2009 writing in review

Jan 09, 2010 23:57

It was interesting doing this post, because there turned out to be more things on the list than I was expecting. Most of them are pretty short, though; the official count is eleven stories or chapters (1000+ words), eight ficlets (500-999 words), and six drabbles (100-499 words).

It's actually hard to believe that all my Chalion attempts are from 2009. It feels like I've known that world for longer than only one year. I also have to note that two of my new fandoms (Chalion and The Thief) were introduced to me by gilpin25. So much of this is her fault. ;)

2009 fic posts

"Kaleidoscope" installments (canon R/T series) "Warp and Weft" pieces (postwar AU R/T denial-fic) Other R/T pieces (birthday drabbles, etc.) Harry Potter genfic Chalion series
  • Balance of Power (1350 words | PG | end of CoC | Cazaril/Betriz, dy Ferrej)
  • Home (600 words | PG | post-CoC | Cazaril/Betriz, Ista)
  • Illumination (541 words | PG-13 | post-CoC | Cazaril/Betriz)
  • Clean Slate (712 words | G | right before PoS | Cazaril, the Valenda bath boy | major spoilers for important CoC plot twist)
  • Wishes (500 words | PG | four years before PoS | Illvin, Arhys)
Vorkosigan series
  • Testing the Waters (1100 words | PG | end of ACC | Cordelia/Aral, Ekaterin, Nikki | minor(?) spoilers for Komarr and A Civil Campaign) [For the summer ficathon at bujold_fic]
The Thief (with spoiler-free character listings, hee) Discworld
  • Expectations (350 words | G | post-Fifth Elephant | Carrot/Angua)
Crossover (HP/Chalion) Something new -- original writing! (at pulped_fictions)
2010 resolutions? This will be the year I finish "All Will Be In Order," and it's always a goal to be working on "Kaleidoscope"; maybe I can finish the OotP part? I'd also like to write more Chalion or Vorkosigan, especially if there's a ficathon again this summer. And more original fiction, even if only a little.

index, year_in_review, vorkosigan_series, chalion, genfic, drabbles, remus/tonks, long_shadow, stories

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