it never even brought back his sight but worsen it to complete darkness instead.” He almost spits the words. “Of course now his other senses have been sharpened much more than ours so he can go around just fine but…back then, I never thought I’d come close to forgive him, forgive the lives he took from us and it took a long time to be able to talk to him and barely accept him again. We know he knows he’s done wrong but we also know that he’s never going to admit that so instead he gives us everything we want.” He finishes and Jonghyun looks at him with a pensive expression for a moment.

“So that night, that’s why he got me to you.” He mutters and Jinki chuckles.

“The one good thing he did for me in six centuries.” He says and he can see the smile pulling at the younger’s lips as he bumps shoulders with him.

“Earlier…What did he mean by runs?” He asks and Jinki groans.

“Reports. With other villages. A way to keep every clan happy. Proving we’re not taking their people from them and a few other things.” He says briefly and Jonghyun nods.

“We should get back inside.” He says, reaching out to take his hand again and Jinki see him looking at the shades growing smaller and smaller.


When Jonghyun hears footsteps outside of the bedroom, he quickly moves under the cover and rests on his side, closing his eyes because he knows Jinki will chastise him for staying up so late - as if he doesn’t never sleep.

After the door opens, Jonghyun is surprised when it doesn’t even take a minute for Jinki to crawl on the bed behind him and wrap an arm around his waist. Jonghyun lets himself being pulled closer, holding a smile at the hand faintly rubbing on his tummy but he can feel his heart beat a tad faster when lips press against his neck and he knows Jinki must know he’s awake. Keeping up with his act, Jonghyun tries to ignore all the little touches but when the kisses on his neck start turning ticklish, he can’t keep the giggles from leaving him. Feeling the vampire’s lips stretch against his skin, Jonghyun squirms to turn around in his arms to look at him.

“Hey.” He grins, pecking his lips before huddling closer and burying his face in the crook of his neck, his arms squished between their chest and he just feels so nice and somehow secured there when the vampire wraps his arms around him tighter. “How was your run?” He asks quietly, voice muffled as he draws little patterns with his finger on the elder’s chest and Jinki sighs a little, kissing his head.

“Long. Annoying.” He replies honestly and Jonghyun pulls his head back to give him an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry.” He replies, dislodging a hand from between their chests to push his fingers through his hair and Jinki smiles.

“You know what would make me feel better?” He mutters, leaning into the touch.

“What?” Jonghyun hums curiously and Jinki smiles at him but there’s a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“You.” He sighs dramatically and Jonghyun rolls his eyes but he can still kind of feel heat burning at his face.

“With how old you are, you’d think you’d be better at this.” He says and Jinki fakes an offended gasp.

“How dare you? You’re going to have to give me kisses for that.” He pushes seriously and Jonghyun pecks his lips again.

“What if that was my intention from the start?” He sings and Jinki laughs.

“What have I created?” He sighs and Jonghyun shrugs.

“Just kiss me.”

The vampire complies and Jonghyun loops his arms around his neck before he can escape and pulls him for a deeper kiss. Even after this happening for a while, he hasn’t quite gotten used to the heat always rushing through his body when they kiss like that. Sometimes he thinks it might be some vampire magic stuff but after the first few times, he just stopped questioning it - he enjoys it anyway.

Jonghyun shivers when he feels a hand sneak under the hem of his sleep shirt, cool fingers grazing the skin over his hipbone. Pulling Jinki with him, Jonghyun rolls on his back until the vampire is hovering over him and the sheets are still stuck around his legs but he doesn’t care. The weight of the elder pressing him down feels good, the way he sucks and nips at his lips his making his blood run faster. Pushing his tongue past the elder’s lips to tangle with is, Jonghyun feels his heart hammering in his chest at the hand pushing higher under his shirt, finger curling over his ribs. Kicking the sheets away, Jonghyun wraps a leg over the vampire’s ankle wanting to feel more of the closeness, parting from the kiss with a quiet gasp when a thumb brushes over his nipple, Jonghyun swallows thickly.

“Jinki…” He trails off, focusing on the dark eyes staring down at him. “Bite me?” He whispers, arms falling from around his neck so he can run his hands down his chest and around to his back to pull him closer against his body.

“I…I just drank from you before my run.” He replies and Jonghyun knows that he’s refusing against his want. “You’ll feel weak if I take some more now, Love.” He adds, bringing his other hand up to hold his jaw and Jonghyun feels like whining - earlier left him wanting.

“I…I want…” He starts, words hanging, because he’s not exactly sure what he wants but there’s just something.

“It’s okay.” The vampire shushes softly, pressing another kiss to his lips. “Will you let me try something?” He asks and Jonghyun immediately nods - he doesn’t even care what it is at this point.

“Yes please.” He pushes just to make sure Jinki knows how he’s feeling right now.

Jonghyun’s first reaction when Jinki starts moving back is to hold onto him tighter but the elder chuckles and reaches back to grab his hands and push them next to his head on the pillow. When the vampire sits back on his haunches and pushes both hands under his shirt, Jonghyun sucks in a breath and arches his back to help take the garment off.

Feeling a hint of shyness, Jonghyun refrains himself from hiding away. He knows Jinki has seen his body countless times now but the way he’s looking at him now makes it feel completely different - and maybe the fact that he’s positioned right between his legs.

“You’re so beautiful.” The vampire says and the whisper takes Jonghyun by surprise, cheeks heating up and skin tingling pleasantly.

When Jinki is about to move back down over him, Jonghyun presses a hand to his chest, fingers fisting in the fabric of his shirt.

“You too.” He mutters, not wanting to be the only one undressed.

The vampire chuckles and quickly gets rid of the shirt. Jonghyun barely has the time to appreciate how he looks that the elder is back over him and it suddenly feels so different. Jonghyun’s breath stutters a little and he thinks it should probably feel a little weird to not feel complete warmth with their bare skin pressing together but he likes it. To him, it feels like there’s something comforting about it. He doesn’t get to think much about it though, because Jinki’s mouth his moving over his skin again, sucking and licking down his neck to his chest and Jonghyun feels arousal quickly spreading through his body.

Jonghyun is pretty sure they’ve never been this far and he has a feeling where the vampire is taking things. It’s not like he’s never thought about it, felt the need and lust swim through his head but usually, at this point, Jinki has his fangs piercing his skin and afterwards Jonghyun’s head feels too woozy and his body too numb to keep going. Swallowing thickly, Jonghyun brings a hand up to his mouth to bite the back of it when the elder moves down to his stomach, tongue somehow leaving a searing path behind.

“You tell me if you want me to stop.” Jinki suddenly says and Jonghyun glances down to his face quickly before shaking his head. He doesn’t want him to stop - he’s just kind of embarrassed of how aroused he is from almost nothing and of the sounds he might make.

Seeming to understand what Jonghyun is feeling, Jinki slithers back up his body with an impish twinkle in his eyes as he presses a thigh between his legs for a much needed friction.

“Let me hear you then.” He whispers in his ear, catching his earlobe between his teeth and Jonghyun barely holds back the whine bubbling at the back of his throat, hips rolling up on instinct to relief some of the throbbing he feels.

“Please.” He blinks at the elder, not sure exactly what he’s pleading for but then he doesn’t think about it because Jinki is kissing him again, one of his hands going down to pull at the string of his pants and Jonghyun feels heat crawl up his neck in anticipation.

Jonghyun tries to keep up with the kisses, knots his fingers in the vampire’s hair to keep him there but he’s the one to break the kiss with a gasp when fingers wrap around his cock.

“You - your hand…It’s warm.” He breathes heavily and he can feel Jinki’s strained chuckle vibrating against his chest and it makes another wave of arousal run through him.

“I’ve still got a few tricks.” He says and his voice sounds so deep and rough as he starts moving his hand, Jonghyun can’t really hold back a moan from leaving him when the vampire’s palm move over the head to collect precome to help the slide.

Letting his head fall to the side, Jonghyun catches the material of the pillow between his teeth, breath heavy as he tries to will himself to not roll his hips too much - he wants to feel this fully - but at the same time, his hands are hitching to touch, to return the favor. Not trying to hold his sounds back anymore, Jonghyun hears the pleasured gasp leaving him when Jinki squeezes him a bit tighter, fist moving a little faster and heat is already coiling at the pit of his stomach.

“Jinki.” He whines, letting go of the pillow, not sure if it’s a question or just wanting to let him know he’s making him feel good. “I…” He trails off, turning his head back to look at the vampire and he’s sure he’s never seen him look so strung out, eyes so dark and cloudy and it makes him feel all kinds of hot all over again.

Moving his hands, Jonghyun lets them press over the elder’s chest, some type of fascination taking over him at the red marks his short nails leave on his skin. Jinki lets out a quiet groan, his free hand suddenly shooting up and catching both his wrists into it and pinning them over his head. Jonghyun blinks at him, breath stuck in his throat for a second because it happened so fast and now without Jinki supporting himself, they’re pressed together without an inch between them and Jonghyun can feel him pressing completely hard against the inside of his thigh and he just wants to touch him.

“This is for you, Love, don’t worry about me.” He whispers, touching their foreheads together and Jonghyun faintly wants to protest, say he wants to do this but then his hand his moving again, faster than before and he’s kissing him, swallowing the moans falling from his lips. Jonghyun can’t really focus on kissing back at this point, only trying to get enough air into his lungs and make this last a little longer because it feels so good but Jinki is moving his fist just the right way and he can feel everything being almost too much already.

“I - it feels so good.” He whines, not keeping his hips from pushing up anymore.

“That’s it, let go, I’ve got you.” The vampire mutters, pushing himself up again so he can look down at him, lips coming only a breath away from his and Jonghyun’s mouth falls open, his toes curling and he feels himself tipping over the edge - the words being the one last push he needed.

Jonghyun’s blood thrums in his ears as he comes, the waves of pleasures rolling through him stronger than he’s felt them before. The whine scratching at his throat as he scrambles to get his hands back on the elder to pull him in another kiss would probably embarrass him normally but now he can’t bring himself to care.

Jinki smiles against his lips, pulling back and resting their foreheads together again for a moment before moving away and grabbing one of their discarded shirts to clean them up. Jonghyun finally feels the shyness reach him and a different kind of heat creep up his face as he pulls his pants back into place. The vampire laughs quietly at him as he leans back him to press a kiss to his hair but Jonghyun can’t help but notice how heady he still seems.

“Are you okay?” He asks, blushing at how his voice comes out and Jinki hums.

“I’m fine.” He reassures, joining him back on the bed - Jonghyun won’t admit it’s because he feels a little like jelly that he didn’t move.

“Why didn’t you let me…” Jonghyun trails off, cuddling up the elder and taking advantage of his shirtlessness to run his hand over his stomach, feeling the smoothness of his skin, biting his lower lip at the scratches he left on his chest.

“I wanted to keep control, I didn’t want to overwhelm you since this was the first time.” He says and Jonghyun hums, pushing himself up on his elbow to look down at him, moving in swiftly to kiss his swollen lips.

“Next time, don’t, okay?” He says confidently - even if he knows he’s most likely going to be flustered when it actually happens.

“Deal.” Jinki replies with a fond smile on his face as he reaches up to push his fingers in Jonghyun’s hair and bring him down for another kiss.


As soon as Jonghyun gets up, he frowns because there’s a feeling gnawing at his stomach. He feels like there’s something wrong. He knows Jinki left for runs the night before but he left early and usually when that happens, he’s back way before Jonghyun wakes up but now the other side of the bed is empty, no sign of sleeping in.

Shaking his head and telling himself that maybe he’s being too paranoid and Jinki might simply be out of the room, Jonghyun walks to the curtain and pulls it aside. Breathing a little sigh of relief because it’s definitely earlier than he thought it was, but he’s still not completely reassured at the steadily rising sun casting pink and orange hues around.

Padding outside of the bedroom, Jonghyun walks down the hallway in search for the elder but falls on his brother instead.

“Hey you, you’re up early for a change. Or did you not go to sleep yet?” Taemin laughs as he walks by him but Jonghyun’s hand shoot out to grab his arm.

“Taemin, wait.” He blurts out, the younger vampire turning to him with a curious look. “Have you seen Jinki?” He asks, hoping with all his might that he has.

“What do you mean?” He questions, expression turning a little confused. “Isn’t he back?” He asks and Jonghyun feels the worry nagging at his stomach even more as he shakes his head.

“He left on runs last night but I don’t think he came back at all.” He informs, trying to keep his voice calm.

“Maybe he just got held back a little.” He tries to reassure.

“Taemin, the sun…” Jonghyun pushes and Taemin’s eyes suddenly turn more serious.

“It’s already rising? I didn’t realize.” He mutters more to himself. “Just go back to his room. I’ll find Kibum to see if he heard anything and I’ll get back to you when I know more.” Taemin says and Jonghyun frowns at the thought of doing nothing.

“But -”

“Jonghyun don’t argue.” He says sternly. “It might be spring but the night was particularly cold and you’re no way dressed to go outside. Plus you have no idea how bad it could be for a human wandering alone. I am not going to explain to Jinki why I let you get killed while he was gone.” He adds the last part almost hesitantly and Jonghyun freezes for a second before nodding.


As soon as the word leaves his mouth, Taemin is gone from his sight and Jonghyun sighs walking back to the bedroom. Pulling the heavy curtain aside completely, Jonghyun sits there and waits, eyes shifting anxiously on ever little movement in the trees - The longer he’s left without news from Taemin the worst it gets.

Jonghyun feels like the next few hours are endless. The sun seems to be fully risen now and he hopes with all of his heart that the vampire is not somewhere out there completely exposed - there’s not a cloud in the sky today. He remembers very well Jinki telling him that while the sun doesn’t set them aflame or anything harsh like that, it does affect them pretty badly.

He hasn’t heard anything from Taemin or Kibum either and he’s hitching to go look out there but he knows he has to stay put - that he would most likely just cause more trouble.

It must be another hour before Jonghyun hears heavy footsteps in the hallway and he quickly leaves the window to open the door. To his surprise - and relief - Jinki is standing right in front of him. Before he can even think of saying anything, the vampire is pushing him back inside the room and shutting the door behind them.

“Close that.” He growls, glaring toward the window.

Jonghyun quickly moves to pull it shut, heart hammering in his chest and when he turns back to talk to the elder, he almost screams because Jinki is standing inches away from him. The human freezes, feeling a cold sweat breaking on his skin as he looks at the other. He’s never seen Jinki looking like this, his skin is not his usual away-from-the-sun pale but a sickly gray pale, his eyes are bright red and a little swollen, fangs already out completely, peeking from his parted lips, muscles obviously strained under his skin as he corners him and Jonghyun feels something he hasn’t felt ever since the first night he was brought to the mansion. Fear. He feels completely terrified of who’s standing in front of him - he feels like a prey.

“J-Jinki.” He utters nervously and he reflectively shuts his eyes tight when the vampire reaches forward.

Jonghyun cracks an eye open when he simply feels the cold pressure of fingers on the side of his neck. Jonghyun holds his breath, almost waiting for Jinki to laugh and tell him it’s all a joke but then his thumb moves to rest on his jaw and forces him to turn his face away - and uncovering his neck completely.

Jonghyun feels his blood pump wildly under his skin and his hands are shaking because he knows what the vampire biting his neck would do to him.

“Please don’t.” He whimpers, trying to move away but Jinki’s hold tightens and he lets out another growl - deep and menacing - and Jonghyun is finally hit with the realization that he’s facing the monster Jinki is constantly controlling.

Jonghyun knows it’s stupid, he knows he doesn’t stand a chance but his instincts are screaming at him to do something, to fight back or run away. He tries to. He really does but it doesn’t take much at all for the vampire to have him pinned to the wall, looking more crazed than before.

The next thing Jonghyun knows, fangs are tearing the flesh of his neck in excruciating pain. He hits the vampire weakly, sobbing at him to stop. Usually when the other bites him, he does feel a sting, sharp teeth sinking into him but this, this feels like he’s trying to rip his neck open. Jonghyun can feel the warmth of his own blood running freely down to his chest and back. He can feel his strength leaving him quickly as he tries to scream for help as much as he can but nothing comes out except quiet whimpers. He can feel Jinki holding onto him tighter as if trying to squeeze all of the blood from him and before his vision fades to black, he truly believes this is the moment he’s going to die.


“Jinki! Stop!”

The booming voice makes Jinki growl as he grips the body tighter against him, warm blood still heavily flowing on his tongue and there’s no way he’s going to share with anyone.

“You’re going to kill him, stop!”

Jinki barely feels the arms pulling at him until his fangs unhook from the flesh and there’s a strong punch landing to his face, knocking him away and sending him staggering back a little.

“What did you do?” Taemin finally appears in his vision, looking absolutely horrified and frantic and Jinki’s head finally starts to clear up and he slips back into reality.

The stench of blood fills his nose and Jinki stands frozen when he immediately recognizes Jonghyun’s taste in his mouth, his scent everywhere around the room.

Taemin pushes him aside and Jinki hears him drop to his knees - he’s not sure he wants to turn around but he feels like he doesn’t have the choice.

When he does, Jinki’s chest seizes up at the sight. Jonghyun is lying limply in a pool of blood, a still bleeding gash on the side of his neck and a barely beating heart. Jinki looks at Taemin’s hands shakily moving to cover and apply pressure to the wound and he knows his brother is trying really hard to resist the blood.

“I’m not sure he’s going to make it, Jinki.” Taemin shoots, looking at him over his shoulder with a peculiar look on his face and Jinki’s stomach drops.

“I’m not going to do it.” He says firmly, kneeling down next to him and Taemin’s look hardens.

“Jinki, I really don’t think -” He starts again.

“I can’t turn him, he’s not going to survive the change in this state.” He interrupts, feeling desperation clawing under his skin.

“Then what do you want to do? Let him die anyway?” Taemin growls and Jinki has the sinking realization that he’s not the only one who became attached to Jonghyun.

“I heard yelling, what - oh my God.”

Both vampires turn toward the doorway to see Minho standing there, a shocked expression on his face.

“W-what happened?” He asks, eyes wide and Taemin groans.

“No time to explain, we have to do something.” He says, his hands slipping a little.

“You guys can smell our blood, is mine compatible with his?” Minho asks suddenly and Jinki feels a flicker of hope in the pit of his stomach because yes, yes their blood is compatible.

“It is.” Taemin answers before him and Minho gives a short nod.

“Taemin come with me get the supplies, you, keep the pressure on his neck.” The human says firmly toward him and Jinki replaces his brother’s hands with his.


“How is he doing?” Taemin asks softly, Jinki’s eyes going to his brother for a moment before going back to Jonghyun’s body on his bed.

“Better I guess. He’s taking the transfusions well and his heartbeat has picked up a stable rate but he’s going to need more. Minho’s been giving as much as he can and Kibum’s been holding back from biting him.” He mutters, eyeing the needle in his arm.

“But still not waking up?” The younger says and Jinki shakes his head.

It’s been almost two days and he’s starting to doubt their poor medical procedures are going to bring him back completely.

“Sorry I couldn’t be there the other day, I could smell the blood even from the hallway and I knew I’d be no help.” Kibum says, suddenly hovering over Taemin’s shoulder and Jinki shakes his head to tell him it’s okay.

“Are you…Are you going to tell us what the hell happened?” Taemin asks, the question obviously having been hanging on the tip of his tongue since the incident and Jinki lets out a loud breath bringing his hands up to rub his face.

“Rogues. Three of them. They caught me by surprise. Masked their scents and all. They wanted to know how to take over the mansion…As if any of them could pass the gates without being killed right there.” He snorts. “They managed to keep me in the sun for a while but they were young and thought themselves stronger than they were…Or maybe they were strong enough anyway.” He mutters the last part, eyes drifting back to Jonghyun’s lifeless body. “I took care of them once I came free but the damage had been done.” He finishes with a frown.

“Stop beating yourself up.” Taemin says, walking closer beside him.

“I almost killed him.” He whispers.

“It’s not like you haven’t killed a bunch of people before -” Taemin stops, earning a jab from Kibum and a glare from Jinki. “Sorry…I’m not used to seeing you like this.” He apologizes quickly and Jinki sighs again.

“Can you guys leave us alone please?” He asks because he knows his brother has been really trying his best for the past two days but he’s not the best at trying to cheer people up.

“Sure.” They both say at once, his brother squeezing his shoulder apologetically.

Jinki stares at the closed door for a few moments - until something catches his attention - an irregularly fast heartbeat. Snapping his head back to react for the worst, Jinki freezes when he can see him looking at him with barely open eyes.

“Jonghyun?” He whispers, feeling a little breathless for some reason but the only answer he receives is a frightened whimper. “It’s okay, Love.” He tries softly, slowly moving closer to the younger but he can feel and smell the fear intensify and his stomach drops.

Jonghyun is scared of him - he’s terrified.

While he doesn’t expect Jonghyun to greet him back with a kiss or something, it had yet to sink in that it could be this bad. He wants to tell him he’s not going to hurt him but how could he believe his words? The last thing he remembers is probably Jinki tearing through his neck for blood.

“Taemin!” Jinki calls loudly, hurrying to the door.

“He woke up?” The younger vampire ask, already standing before him with Kibum and Jinki nods, moving back inside.

“Hey.” Taemin starts with a grin, slowly approaching the bed.

“Glad to have you back.” Kibum adds but Jinki can see how Jonghyun’s frightful eyes are glued onto him.

“I…I think I should leave for a bit, take care of him please.” Jinki says quickly, the guilt gnawing at him as he hurries out the door, ignoring the calls of his name.

For the past two days, somewhere Jinki knew he’d have to deal with what actually happened and what he did but he’s been so focused on trying to keep the human alive and well that it served him a - maybe too good - distraction. But now, it’s as if everything’s finally just crashed onto him and he’s realizing the weight of what he caused. He almost killed the person he’s come to care so much for, the person he can say he loves, and he would have if his brother hadn’t stopped him. He wants to apologize, to explain himself but he feels like he doesn’t have the right at the moment.

Sighing to himself and running a hand through his hair, Jinki listens carefully and is a little relieved to hear a calm and steady heartbeat and Jonghyun replying to the other two’s questions. Knowing he can’t do anything for him right now, Jinki walks toward Minho’s room to tell him that Jonghyun is awake - thanks to him.


Jonghyun looks at Minho fluttering around the room as he tries to think of the words he should use to ask the question nagging at the back of his mind. Taemin and Kibum have been alternating between guarding him too while he’s recovering and he’s wondered who it would be best to ask. When he sits up in the bed, Minho turns to him and cocks his head to the side questioningly.

“Is he…” Jonghyun starts, biting his lower lip hesitantly. “Is Jinki angry with me?” He asks, voice small, not daring to look at the other’s face yet in case he doesn’t like what he sees.

“What are you saying?” Minho laughs a little sounding genuinely confused and Jonghyun looks up just in time to see Minho taking a seat next to him on the edge of the bed.

“For you know…Having turned him away and not let him near me when I woke up.” He mumbles and starts picking at the sheets when the other starts laughing again.

“Are you serious?” He asks incredulously. “Jonghyun. Jinki’s been beating himself up for what he did to you. He’s scared you won’t ever forgive him and will never trust him again. We haven’t been able to get him to leave the library except for when he comes to check on you when you’re sleeping.” Minho tells him and despite everything, Jonghyun feels his chest squeeze uncomfortably at knowing how bad the elder is feeling.

“But when I got here he said -”

“You truly believe that still stands? I don’t even know the stuff he told you back then but…I’ve been here for a while and I can guarantee that he said lots of things just so you wouldn’t run away and get yourself killed by the same kinds that attacked him.” He cuts him off but Jonghyun still frowns a little. “He cares about you a lot more than he lets on you know. I’ve never…I’ve never seen him like this with anyone before.” Minho whispers as if sensing his confliction. “And yet, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even stop you if you’d say you want to leave if that means you being happy.” He adds and Jonghyun feels some sort of sad little smile pulling at his lips because even after everything, running away has never even crossed his mind.

“Will you…Will you bring him here?” He request unsurely and the other raises an eyebrow.

“Are you sure? You’re not fully recovered, you can’t get your blood pressure too high and if you get scared it will -”

“I’m okay.” He interrupts him gently. “I just need to talk to him. I need to see him again. I’m not scared like I was.” He reassures and he means it because while there’s some apprehension and nervousness knotting up his stomach, there’s no fear like before.

“I’ll get him for you. I’m sure he’s going to be happy.” Minho replies with a small smile, patting his knee before standing up.

Return to Part One

Part Three

rating: r, shineebigbang2016: submissions, pairing: jonghyun/onew

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