Prickles (2/?)

Jun 22, 2013 17:01

Title: Prickles
Pairing: het!JongKey
Description: Jonghyun was a rose full of prickles and Gwiboon was a reckless and clueless kid who was too curious.
Rating: G {on this chapter}
Author's note: I have actually written this story months ago and I am already done till Chapter 4. Hopefully, I'd be able to post them ASAP.

Gwiboon regained consciousness the day after, flinching as the morning sun greeted her with its rays. She tried to sit up straight when she felt her head weigh more than it’s supposed to. When she refreshed her thoughts, she felt a mixture of nostalgia and migraine.

She obliged to take care of the latter.

When she felt some conflict on her throat, vomit starting to form up, she ran to the bathroom-she had to look for it first since she later figured out that the house was foreign to her. It wasn’t their dorm room; it wasn’t her and Eunsook’s room.

After dealing with her supposedly hang-over, she walked out of the toilet with a newly found fact. She moved around, trying to remember more. Slowly, she’s starting to remember things one by one. She sat on the bed she was initially lying at, trying to organize things, chronologically.

And then, ding! She remembered everything. Hint words: Club, alcohol, Jonghyun.

She lay on the bed again, covering her face. She felt miserable-both because she had to kiss a stranger and she had shown her first kiss such drunken behavior.

But the thought brushed away when she inhaled the duvet and covers, all in white. The place was simpler than Jonghyun’s persona. He lived in a studio flat, almost everything covered with white and black. The bed was situated near the window, facing a white two-seater couch. Turning to the left, a counter was located, with two black high chairs. Behind it, an open kitchen can be seen.

She clearly remembered everything-though it took her quite a while. She was half conscious when they reached the apartment. She even recalled that she changed her clothes for herself in the bathroom-barely managed to-and Jonghyun had to assist her back to the bed.

She was still wearing Jonghyun’s hoodie and it smelled like him. Gwiboon thought he smelled wonderful, and so, she buried her face back to the bed.

“Gwiboon-ah. This is Jonghyun. Eat this before you leave~ ^^” the note said.

She opened the casket which revealed a Haejangguk, Korea’s famous hang over soup. She smiled at Jonghyun’s thoughtfulness.

When she sat down and drank the soup, she became lost with her thoughts. Thinking deeply, she segregated what’s happening or what’s supposed to happen. The situation broke her everyday routine. She felt good about it but a part of her screams noncommittal comments about the situation.

After all, it’s not right to sleep at some guy’s house after meeting him at a club one night. And it’s not right to get wasted and kiss a stranger.

She contemplated on what to do, on how to deal with the issue. Well mostly because (1) she does not know what she felt for him or if he felt anything for her; (2) she was conflicted between feeling confused and feeling ecstatic about it and; (3) she actually had a great time with his company.

Her thoughts were a mess, full of incoherency. She ruffled her hair in annoyance as she wash the dishes-she decided to clean the house before she leaves.

So what now? After she leaves, now what?

And so, she closed the door behind her after leaving a simple ‘Thank you for everything’ note in the table.

It was only 10:00AM when she reached home-which means she still have three hours to clean up and go to her afternoon classes, and also in which it means she have totally ditched her 8AM class which was actually badass of her since it was her first time to ditch-

Eunsook came half an hour later. Gwiboon was drying her hair when she bashed the door open, wide eyed. “Gwiboon!” she called, with glints of anxiety in her voice. “I was looking for you last night! You never came back when you said you’ll go to the bathroom. I was worried.”

Gwiboon thought twice if she’ll tell the older about what actually happened. It was too embarrassing for her, too unexpected. She thought that if she’d tell Eunsook, the older might change her views on Gwiboon.

“Unnie, actually, I..” she murmured almost inaudibly, but loud enough for Eunsook to hear. She sighed deeply, her head hanging low. And when she met her eyes, she told herself that she will understand, Eunsook will understand.

When she finished her story, detailed and in order, as if it was scripted in her mind with an outline, Eunsook did not know what to feel first; if she should worry first or get mad at her little roommate’s obliviousness.

How dense could this kid be, seriously? She said in a worried voice which fused all of her feelings together. “I know unnie. I’m sorry.” She heaved a sigh, her head still hung low, refusing to face Eunsook. She’s too embarrassed about the absurdity of her story.

Absurd, everything was. But for a 19-year old girl who experienced love for the first time, everything seemed so right. Or at least, felt so right.

Eunsook nagged for the past hour about how Gwiboon should be more careful, especially with guys like Jonghyun. “You don’t know him so much, don’t trust him.” She quoted.

Gwiboon nodded her head, agreeing.

“Thank you, Unnie.” She hugged Eunsook.

“For what?” She asked, dumbfounded.

“For taking care of me like this.”

She spent her week thinking endless possibilities about meeting Jonghyun again. But she never did.

She attended her classes, listened to her professors, and did her assignments and essays. She even got better in writing. Her professor found changes in her writing style. Even if it was considered as an improvement, he still thought that her novels were too sad.

Gwiboon never ran out of things to write about since she met Jonghyun. Her mind was full of constant ideas and fresh resources. In between of those, though, she can’t stop remembering the guy behind all of those views and feelings.

It’s not like she just howled to sleep at nights, she also tried to think of ways to coincidentally meet him. Sometimes, she would purposely walk near the bar or around the block where his apartment was located.

But still, no signs of Jonghyun found.

And so, one night, when she was supposed to write a draft about her essay which was due next Tuesday, she found herself writing a couple of Jonghyun and I miss you on her paper. When she was finally snapped out of her reverie, she crumpled the paper and started thinking again.

It was 10PM. Jonghyun must be performing in the club again.




He was all that mattered-at least that moment.

Without thinking of anything else, Gwiboon detached her body from her bed.

She left as quietly as she could, afraid that if she made any sort of noise, she’d wake up Eunsook. She slipped onto her coat and shoes then finally muttered an ‘Unnie, I’m sorry.’

Gwiboon sat awkwardly at the chair exactly parallel to Jonghyun. He was just about 7 meters away yet there was a swarm of people between them. He was too near, yet too far. She admiringly scrutinized the boy, relishing the music he was making with his bare fingers. He looked like he was enjoying what he was doing, she figured. She concluded that if she had literature, then Jonghyun had music.

Only that Jonghyun was obviously so much better than her.

When Jonghyun stepped off the podium, Gwiboon followed him with her eyes. He started greeting a dozen of people, high-fiving with them or greeting them with a hug. As expected, Jonghyun was so accustomed to this kind of environment.

Jonghyun was basically Gwiboon’s polar opposite.

He’d be good at things and like it at the same time while Gwiboon would have to struggle to pursuit what she adores. Jonghyun lived off a very carefree life while she was very careful, always taking precautions seriously. She wondered what it would be to live like Kim Jonghyun. Was he having fun living it? Just like how he appears to be so happy about it?

Few more greetings and high fives, Jonghyun finally reached the bar where Taemin was. He asked for some water and grabbed his back pack before muttering a quick ‘Thank you.’

From then onwards, Gwiboon started following Jonghyun, cautious with her steps. She didn’t know why but she just followed her silently till they were out of the place. Then, was where Jonghyun turned his heels back.

“Are you going to continue following me?” he asked, revealing his awareness of Gwiboon. “Like a stalker?”

Gwiboon opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. And besides, Jonghyun started walking again.

They walked in silence, Gwiboon about 4 steps behind. She noticed the busy neighborhood. That time, it was unusually tranquil. She observed the deepness of the night. While everyone were on their slumber, preparing for what tomorrow could bring them, while here she was, chasing-well almost-for her obnoxious and vague affection for a guy.

The pavement didn’t seem to have an end, she thought. She just followed, and followed. From her past set ups with Jonghyun, this was the best moment for her. Rather than their first kiss, or their first meeting, or even the first time she laid her eyes on him, their walk on the never ending pavement was the best.

But good things come to an end, and so was that pavement.

When Jonghyun and Gwiboon reached the reception area of Jonghyun’s apartment complex, he spoke again. “When are you going to stop?”

She didn’t say anything but press the elevator button.

When it opened, she entered first then looked at Jonghyun with an inquisitive look. “Aren’t you getting in?”

He smirked then shook his head. Nevertheless, he obliged and entered the elevator.

The next thing she knew was they were in front of his door, Jonghyun fishing for his keys. “You’re not going to take me seriously, aren’t you?” she clutched on her backpack tighter.

“No.” he said when he finally found the keys.

“I understand that I seem like a stubborn kid playing some stupid game with you but you have to-“she said but Jonghyun stopped her.

“If you understand then stop this.” He sounded annoyed. “I need to rest. Now?” he gestured a goodbye then closed the door. Gwiboon leaned towards the wall behind her, sighing with a head hung low.

10 seconds later, the door opened again.

author: f, pairing: jonghyun/key, rating: g

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