Fic posts at metamorfic_moon

Jan 05, 2010 00:35

I spent most of my New Year's long weekend (aside from a hike with friends, a dinner out, and a late episode of holiday baking) immersed in writing fic for the Christmas Cracker Advent at metamorfic_moon. It had been a while since I really sat down to write something longish and plotty, and it felt really good to do it...

Anyway, I came up with something for the HBP section of the Kaleidoscope series, where I got to work with my OC werewolves again. I felt sort of odd posting an angst/drama piece set in March for a holiday event, but this was the plotbunny my prompt brought! And it was a fic goal for 2009 to write another installment involving the pack, so I'm glad I had a chance to try.
  • What It Takes (4750 words | PG-13/profanity, reference to offstage violence)
    Remus has been living with Greyback’s pack for months without making any tangible progress at all. Loving someone he can never have certainly does not improve matters. But one day, Greyback goes a little too far, and some things, at least, begin to change.
Then, just for fun, I wrote a fluffy drabble. And nothing says fluff like post-war denial!fic AU, heh. Not that you'd know that's what is coming from the craftily misleading summary. ;) As always, there's great stuff at metamorfic_moon -- I'm still reading, but I'm enjoying it all very much.

warp_and_weft, drabbles, remus/tonks, kaleidoscope, metamorfic_moon, stories

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