Prickles (3/?)

Jun 28, 2013 01:36

Title: Prickles
Rating: G (on this chapter)
Pairing: het!Jongkey
Description: Jonghyun was a rose full of prickles and Gwiboon was a reckless and clueless kid who was too curious.

10 seconds later, the door opened again.

A sudden incandescence of hope lit on Jonghyun’s door frame. But that was only momentary, since Jonghyun have to push away a girl out of it. No, it wasn’t Gwiboon. It was someone already inside the apartment before they even arrived.

She looked like she was on her mid-20s-somewhere around 26? She was about 165cm tall and Gwiboon felt intimidated by it. The lady was wearing a red pencil skirt and black rider jacket. Overall, she was the pretty and charismatic kind.

“Out, now.” Jonghyun instructed strictly, staring straight at the girl in front of her.

Gwiboon carefully watched the situation as the girl slyly smiled at Jonghyun and she slipped herself on a pair of stilettos. Jonghyun, obviously annoyed by the girl, impatiently told her to fasten up. When the girl looked up, she found Gwiboon’s eyes and the younger flinched at the contact.

“You didn’t tell me you have a visitor.” She smirked at the sight of her and scooted closer. Gwiboon tensed up more as the lady patted her head, taking advantage of their height difference.

“Little lamb, what are you doing at the lion’s den?” Gwiboon swore she felt rather staggered at what she said.

“Minjung!”Jonghyun called, addressing the unknown lady. “Can’t you just leave now?”

“Why? Are you going to have fun with this little lassie of yours? I wasn’t informed with your sudden change of ideal type.” Gwiboon didn’t know what to feel at that time. She didn’t even care at how stoic her expression was. The tension in the air was so great that she was almost at loss for breath.

And then her head started functioning. “I think I nee- need to-take my leave now.” She stuttered here and there, almost tripping at her own feet. But she felt a sudden grip on her wrist and a whisper on her ear. “Young lady, can you please stay? I think the lion will eat me up alive if you’ll go like this. You’re going to save me, right?” she smirked with mischief then let go. “I’ll take my leave then. Bye, Jonghyun!”

Jonghyun heaved a sigh of relief when Minjung left. “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

“No” she shook her head and hands simultaneously. “I’m sorry for intruding your personal space. I shouldn’t have gone here in the first place.”

Jonghyun chuckled at Gwiboon and took her by the hand. “Come in.”

Gwiboon lifted her head, flabbergasted. “But I thought you-“

“My cousin made an impression that you were a guest, so.”

Jonghyun did not know why he bothered to even tell Gwiboon about Minjung being her cousin. Usually, he’d just say that she’s his girl and send away his followers, stalkers. But maybe, Gwiboon was an exception because maybe, she looked too young and fragile. She looked weak and Jonghyun thought that he still had a heart to keep her harmless, at least; even if it wasn’t his usual routine because maybe, just maybe, he’d feel lighter and happier if he changed something.And he thought that maybe, breaking her wouldn’t be the best option.

Gwiboon fiddled with her shirt as she went in. The place still smelled like Jonghyun, his own distinct smell that she doesn’t feel like sharing with others.

She gawkily sat on the far end of Jonghyun’s couch and rested her backpack against the cream-colored coffee table. Jonghyun said he’d take a fast shower and they’ll talk which made Gwiboon feel nervous. Well, supposedly, she’s going to think of what they will talk about since it’s her who wanted to converse with him.

Unexpectedly though, the conversation went well. Somehow, in some ways, they fit each other’s conversing instincts. Gwiboon explained that she just thought Jonghyun would become her inspiration in writing and he would ask about her major. He knows how to handle her well. If he thinks that she feels obstinate about something, he’d find a way to change the topic.

“So, what else did you write about before?”

“Random things.” She confessed. “I didn’t have that much of focus or subject like others.”

“Like what? Broccolis? Turtles?” he kidded, chuckling a bit. But when he noticed that Gwiboon’s face stiffened, he confirmed “Really?”

She nodded quietly, feeling embarrassed. “It’s okay. You’re going to change your writing style soon, anyway.Right?”

Even if that was their first proper conversation-face to face and sober state-they never felt uncomfortable around each other.

“So, which one did you write something for? Broccolis or Turtles?”

The night after, Gwiboon went there again.

She, once again, sneaked out of their dorm without Eunsook’s knowledge. If the older knew her whereabouts, it’s certain that she’ll disapprove. So, Gwiboon thought that seeing Jonghyun without letting Eunsook know was for the better.

She didn’t wait at the bar but when Jonghyun reached home, he found Gwiboon seating across his door. She looked like a lost kitten with her feline eyes and pig tails, staring blankly at her phone. And Jonghyun felt the urge to adopt her. But of course, that wasn’t possible.

He smiled to himself then asked casually, “Did you wait for too long?”

“No, I just got here too.”

He opened the door and Gwiboon meekly followed, dropping her bag at the same spot as to where she placed them the night before.

“Gwiboon.” He called from the kitchen, pouring some water. “Gwiboon-ie?” he said her name again, and she swore her heart beat twice faster than it should. She never liked her name. But it felt different when he mentioned it. The sounds of his voice with her name match so well. “What should I call you?”

“Any-anything is fine.” Her voice pitched higher than customary.

“I’ll just call you Bboon-ie then. It’s cute, like a cat’s name.”

“A cat.”

“Yes. A cat, you look like one.” He enlightened, walking past the kitchen counter.

“Then you look like a puppy.” She pointed out, which made his eyebrow rise. “I mean-I think I should call you Jjongie. You know.”

“I hear that a lot.” He sat beside her. “That I look like a puppy.”

“Really?” She lightened up and faced the older. “I mean you don’t look like a dog but your features resemble theirs. Like your eyes and your nose.”

“Never knew you were that interested with my face.” She stiffened, face reddening. “I was just kidding, just kidding.” He patted her head which made her tenses lose a little. “By the way, I’ll like it if you won’t call me Oppa.”


“I like you to call me what you’ve suggested earlier: Jjongie.”

They agreed with that. That night, they’ve learned so much more about each other. Like how Jjong is already 23 and she’s 20. Jonghyun told her that he graduated college already and that he studied music broadcasting for two years.

She too, told her educational background and as to why she is in Seoul.

They didn’t talk much about their families since they felt that it might be a touchy topic for the both of them. They thought they have more time to know each other anyway.

More time..

And as time passed by, Jonghyun learnt that she wrote something about Turtles because she had nothing to write about for her prelims. Her professor said that it was fresh and indeed unique but of course, there weren’t any feelings in it. Every single detail was literally just written, no emotional attachment.

At first, Jonghyun thought that it was going to last for just a week. But Gwiboon frequented on his apartment almost every night. For some reasons, though, he cannot chase away the girl. Her existence gave life on his monochromatic house. It has become warmer and smiles were shared more recently.

Gwiboon was just there. Her laptop sitting on Jonghyun’s bed and her body comfortably laying down. She often wrote about how she felt on the place and it was mutual. She felt warm with his company, more alive.

And Jonghyun never felt that way. People might have believed that he was happy with his life, but all of those were nothing but a sweet façade. A mask no one had ever noticed. Sometimes, even he, himself believes in his own acting. But partying all night, getting wasted then walking up on a faintly lit apartment was not satisfying at all.

Well, honestly speaking, what does make people satisfied anyway?

author: f, pairing: jonghyun/key, rating: g

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