Please link to 3 applications that you've voted for:
love like oxygen Name/Nickname: Chelsea (but shorter names like Chel or Chels are fine too, or basically any name you can think of, really :3).
Age: 14. going on 15? i'll be 15 come next november /bricked
Likes: Asian entertainment (honestly, throw me anything Japanese/Korean/Chinese/Asian in general and I'll pretty much give it a go, be it music, dramas, etc. ;w;), SHINee ♥, music, science-fiction/fantasy novels, graphics, colours, pasta. badminton, a sense of relaxation.
Dislikes: Darkness, heights, horror movies, loneliness, failure, being told to accept someone else's opinion without a chance to voice mine, people who do things simply for attention, mean people /shot. ;_______;
Hobbies: Reading, writing, listening to music, surfing the Net, badminton, playing the violin, daydreaming.
Strong points: I feel a strong sense of responsibility for people around me, be it family or friends or acquaintances. Once I tell myself I'm going to do something, I most likely will end up completing it to the best of my ability, one way or another (although sometimes it does take a while). I'm eager to learn new things when the opportunity crops up, and I'm quite competitive. I've got a really dynamic imagination. I'm pretty sociable too; I've got no problems making friends from anywhere. ♥
Weak points: With that very sense of responsibility mentioned above, I tend to worry too much about people, sometimes more than I should be. (I mean, I could cross a beggar in the street and feel like emptying my entire wallet to help the person. /is a sap) I don't get over my fears easily - in fact, I don't think I'd be able to get over them at all. This depends, but sometimes I get overly sensitive towards something someone said to me, and I'll always be wanting to give a good impression on others. At times, I don't have confidence in myself and I tend to panic easily at times like this. I think too much about a lot of things sometimes, wishing and longing for things I know I'm never going to get. I talk to people about my problems, but I normally don't let my true emotions be seen. Oh, and I'm not very athletic either. ;n;
Future goals?: Honestly, I'm still not very sure what I want to be; all I feel like doing right now is living teenage life freely. (I know, determining your career choice early and working towards it is what I should be doing, but yeah.) If I had to roughly draft it out though, I'd like something to do with the arts, maybe as a singer or professional musician/orchestra member. Working behind-the-scenes on music production - maybe as a lyricist, etc. - would be nice too. Or a graphic designer? I do know though, that I want to grow up to be someone my parents can be proud of, and to contribute to fandom as much as I possibly can. :3
What do you think is the best quality about yourself? Why?: I think my best quality is that I'm very caring and compassionate. I'll try my very best to make sure no arguments crop up amongst the people around me. Once I love something/someone, I rarely ever let go of them. ♥ I'll fight for it till the very end, and even then I won't give up.
What do you think is the worst quality about yourself? Why?: I'm a person who loves to dream and imagine, but sometimes that comes excessively. I dream about things I know I will never get, and I worry about people I might not even meet, people I can't help even if I tried. I guess people could say I'm wasting my time doing something that won't do me any good anyway.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?: I'd get rid of my fear of heights, definitely. ;o; I won't be able to go see the tallest monuments in the world with this paralyzing fear!
Let your inner fangirl out. Answer this question by gushing about your favourite SHINee member. (If you don't fangirl, say so. If it's explicit, bold a warning beforehand.): Onew, to me, is beautiful, in every sense of the word. He's an adorably clumsy dork who - behind that mask of quirkiness and humour - has a sweet, very caring person who tries to show as much love to everyone as he possibly can. He has an amazing voice too, and I just wish people will see past the mistakes/incidents and see him for who he is. ♥ If I were to really gush about him, it would break LJ's word limit, so I'll just keep it as short as I can. ;a;
On the flip side, who's your least favourite SHINee member? Why? (Try to be a little nice; he might be someone's favourite.): I don't really have a least favourite; SHINee is one of those groups where you'd fall in love with everyone; they're all amazing ♥ :3
What's your favourite SHINee pairing (if you have one)?: Admittedly, my original bias was OnKey, but as of late, I've been thinking a lot about 2Min. Although both Taemin and Minho are shy people by nature, there's this comfortable silence between them whenever they're together. It says a lot, the delicate touches and occasional glances; they just kind of exude this sense of cuteness, if you get what I mean. >o<
If you could be a SHINee member for a day, who would you be? Why?: I think I'd like to try being Minho. I've always wanted to be taller (I'm only 162 cm ;_____;), and I've always been really envious of people who're good at athletics, so it'd be nice to see how that feels.
Favorite color?: I love all colours, really, it just depends how you mix and match them. ♥ I do like white a little more though, because it goes with any other colour, and maybe light green.
Favorite movie? Why?: So far, The Blind Side (starring Sandra Bullock). It's a beautiful story with a lot of hidden inspirational messages, and the fact that it was based on a real-life story makes it all the more amazing. If you haven't watched it and you've got some spare time on your hands, give this movie a try! >w<
Favourite saying/quote?: The power of imagination makes us infinite. - John Muir
If you could be an animal, whaich would you be, and why?: I'd be a bird, any type of bird, although it'd be nice being a small, brightly-coloured one. I want to fly and see landscapes around the world, and just perch on a lamppost and people-watch. :]
High, medium, or low energy?: I've normally got medium energy, but when I'm with my friends and we have an outing or something, then I'd be really hyper. I'm a total dork then, lmao. ;a;
Impulsive or cautious?: I'm cautious. I tend to think things through before I do anything, to think about the consequences and predict where it'll land me. I don't normally do things out of sheer emotion, and I’m afraid of getting in trouble. \o/
Mature or immature?: Definitely mature. I'm more mature (in terms of attitude, thinking, etc.) than my age calls for, and sometimes even my parents tell me that. ;o;
Optimistic or pessimistic?: Definitely optimistic. I don't like having a negative viewpoint of life because then I'll only feel really depressed and I won't want to do anything. I'm a dreamer at heart, so I tend to feel that anything's possible if I'm willing to try.
Touchy feely or not?: PREFERABLY DO NOT TOUCH PLEASE. /rolls into a rabbit hole (Unless we're really close friends or something, but even then, excessive touching tends to make me feel a little uncomfortable. ;____;)
Leader or follower?: I'm a mixture of both, I think. I don't normally get the opportunity to lead, so I'd just go with the flow, but I'll chip in if I have to and voice my opinions. But if given the chance to lead, I think I'll do pretty well? :')
Any pets? Tell us about them!: My family doesn't really do pets, so I don't have any, although I do have a huge aquarium with fish, if that counts? There isn't much to say about them, but we're always looking for new fish to brighten up the aquarium! There are some fish that are really pretty but really violent though, and we've had our fair share of dead fish. ><
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?: ... I'm a very cautious person at heart, and I'm really afraid of getting in trouble, so I don't normally do really crazy things. I eat pasta with curry though, if you count that as crazy? Oh, and I've hid under my desk with a flashlight and a book to read when I was little. /is a dork
It's Saturday night. You have no obligations, a pocket full of cash and time to kill. Where can you be found?: Somewhere with fine dining, I guess, for dinner. (I'm Asian, but I have this penchant for Western - Italian, in particular - cuisine I can't explain.) Then I'd go to the bookstore and get myself some good novels, and then to the DVD store for some anime/drama box sets that I've been wanting for a really long time.
Some random stranger hugs you from behind. How do you react?: I'd slowly turn around and try to wiggle out of the person's grip, and then I'd try recalling if I've ever met the person before. But if I haven't... I really don't know, I think I'd just panic and start trying to run. :/
You've been called on to be an actor/actress in a TV drama. What kind of genre/drama would you want to do? Why?: I don't mind a role in a romance drama; maybe as the girl on the villain's side who ends up falling in love with the lead male character. *o* I watch too many dramas for my own good, so I'm sorry. /sob
You're onstage... when you have a wardrobe malfunction. What do you do?: Oh dear. I think I'd try to hide it as much as I possibly can and not make it obvious that something's happened, but if someone does catch it, I'd laugh at myself and wave it off; everyone makes mistakes at some point! :3
Pictures of yourself (optional): That's a secret for me to keep. ;D (But I don't normally put pictures of myself on the Internet, so I hope you'd understand. >///<)
Thanks for taking the time to vote! :) ♥