
May 06, 2009 14:36

Isn't it wonderful when the gift-fic you receive in an exchange is one that you just want to squeal and flail over?

I adore the fic that was written for me: Things that can be taken away from you (PG-13, featuring Ginny, Neville, Luna, Ron, and McGonagall) For five warriors, considering moving away from Hogwarts after the battle also means leaving something of themselves behind, willingly or not.

The characterisations in this piece are spectacular and they just call to me - like something picked straight out of my brain. I love that the story doesn't mitigate the horrors of the war and battle but still manages to be hopeful.

In short? This fic is ♥


And for the sake of a linkable public rec, I should put in a mention again for the fic I recced a few days ago, just so it's not stuck in a locked post along with my ramblings on exams!

Eight of Swords, Nine of Wands (PG, featuring Lavender and Neville) Adulthood begins when we take responsibility not only for ourselves but for others. Lavender and Neville are seventeen and in their seventh year at Hogwarts. Their time to be adults has begun.

(My comments were:) This fic totally blew me away. It's awesome. A coming-of-age story about Neville and Lavender, set during DH and so rich and full of detail.

It's long, but gives you a lot to think about and digest. Definitely something I can see myself coming back to in future.

neville is love, fic recs, fic exchanges, springtime_gen

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