
Dec 07, 2013 21:56

author: tokkionew
pairing: les!minkey
rating: g

just a short drabble

summary: minjung is sitting alone in the library reading a book when a pretty girl comes to her table and makes her day.

"excuse me, but is this seat taken?"

minjung tilted her head back with a look of a dear in headlights at the mystery voice that asked that question.

"um, no, it's not." she figured she would take it to go sit with friends or something. "you can have it."

"oh, good. thanks," the girl said as she took a seat in front of minjung, "my name is gwiboon. what's your name?"

minjung was stunned. she didn't expect that at all. she looked at the girl before shyly replying back.

"minjung," she said with blush that she felt creeping up on her. "my name is minjung."

"well, minjung, I just saw you sitting here and thought that you looked pretty cute sitting here reading that book. sorry for interrupting that, by the way, but I couldn't resist introducing myself."

mining shifted to where she could bury her face into her scarf, covering herself to her nose. she was trying hard to hide the crimson color she knew her cheeks were by now.

"t-thank you," she stuttered, "you're, um, you're cute too."

"I know I am." gwiboon replied in a confident tone.

there was a moment where neither of them said anything, just staring into each other's eyes. minjung felt herself become more nervous than she already was, while gwiboon was gaining more confidence than she had when she decided to introduce herself to minjung. she could tell she had already won her over.

"so," gwiboon broke the silence, "can I take you out to get some coffee? the library is nice, but you can take that book to the cafe with you and we can get something warm to drink since it's freezing outside now."

"sure." minjung said with a big grin. she could still feel herself blushing, and her cheeks were beginning to hurt from how much she was smiling. she couldn't believe this overly cute girl in front of her was asking her out on a date. it is a date, right? maybe?

"great," gwiboon replied smiling and flipping her hair, there's a lot of good flavors since it's winter now. can I order for you? I'm gonna order for you. oh, and don't worry, I'll pay for you too since I asked you. it's a date, okay? a coffee date and our first date!"

minjung nodded and kept smiling as she got up to check out her book. as soon as that was done her and gwiboon headed out the door to the cafe, both of them excited for what the rest of the day holds for the both of them.

a/n: this is the first thing I have ever posted on here and I am so sorry that I am a crap writer LOL I just needed more minkey fluff and thought hey, why not write some for myself. anyways, hope you guys enjoy girlee as much as I do. especially precious minkey.

shinee, les!minkey, minjung, girl!minho, girlee, girl!key, gwiboon, via ljapp

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