normal musings

Sep 22, 2010 17:55

So I currently have a cold. Feared I was going deaf today from earbud overusage, but it's just the cold. I'm also easily out of breath. Probs because I can't breathe out of my nose. Nonetheless, I must get through this because I have to write a short-ish paper tonight.

On to fandom stuff. A few notes.

- I started Soul Eater, which I know some of my flist has seen. This series is so weird. It gripped me immediately because of MAKA and Soul and Maka's father, but the canon is so cracked and the universe is so slippery that I would probably not be that intrigued but for the crazy people. Thoughts on this series?

- I've also started Torchwood. I like it all right, but it's very episodic and I'm not really setting aside time for it at the moment. I hear it gets much, much better later, but I think I'll have to set aside a chunk of time before I can get into the good stuff.

- Naruto is really annoying me with its boringness. At least Bleach is getting better! But I'm not going to be happy, per se, until either Hiyori and/or Orihime jumps back into the plot. The Ichigo/Shirosaki ho-yay last chapter kind of made up for it, though.

- Mad Men is already on its eleventh ep! This is so upsetting. I think the show definitely declined during S2 - S3 wasn't just a lull, although S4 has been a lot more eventful, I think. I did really enjoy 'The Rejected', 'The Crysanthemum and the Sword', and 'The Suitcase', so hopefully these last eps will blow me away. I turned my friend on to this series, though. :) And she's actually a fellow Pete lover - yay!

- I've had a huge fandom resurgence lately, mostly in Naruto. Say what you will about the characterization (I will rant about Sakura's Character Derailment all day long), but at least it has solid worldbuilding (Soul Eater, I'm glaring at you right now). Scarlet Scroll is still atypical SilverShine goodness, and this other KakaSaku I'm reading called The Will of Fire is also really entertaining. Both are grittier, Danzou-regime AU fic. If you're not a KakaSaku or ship type, The Girl From Whirlpool is an amazing gen/prequel. It's been a long time since I could get swept up in long, dramatic fanfic, so this is GOOD. Something to do during my uber-dull Psych class.

- Community tomorrow. Ilu, Alison Brie and Joel McHale. Your show is adorable. (Also, I think I'm seeing a pattern in my ships right now. PROBLEM.)

- Lastly, I've got my NaNoWriMo novel planned out! Intricately planned out. It's going to be a KakaSaku (SilverShine's fanfiction's fault; before it I shipped NaruSaku like a normal person) and I'm very excited. I know I'll be able to finish this year because it's not just planned out, it's intricately planned out. I'm thinking of finding a beta reader, but I'm in no hurry. I still have to write the whole thing first...

fandom, rec

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