aquarion evol 21 and other things

May 22, 2012 22:53

Dude, I have been waiting for this to happen for TWENTY EPISODES.

Payoff is sweet, even if not exactly unpredictable. Also I ship Shrade/Cayenne pretty shamelessly (what can I say, they keep dangling ship bait before ussssss instead of just waving it off entirely as a joke [not any more so than the other pairings in this series, anyway]). That said, wtf is up with _______'s character arc? Painful to watch (not in a good way) and seems to have gone nowhere, but there are some obvious loose ends still dangling there... Troll or not, Kawamori isn't that terrible of a storyteller, so I guess I'll wait to see how THAT plays out.

(Kawamori can totally do romance when he feels like it, so it's nice to know that my unimpressed feelings re: main love polygon were in fact not unfounded and even plot relevant. Man, did he really have to drag it out for this long though??)

Oddly enough, I now want to watch the original Aquarion + OVAs, as much as I hate the reincarnation trope. (The backstory seems loads more interesting than the present day story.)

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In other news I am now officially a fan of Tokimeki Memorial (Girls Side games). :sweat:

Don't ask. (Speaking as someone who normally hates stat-raising games, they are surprisingly well-designed though. And despite being dating sims, the female characters are as awesome as the dudes and the games pass the Bechdel test many times over. Plus they include friendshippy endings... In other words, they are not nearly as... irritating... as some of the more modern otome games. And this is speaking as someone who has an ongoing interest in dating sims/otome games/visual novels for purely intellectual purposes.)

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Apparently next Detective Conan case is BIG -- i.e. likely the finale of the current arc. Not to mention it's train-themed and so I am hoping for a twist on the Orient Express (an earlier case played with the ABC murders). This isn't the first train murder he's done, but... it would be nicely significant.

I couldn't resist peeking at the Chinese scans... ;asldkgj

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I've been in a deeply melancholy mood these past two weeks or so. Nowhere near as bad some previous months have been (i.e. it's not crippling and it's a completely different beast from depression), but more or less I am having ALL THE FEELINGS and a severe inability to concentrate much on anything outside myself because I don't quite know how to handle the deluge.

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re: Legend of Korra, I have nothing to say about it that hasn't been said all over the place (squeee squee OMG etc.) aside from I am a Tarrlok fan and I am not even sorry about it.

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PS: The Great Gatsby trailer horrifies me.

comments at the original Dreamwidth post

games: tokimemo gs, detective conan, anime, games, manga

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