
Jan 22, 2015 21:35

1. Bleach: over the past few months the series has successfully graduated from "fun to hate" to "utter snorefest." Okay not totally true, it was already a snorefest, but at least for a while it was fun to hate on the ridiculous asspulls.

Wow like literally I don't even care anymore. I quit!

(Not about this chapter in particular but: when even the presence of Urahara and Yoruichi doesn't help and Kubo is STILL INTRODUCING SHITTY NEW THROWAWAY CHARACTERS... yeah, it's beyond time to drop this shit)

This is not a ragequit, unlike That Time With Naruto. It's more like a blah blah who cares tell me when this ends quit like I quit Inuyasha. :')

2. One Piece: OHHHHHHHHhhh and suddenly a lot of things make sense. lmaooooooooooooo

Disappointed about one thing but Oda has built up more than enough credit with me for me to let it go for now (hard to judge until next week anyway)

- Am I the only one who wants Giolla to meet Kanjuro???

- I am hopelessly corrupted and despite Manshelly's adorableness I could only think perverted things about her powers. (Despite the pervert potential of other fruit powers, this is the first time I've been like ummmmm~~~~~ .................)

- This reminds me of all the fairy tales where the princess's tears turn into jewels and stuff.

- Can Robin and Rebecca PLEASE get a fight?

- Folks are freaking over healing powers being overpowered, but eh -- if there's one thing I have absolutely 100% faith in wrt Oda, it's that he refuses to make anything THAT easy. Plus my assumption is that it's always been limited to her tears (and they just never saw her fill her magical watering can or whatever)

- Also she is basically Fawkes and no one ever complained about Fawkes

(actually they probably did, HP fandom)

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

manga: one piece, bleach, manga

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