I doubt I used the comma properly. XD I want to make a shirt that says "Get over your personal bubble." It really applies to any situation where you're in an audience or in any place that has a lot of people.
Tagged by Laura
01) Bold what is true about you.
02) Underline what is half true.
03) Italicize what you wish was true about you.
04) Add one true thing about you to the end of the list.
05) Tag five LJ friends.
06) Ask me anything about the bold/italicized/underlined.
• I miss somebody right now.
• I don't watch much TV these days.
• I own lots of books. (I could build a massive fort with the amount of books I own.)
• I wear glasses or contact lenses.
• I love to play video games.
• I've tried marijuana.
• I've watched porn movies. (Curiosity lead me to exploring a porn site and watching some clips. I actually found them to be a turn off because it seemed so fake and I actually got bored.)
• I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship. (I think I did become a bit of a psycho after breaking up with Don aka Asura. It wasn't entirely a real relationship considering it only fed into the mental and emotional needs, but it's the closest I've really gotten. *shrug* But yeah... I became a bit obsessed.)
• I believe honesty is usually always the best policy. (I am honest most of the time, but I genuinely refuse to be honest about everything in my life, including myself. I believe it is usually the best policy, but not always.)
• I curse sometimes. (I curse a lot.)
• I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. (Hells yeah. I've learned a lot about myself and have started putting effort into changing things that are causing so many problems.)
• I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me. <-- You'd think this would be true considering how I tend to insinuate that I would resort to violence. XD
• I have broken someone's bones.
• I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal. (Hells yeah and no one shall ever know that secret. At least not at present.)
• I hate the rain.
• I'm paranoid at times. (this has lead to many problems.)
• I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. (I will be honest here. I hate how my face is. It... It just seems too masculine and that bothers me. I don't really care about scars so long as they're not disfiguring.)
• I need/want money right now.
• I love sushi. (I'm kinda picky about sushi, but I'm learning to enjoy it.)
• I talk really, really fast. (I try not to talk really fast because my mouth eventually gets ahead of my brain, but I do talk a lot. XD)
• I have fresh breath in the morning.
• I have long hair.
• I have lost money in Las Vegas.
• I have at least one sibling.
• I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
• I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
• I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
• I like the way that I look.
• I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months. (I probably have. >>;; )
• I am usually pessimistic. (My pessimist comes and goes as she pleases)
• I have a lot of mood swings.
• I think prostitution should be legalized.
• I slept with a roommate.
• I have a hidden talent.
• I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
• I have a lot of friends.
• I have kissed someone of the same sex.
• I enjoy talking on the phone.
• I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. (Or comfortable shorts)
• I love to shop and/or window shop.
• I'm obsessed with my Livejournal. (I don't really deal with it as often as I used to, but I'm still pretty obsessed with it.)
• I don't hate anyone. I dislike them. (I may say I hate someone, but I usually don't mean it.)
• I'm a pretty good dancer
• I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
• I have a cell/mobile phone. (It's a piece of crap.)
• I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
• I've rejected someone before. (And I usually end up torturing myself over it. --;;; )
• I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
• I want to have children in the future.
• I have changed a diaper before.
• I have a lot to learn. (I will always believe this)
• I am shy around the opposite sex. (Sometimes I can get rather shy. >>;; )
• I'm online 24/7, even as an away message. (Not lately, but at school I usually am.)
• I have at least 5 away messages saved.
• I have tried alcohol or drugs before. (Booze is tasty.)
• I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.
• I own the "South Park" movie.
• I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Livejournal.
• I enjoy some country music.
• I would die for my best friend(s).
• I'm obsessive, and often a perfectionist. (Sometimes. It really depends on what I'm doing.)
• I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
• Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
• I have dated a close friend's ex.
• I am happy at this moment.
• I'm obsessed with guys. (I'm not insanely obsessed, but there are times where they dominate my thoughts.)
• Democrat.
• Conservative Republican.
• I am punk rockish.
• I go for older guys/girls, not younger. (However, I might be okay with someone a year younger than me. At most though. >>;; I'm really conscious of age differences and most of the romantic tales I grew up with the male was either the same age or older than the female, so I'm not used to the idea of an older woman dating someone younger than herself.)
• I study for tests most of the time.
• I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met. (I tie a crap ton of knots, but that's because the laces stretch and get so freakin' long and I'm too lazy to buy new laces. XD)
• I can work on a car.
• I love my job. (I don't even have a job. --;; )
• I am comfortable with who I am right now.
• I have more than just my ears pierced.
• I walk barefoot wherever I can. (I'm usually barefoot inside, but sometimes outside.)
• I have jumped off a bridge.
• I love sea turtles.
• I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
• I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
• I am proficient on a musical instrument. (I wish I were more skilled on all the instruments I have taken lessons for.)
• I hate office jobs. (I know myself really well and I would not do well in an office.)
• I went to college out of state.
• I am adopted.
• I am a pyro. (I like fire.)
• I have thrown up from crying too much. (I've nearly gotten there. I've gotten to the point where I couldn't breath, but managed to calm down a bit before I went past that.)
• I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved. (Emotionally. I will admit that, being the self-centered little snot I was, I returned said intentional hurts. I've caught myself at times when I wanted to do it again. When I feel hurt I instinctively want to lash out at the person who caused it, but I've learned to control myself... Most of the time. After growing up as the one who has to be on the defense most of the time... Well, that instinct has just been ingrained into me. I'm working on removing said instinct.)
• I fall for the worst people and have been hurt every time. (In a way this is true. Most of my online relations have hurt me some how and any of the guys I've fallen for in reality have caused pain. Whether it was through their actions or the fact that a relationship with them was out of my reach. *sigh* The people themselves might not always be bad, but it usually doesn't pan out well.)
• I adore bright colours.
• I usually like covers better than originals. <--- No idea what this means. o.O
• I hate chain theme restaurants like Applebees and TGIFridays.
• I can pick up things with my toes.
• I can't whistle.
• I have ridden/owned a horse. (Ridden)
• I still have every journal I've ever written in. (I still have the journals from when I went through what I call "My trip through non-reality." They are fun to read, but at the same time such things are what lead to major problems.)
• I talk in my sleep.
• I've often thought that I was born in the wrong century.
• I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
• I wear a toe ring.
• I have a tattoo. (As much as I hate needles and pain... I want a tattoo. However, I have no reason to get one right now, but I do want one.)
• I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work/study with. (This tends to always be true. There is usually at least one person that I have deal with in a class that I cannot stand at all.)
• I am a caffeine junkie.
• I am completely tree-huggy spiritual, and I'm not ashamed at all. (I really do hug trees. XD)
• If I knew I would get away with it, I would commit at least one murder.
• I've cosplayed or know what cosplaying is. (I gotta order my costume...)
• I have been to over 15 conventions.
• I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical, the better.
• I enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner. (I've also become a fan of rum.)
• I'm an artist.
• I am ambidextrous.
• I sleep with so many stuffed animals, I can hardly fit on my bed.
• If it weren't for having to see other people naked, I'd live in a nudist colony.
• I have terrible teeth.
• I did this meme even though I wasn't tagged by the person who took it before me.
• I have more friends on the internet than in real life. <--- At one point this was true, but not anymore.
• I have lived in either three different states or countries.
• I am extremely flexible.
• I want to own my own business.
• I smoke.
• I spend way too much time on the computer.
• Nobody has ever said I'm normal.
• Sad movies, games, fics and the like can cause a trickle of tears every now and then.
• I am proficient in the use of many types of firearms and combat weapons.
• I like the way women look in stylized men's suits. (There are some women that look really good in such suits. I also like women in suspenders. Is that weird? I just like the image. XD)
• I don't like it when people are displeased or seem displeased with me. (Though I will admit that there are times where I don't care.)
• I have been described as a dreamer or likely to have my head up in the clouds.
• I have played strip poker with someone else before.
• I have had emotional problems for which I have sought professional help. (Currently in counseling.)
• I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.
• I can't stand being alone. (I can't be completely alone for prolonged amounts of time. There's usually something wrong if I avoid human contact for over a week.)
• I have at least one obsession at any given time.
• I weigh myself, pee/poo, and then weigh myself again.
• I consistently spend way too much money on obsessions-of-the-moment. (I am guilty of splurges like this, but the obsessions usually are ones that stick.)
• I'm a judgmental asshole. (Okay. Let's be honest. I can be a judgmental asshole. I usually don't voice such judgments, but when I'm in a foul mood I tend to judge people harshly.)
• I'm a HUGE drama-queen. (Oh yeah. I've learned to tone things down, but I still have plenty of drama queen moments. XD)
• I have traveled on more than one continent.
• I sometimes wish my father would just disappear.
• I need people to tell me I'm good at something in order to feel that I am. (I still feel the need to constantly prove that I'm not a useless idiot.)
• I can speak more than one language.
• I can fall asleep even if the whole room is as noisy as it can be.
• I would rather read than watch TV.
• I like reading fact more than fiction. (I really like random trivia, but fantasy is my first love.)
• I have pulled an all-nighter on an assignment I was given a month to do. (And I got an A on it. >>;;; )
• I have no piercings. (I plan to stay that way. I'm too lazy to take care of 'em.)
• I have spent the night in a train station or other public place.
• I once spent Christmas completely alone because there was a miscommunication on which parent was supposed to have me that night. <--- That's sad.
• I've been married and am now divorced.
• There have been times when I have wondered "Why was I born?" and may/may not have cried over it. (Many many times have I asked this question. Especially since all the odds were against my existence. The thing that sums it all up was the fact that my mom wasn't supposed to be able to have any more children.)
• I like most animals better than most people.
• I own a collection of retro games consoles. (I have an SNES, but that's it. XD)
• The thought of physical exercise makes me shiver.
• I have hit someone with a dead fish.
• I am compulsively honest. (I really do prefer not to lie.)
• I was born with a congenital birth defect that has never been repaired.
• I have danced topless in front of dozens of complete strangers. And not been ashamed.
• I have gone from wishing I was a boy to reveling in being a girl to feeling like a boy again in the span of five minutes, and not cared a whit for my actual sex. (Actually... It's more negative for me. I feel like I should be a boy just because I am not an attractive female... Also I look more like a guy than a girl. The only reason people know I'm a girl is 'cause of my boobs. Yet there are times where I feel so good about being a woman. Like when my sister and I go shopping for clothes. I actually love trying on clothes even though it can get frustrating.)
• I am unashamedly bisexual, and have different motivations for my desires for different genders.
• I sometimes won't sleep a whole night or eat a whole day because I forget to.
• I find it impossible to get to sleep without some kind of music on. (I don't like complete quiet.)
• I dislike milk.
• I obsessively wash my hands.
• I always carry that something significant around with me. (right now I can't find it and I'm kinda freaking out. T_T)
• Sometimes I'd rather wear a wig in day-to-day life than use my own hair. <-- I LOVE MY HAIR! *pets it* my precious.
• I love talking about myself to the point where I need to be stopped.
• I often sing whenever I can and I'm good at it too.
• I have experienced some type of traumatic abuse in my lifetime. (Sixth grade. Mental and emotional abuse from girls I thought were my friends.)
• I've experienced visions and dreams which I know/believe are from my past life. (Yes, I will admit that sometimes I think I'm seeing things from another life, but not entirely. It's kinda fun to think about. However, I believed in this rather obsessively several years ago. Again it was what I called "my trip through non-reality.")
• I have deja vu so vivid that I feel faint. (It's really scary when it happens and most of the time the deja vu involves my dreams.)
• I love Harry Potter.
• My parents are not together.
• I don't believe in love. (In all honesty, there are times where I don't believe in love. At my lowest moods I firmly believe love doesn't really exist. At least not for me. However, I do have a hopeless romantic living inside me. --;; So most of the time I believe in it.)
• I hate people who walk incredibly slow.
• I have extreme contempt for the vast majority of people. (I'm not a people person, yet I find them fascinating.)
• Sometimes I don't shower before work. (not necessarily work, but I have gone about a week without showering. I'm lazy and I don't really do things that make me sweaty.)
• To me, procrastination is like a disease!
• I want to sleep now.
• I enjoy watching two guys kissing each other.
• I am a typical Gemini born.
• The more I searched the less I've found.
• As a child I was a huge crybaby.
• I'm feeling alone very fast.
• I'm living in a fairytale and I'm the noble Princess, who saves the day!
• I always have to spell my (real) name.
• I want to die in my sleep.
• I have a strange laugh. (I think my laugh can be pretty strange.)
• If they let me, I can sleep 12 hours in a row.
• I wish I could transform myself into a boy every now and then.
• I dance in the rain and don't feel like a fool.
• I have a favourite stuffed animal that I will not ever get rid of.
• I sing 80's hair metal songs into my hairbrush on a daily basis.
• I have a speech disorder.
• I'm infatuably attracted to men with long, blond, curly hair. (Don't care about blond or curly... But long hair... *melts* ... I like long hair. Unless it doesn't look good on the guy. Then it's not attractive.)
• I sometimes have the urge to take a shot of whiskey or open a can of beer at odd times in the day. (Rum)
• I have a weakness for guys with nice bodies. (The ideal physique that my fangirly mind enjoys the most is tall and kinda lanky with long hair. >>;; )
• I plan to move to another country at some point in my life.
• Ever wanted to be a certain fictional character. (Many times I have wanted to be one of the girls I've created in my stories...)
• My dreams are so vivid, they feel real. (It can be pretty scary...)
• I can get jealous easily!
• My computer and harddrive are pretty much my most prized possessions.
• I prefer to buy CDs than download music, free or otherwise.
• I haven't had my first kiss yet. (Okay this is half true for two reasons. I kissed a guy when I was like... 5 during my first game of truth or dare. I don't count it 'cause I was 5 and didn't know any better. The second reason is on New Years Eve one year I was at a party (yeah the only time I've ever gone somewhere else for NYE) and everyone was going to kiss someone to ring in the new year and so I did it. I knew the guy. *shrugs* I actually kinda liked him, but he was head over heels in love with someone else. Though I think the kiss was what the decision maker. I decided to support his pursuit of my friend 'cause I didn't feel anything special. However. Romantic kiss. Nope. Never. I have never actually kissed with pure romantic feelings or been kissed by someone who had pure romantic feelings. Hell, I've never had anyone do the 'confession of feelings' thing with me. At least not someone who was actually here...)
• I have had teeth pulled. (It turned into dental surgery... The root had fused to my jawbone. Yays...)
• I listen to music in at least five different languages. (English, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, and Latin. I also enjoy some French pieces.)
• I think boys/guys/men are icky.
• I prefer dim lights or candlelight to bright lights
• I fully acknowledge that I love lame jokes, because they're lame. What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? You're too young to smoke. (I love puns, too. Lameness is awesome!)
• I get happy when I buy food (especially meat) on sale.
• I can find beauty and something to love in anything around me.
• Desperate to find where I belong.
• I am a home-owner.
• I believe that one person can change the world and I want to be among those who have.
• I'm bi/pansexual, but the thought of having a relationship with a guy at the moment grosses me out completely.
• I despise winter with an unholy passion and spend all of it wishing it was summer already. (Only when it gets freakishly cold.)
• I'm a parent.
• I get obsessed with various kinds of foods and will eat them constantly until I get fed up and move on to the next food obsession.
• Chocolate sometimes cures all.
• I get obsessed about things my friends are obsessed about very easily, because I trust their taste - not because 'I want to fit in'. (I don't really get obsessed, but I do tend to explore what my friends are obsessed with.)
• I have visited Iceland. The country, not the shop.
• I know at least one person who is a transsexual.
• I copy/pasted the • symbol because I didn't know it or was too lazy to find out how to do it.
• When I do memes like this I just have to make comments about my answers.
Let's see... Who shall I tag... Kia-chan, Sarah, Rachael, Keith, and Lexi-chan
That was fun. It's really been a long time since I've done any sort of meme or survey thing. I actually am a bit down after doing it because things are springing up in my head. It's made me think way too much. Time to use my usual tactic. Distractions.
I have made four bowls and I'm going to do a lot of pottery once this week passes. Basically I'm going to be going in every day except Wednesdays 'cause I have rehearsal. I ordered silk scarves and dyes. w00t.
Time for sleep.
Oyasuminasai, minna-san.
~Marty / Shin~