air quality

Nov 03, 2010 02:32

I've recently begun to realize that the reason for my ceaseless cold last year was not because there was some plague epidemic manifesting itself in my house.
It was allergies.

How did I find out?

Well, while border-lining the extreme, the majority of the time spent in my house is usually on the computer.
Though some may consider this unhealthy...I find it quite the opposite. It keeps me sane as it's my primary form of contact with friends.

For some reason, I was compelled to make a pie chart to display how I spend time in the house:

Yes, I am aware I just wasted a good portion of time...doing nothing.
It happens.

The second place I spend the most time in is my room.
Since the computer and my room are apart, I'm driven to spend less time in my room. Hence why I realized that whenever I'm in my room, about to go to sleep, or getting ready in the morning, I'm constantly sneezing or gasping for air as my sinuses are perpetually clogged.

And once I leave the room and go to the computer or outside, I'm fine again.

Is it mold? Dust? A combination of the two alongside the pet dander the mice scuttling above my head in the ceiling panels have been spraying into the air?

Who knows.
All I know is that...I need an air cleaner, a bubble, or a gas mask.

Countryside air, how I miss thee!


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