Please link to 3 applications that you've voted for:
Get it! 욕 ♥ Lucifer Name/Nickname: Angelica
Age: 19
Likes: lots of yaoi, jrock, manga, Mana-chan, pretending to be a bartender, singing, drawing, writing fiction, drama, horror movies, lolita, vampires (edward doesn't count), darkness, screwing with peoples minds, stalking...
Dislikes:: school work, cleaning, arrogant people, liars, homophobic people (sorry, dad)
Hobbies: writing, singing, japanese...
Strong points: oresama - i am my own master, will never let anyone walk over me, if they try - i burn them. i'm pretty good at languages, that is, if i want to learn, also good at math and physics but i don't enjoy it as much, i will do whatever it takes to reach my goal
Weak points: i am lazy when it comes to things i'm not particularity fond of, i'm not outgoing
Future goals?: finishing university and then moving to japan
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: i am a good friend, people who are close to me can always count on me, i don't like letting people down
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: i am apathetic, i really don't care about most things. sometimes it makes people around me sad, so i try to act interested
If there was one thing you would change about the world, what would it be? Why?: no more homophobic people
If there was one thing you would change about yourself, what would it be?: my health status
Let your inner fangirl out. Answer this question by gushing about your favorite SHINee member. (If you don't fangirl, say so. If it’s explicit, bold a warning beforehand.): *insert rapid fangirl scream here* PINK! DANCING! absolute cuteness! I love you, Key! <3 sometimes his actions make me think "that's so gay" and that makes me love him even more!
On the flip side, who’s your least favorite SHINee member? Why? (Try to be a little nice; he might be someone’s favorite.): i dunno, i like them all, there's something in every member that i like... but... hmm. I guess the one i'm least interested in is Onew
What’s your favorite SHINee pairing (if you have one)?: JongKey... i belive i don't even have to explain even further. But i like 2min too
If you could be a SHINee member for a day, who would you be? Why?: Jonghyun. He's short so wouldn't feel out of place, and i'd get to spend some time with Key. ^_______^
Favorite color?: PINK! and black, of course... love black, it goes with everything.
Favorite movie? Why?: Beauty and the Beast. The purest and oldest of stories, a metaphor for one's strength in a pure heart.. that love can surpass any obstacles.. and this idea is still alive nowadays
Favorite saying/quote?: "I don't suffer from mental illness, I enjoy it."
If you were an animal, which would you be, and why?: a wolf, i dunno I just love them. They are very majestic in my opinion and are free creatures
If you were a dessert, which would you be, and why?: ice cream, it's sweet and refreshing, but if you have too much or eat too fast it freezes your teeth and it might hurt.
High, medium, or low energy?: usually medium energy, but sometimes something just clicks and BAM - hyper!
Impulsive or cautious?: cautious
Mature or Immature?: mature
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: realistic... but more on the optimistic side
Touchy feely or not?: yes, i like skinship
Leader or follower?: hmm... it's better that i'm a follower. i can be both. i'm a scary leader, i don't allow anyone to slack off, and make everyone work as hard as they can!
Any pets? Tell us about them!: a huge black Labrador dog, his name is Sheriff. He's very loving and overprotective. Also 2 degus, both female - Ichigo and Momoko. Super cute and know their master.
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?: omg... i do a lot of crazy shit... XD umm... skipping school with my girlfriend in order to find a quiet place (impossible when you're downtown) and get laid... yep.
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash, and time to kill. Where can you be found?: either at the arcade with my friends, or at the bar with my friends. XD
Some random stranger hugs you from behind. How do you react?: turn around immediately to find out who that person is. if i know the person - hug back, if not - judge the looks of this person, if it's interesting then i just release myself from the hug, if i don't like the person then punch his/her face and scream "wtf?"
You’ve been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind/genre of drama would you want to do? Why?: drama is already a genre of movie so i'm bewildred... but i'd like to do horror or angst..
You're on stage... when you have a wardrobe malfunction. What do you do?: just take it off and continue the show, most people would think i stripped on purpose
Pictures of yourself (optional):
as you can see i change my hair very often, currently i'm blond