Aug 24, 2009 20:21
I have not heard anyone that I know in this sodding town agree with the "compassionate" release of Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, from prison. Only the briefest glances at the papers and internet news items and blogs seem to suggest that the majority of the Scottish masses are vehemently against it, yet apparently our government is saying that the justice ministers involved acted out of the general feeling of us, the public.
WHIT!? Now that you have gone and released the bastard and have got all the backlash, the boycotting by our American chums and the worldwide mockery of our justice system the blame gets past over to us joe publics!?
The guy who basically had the final say, Kenny something...said he still stands by his decision. Would he still have stood by that decision if he went and spent time with the families of all 270 people that Megrahi murdered? Would he listen to how heartbroken these people no doubt still are?
All this political correctness and "compassionate grounds" shite needs to stop. Its getting ridiculous. Megrahi doesnt deserve to spend his last hours with his family. He just doesnt. End of.
I'd never wish cancer on anyone. But I'm glad he has it. Hopefully he will have a new undertsanding of real suffering before he dies, not the farsical holiday experience fuckers get in our supposed prisons.
Apperently the Americans are furious with us and are going to boycott trading with us and stop coming here on holiday.
Now they and the rest of the world deserve to be raging with the situation and have every right to slag our justice system, but punish fuckin Alex Salmond and Kenny MacAskill, not the entire population!
On the bright side, there could be a massive meteor travelling through space right now heading right for us which will obliterate the planet and we will all die in a blaze of glorious heat and light, putting everything back to the drawing board....maybe future inhabitants to spawn from the debris will give it a better shot than us.