You are extremely stupid. My self-steam does not need improvement and even if it does, I am not waiting for you to help. I was trying to help you by drawing your attention to something in you that bothers a lot of people that see you everyday and have to spend an hour or more with you in class. I have nothing against you, idiot. And you, by paying attention to my grammatical errors or spelling errors instead of thinking of the message that I was trying to send you, are being a very immature person like you are. Ohhh, one more thing, when you try to act smart in English please don’t push it too far with Mr. Mullally because you are being really rude most of the times. Grow up and appreciate people when they tell you your flaws because they are tired of seeing how many people have come to despite you every time they hear you laugh. Grow up stupid.
Dear anonymous,
See, by not signing your posts, you lose any ability to call me immature. If you were attempting to "help" me, you'd think that instead of using the bitchiest wording possible, you'd be a little kinder. Yes, I'm incredibly stupid. Incredibly stupid for allowing myself to laugh naturally, being unable to change the way my laughter sounds, and defending myself against anonymous, unprovoked, and uncalled for attacks.
"I have nothing against you, idiot." Wow. Just think about the way that was worded and tell me that it doesn't come off as an attack to you.
As to 'acting smart' in English class, I have no idea what you're talking about. Just thinking back on today, the only person who really spoke up was Emily and she had a valid point. And if someone desipises me because of my laugh, they have some issues of their own to deal with, now don't they?
So I will be a little more 'grown up' than both of us have been about this. I'm going to ask you to either sign your next post (if you so choose to make one) lest this turn into harassment, or say this shit to my face. If you have a class with me, take the initiative, get a backbone, and approach me instead of hiding behind your snide little posts and anonymity. I don't really give a fuck who my laughter annoys, and as a matter of fact I was complimented on it just today by someone that I don't really know. Yes, I'm sure it wasn't sarcasm, but perhaps I should re-evaluate since I'm such a blithering idiot.
Now, have 'marcy' on the people who actually read my journal and end this because it's getting really tiresome, and I have more things to worry about than the details of myself that others don't approve of. I'm sure you have them, too. It's called being human. And putting the things that annoy you about other people past you is what's called maturity. Let's not have the pot calling the kettle black, kay?
Hey everyone. I've had a fun day... sorta. I'm a little upset that we have to memorize yet another song for a stupid halloween parade, but... oh, I'm over it.
I love Billy <3
Omgosh, I'm super excited. My birthday is next Monday and some people and I are doing the drive- in costume thing. We have the main characters of Wicked cast so that when we go trick-or-treating... people will still ask us who we are, but we'll be thematically confused! Yay.
Okay, so I think that's all. New earrings, how exciting! Right. Talk to y'all later!
Commodore Snick