random updates

Jun 11, 2011 20:12

1. I will be in Taiwan in July! The last time I went back was when I was uh. Seven.

2. Although I do believe people can change (I myself have changed bucketloads over the years man, possibly on an annual basis) and I don't really hold grudges per se, I must confess, I have a very long fandom memory. Even if I don't always talk about it. /creepy lurker is creepy

5. For the record, I only defriend people if we don't really talk anymore/your journal is dead. And sometimes out of nostalgia not even then. I have only defriended someone ONCE due to drama-llama reasons in all my time on LJ, and I have always had a fairly open friending policy. Feel free to lurk creepily, comment anonymously, stalk me, friend me, defriend me, whatever. (Though if we talk a lot and you defriend me please let me know why.) My journal is and has always been 75% stupid, 5% meta, 20% whining, and 87.3% public. 8D

4. Guys guys guys I can't keep track of all the meta/fan journals you've set up. Pls to comment here with them kthx so I can resume my creepy lurking catch up. :B

3. I love Front Mission (SNES). I wrote up a big long post about it but then I realized I probably sounded insane, also no1curr, ahahaha. I am sorely tempted to import the novelization and the rest of the games gdi argh.

6. Goshooooooooooooooo you tease.

7. Erzaaaaaaaaa why so awesome.

8. Please someone remind me to discuss Moonless Age someday? I've been wanting to discuss gender dynamics/business models re: this comic for years now. This is the only comic I follow faithfully where my opinion is continuously vacillating back and forth between various extremes. Which is probably one of the reasons I follow it so faithfully. Good lord. (Does anyone else even read this?)

9000. I have a gazillion DW invite codes omg please help me get rid of them or something. (I really should post at that invite code community but my laziness, it knows no bounds.

10. I was watching the Kami no Shizuku (Tears of God or whatever) live-action drama lately with family. Despite the relatively high production values (and nice eye candy), the manga (which I read English scanlations of I think a year or two ago, and recently continued reading in Chinese) is much better. The main actor (some pop idol or something idk and idc) is terrible and I feel like they completely changed the protagonist's characterization in order to cater to his acting or maybe up the drama or whatever. That said the drama is still pretty enjoyable. Anyway the series makes me want to become a wine nerd, omg. (It's like Yakitate* for wine. except taken seriously. but thoroughly researched.) though part of me is like lololol rich people. (To be fair, one of the cool things about this series is that they showcase all sorts of wine at all sorts of price ranges, protag. is just a regular businessman, and most of the other characters are sommeliers/wine sellers/office workers, which no doubt adds to the appeal/popularity of the series. It makes wine both sexy and accessible. LOL.)

But I mean hey I live a few hours away from wine country? I just don't have much interest in alcohol I guess. /is so boring

* Yakitate was the best. thing. ever. Just sayin. XD

webcomics, games, sonotfunny, dramas, caffeine is my god, manga

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