Shotgun Rules

Aug 07, 2007 12:22

The (un)Official Rules to Shotgun
Every car needs this guide!
To call Shotgun is to take the front passenger seat of a car for the present journey. Here are the (un)official rules to calling Shotgun.

1.When calling Shotgun, the caller must be in direct sight of the car. However, the driver doesn't have to be present when Shotgun is called.
2.If you are first to be picked up on a journey, you are given automatic Shotgun. However, violation of other rules to Shotgun means you automatically forfeit your rights to Shotgun for the rest of the day/evening.
3.You cannot declare Shotgun if someone has already called it for that journey, even if you were not present.
4.If two people call Shotgun at the same time, there is then a footrace to the passenger side door.
5.Shotgun cannot be called inside a building. Doing so will have you forfeit your call for Shotgun in when in the appropriate location (see rule 1).
6.Shotgun cannot be called in advance, only on the way to the car. (see rule 1)
7.Pirate rule; If you are dressed convincingly as a pirate, you are given automatic Shotgun. In the event of two successful candidates, a sword fight is declared to determine the successful call for Shotgun. No sword, no Shotgun.
8.If the driver is unhappy with the result, or wishes for a rematch, he can call 'Reload.' Upon this, all calls are void. Potential callers therefore have to call again. However, since a Shotgun is double-barreled, the driver can only call 'Reload' once. This is also used when there is a simultaneous call and the driver is unsure of the outcome.
9.Once Shotgun is called, it is then possible for Shotgun to be called for the back seats in this order; Back right seat, back left seat. The fifth person (if applicable) is stuck in the middle, or 'Bitch Seat.”
10.Regardless if you are successful in your bid for Shotgun, if you are the smallest passenger, you must take the Bitch Seat, unless another seat is available.
11.In calling for Shotgun, men and women are equal.
12.In the event of the driver being drunk, ill, or unable to perform his/her duties as such, they are given automatic Shotgun.
13.If two of the riders are in a relationship or planning a one night stand, one must sit in Shotgun. No-one wants to drive around 2 people while they are all over each other in the back seat. Anyone else loses their privilege to Shotgun.
14.When traveling, the driver is in control of the music. However if the driver can't be bothered/is too busy focusing on driving, power of music is passed to the Shotgun rider. However, this power will be demoted to the person in Bitch Seat (or next in rank) if shit music is played. (See rule nine for order of importance)
15.The Shoe rule; To call Shotgun, you MUST be wearing shoes. This prevents people running out, calling shotgun and then going in to put their shoes on, hence, slowing the journey. If you call Shotgun without shoes on, you forfeit your rights to Shotgun for the rest of the day/evening.
16.Being Shotgun means assuming 'Navigator.' Criticizing the driver or navigator has you put in Bitch seat or next up for the rest of the day/evening, which eliminates rule 10.
17.Whoever is the successful caller of Shotgun is next in line for control in the car. Therefore, they have the right to hand out slaps, punches, squirt water, throw things, etc, to the people in the back seat.
18.The couples rights act.1998 states that if the girl/boyfriend of the driver will be in the car, they are given automatic Shotgun. This excludes the boy/girl you have picked up for the night.

The best way to achieve shotgun is to date the driver, dress as a pirate, wear shoes, take someone shorter than you and don't be rude to the driver.
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