you got everything you need~

May 10, 2009 03:25

Today has been a really productive day~ :3

→ NEW LAYOUT for ieatchu ieatchu ieatchu ieatchu ieatchu am really happy with this gaiz :D

→ Downloaded and read Nee, Sensei? by Yaya Sakuragi ♥♥ I've been searching for it for the past two days and I finally found it >3

→ NEW LAYOUT for yanagixkirihara :D The community's kinda dead :| So I wanna revive it~ Good luck to me because no one's posting about YanaKiri even in the main comm anymore otl otl otl :( :( Profile layout will have to wait until tomorrow because it's almost 4 AM and I'm sleepy D:

Finally wrote this rabbit!Silver Pair I've been meaning to do ever since I saw those bunnies in Megamall with Ericka XD Mommy Nei/neitaro, Happy Mother's Day! XDDD LOL ♥

→ Of course, I also have SP pr0n for you but it feels wrong posting porn on Mother's Day .____.;;; Why is that XD;

→ Downloaded a ton of BL manga :| That makes me a very happy fangirl ♥ Aaaand also dl-ed the chapters of KHR that I've missed. Expect some fangirling tomorrow or something~ <3

→ Happy Mother's Day, guys! ♥♥♥ I still has to make cards for my mom and my grandma, but other than that, me and my siblings are all ready~ :3

new profile, fanfic, yanakiri, yaoi, manga, silver pair, new layout, awesome

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