Dear Author for Hockey Holidays!

Oct 27, 2017 19:45

Dear Author,

Thank you so much for writing for me!

In general, I like: friends to lovers, found families, teaaaaaaam, pining (preferably requited!), first times, humour, AUs (especially sf/fantasy type ones; x in SPACE!! is very much up my alley, for example, for the fandoms that aren't already there :D), competence porn, fake dating, had to get married for reasons (bonus points if said reason is tax related :D), friends with benefits that grows into feelings, epistolary fic, plotty things, porny things, classic tropes being used for good or evil; basically I'm happy to be sold on anything.

I love slice-of-life type vignettes and hockey-specific details are awesome too; if you want to set something in or around a game I'm also super on board with that. Something close to 'canon' is also great. I love seeing fictional takes that incorporate facts we may know about and put a new spin on them. I also love seeing the larger cast that is involved in hockey fandom; I really like it when other people get to show up and have their own lives and issues and other stuff going on as well as seeing the main pairing. Also, consensual non-monogamy is totally fine by me; as is people having history dating other people and that being OK and normal (and not a source of jealousy, preferably.) BDSM content is generally also cool with me; I just am not that into a/b/o AUs -- D/s dynamics outside of that are all good. Outsider POV is also really fun, and if anything more unusual is your jam then I'm down with that, too.

I don't like: non-con, torture, grimdark for the sake of grimdark, abuse or basically anything that would usually be warned for. I prefer happy endings, but if a wistful or bittersweet place is where your story goes, that's fine. I just don't like suffering for the sake of suffering.

...and I am shockingly bad at prompts (sorry) so, uh, basically please do consider Optional Details to be Optional, and if you have a great idea already that doesn't overlap any of my DNWs then by all means just run with that - I very much prefer my author to enjoy their writing experience too.

If you have a question I haven't covered here, firalla11 can usually either get hold of me to ask for you, or will probably know what i like with great accuracy already. :D

My specific pairings:

Nick Leddy/Brandon Saad

I love literally everything about this pairing and am super easy for any look you want to take at them. First times, established relationship, long distance, struggling with that, AUs in space, AUs with magical realism, woke up married, pretty much any sort of popular trope and I'm on board.

I've actually been thinking about woke-up-married a bit more recently and I would love to see how that works given the whole different teams thing, especially if they weren't already in an established relationship (although if you want to take a spin on that trope with an established relationship I'm also on board for that.) I'm also particularly a sucker for first-time fics for these guys, I love getting to see all the different ways that people come up with to make that happen.

Caveat: I would prefer to avoid Blackhawks-heavy content if possible (or at least no mention of #Kane)

Nick Leddy/Mikey Reilly

I love friends-to-lovers as a trope, and I'd love to see something that focuses on how they might negotiate that change in their relationship; especially since they're at different points in their careers, and can only really see each other in summer. I'm perfectly happy with consensual non-monogamy if that's a direction you want to take this in; especially in what would be by definition largely a long-disance relationship.

Anything else that I mention in my general likes would also be neat for this pairing, I just want there to be more of it.

For visual reference, may I suggest that pic we got a few summers ago of Leddy all dressed up in a white buttondown shirt and Mikey looking distinctly more casual. XD

Anthony Beauvillier/Josh Ho-Sang/Nick Leddy

I really like this trio as a trio - they have such great chemistry on ice in every iteration and I want to see how that translates off-ice as well. Beau and Leddy usually seem to have some goofy pre-game routines that intersect, and they're both cute as heck around Josh, so anything that leans on the physical side of how they interact would be delightful.

Tell me about how this might work when it's Nick the veteran and two rookies, or when Josh gets sent to Bridgeport last season and again this--or what happens when he's called back up again. I'm also intrigued by the way their personalities contrast; Josh is so enthusiastic and yet also very measured in how he expresses himself, but seems to be very much more of an extrovert than Leddy. And any and all of them being stealth nerds would be delightful.

AUs could also be cool - I'm fine with the age differences here so long as everyone's legal and consenting.

(While I'm technically requesting the threesome here I'd also be fine with a poly-V or something more complicated, so long as no one is feeling left-out!)

Anthony Beauvillier/Josh Ho-Sang

These two have such great chemistry and they were fun as hell in the 2016-2017 season and again this year; things just always seem to ~happen when they're on the ice together. If you want to expand that to off the ice as well then I'm interested; if you want to take that super literally and tell me about a magic AU or something sf or fantasy or even some other kind of genre type trope then I'm also extremely interested.

Mostly, I just want stories about them having fun and/or being happy and/or growing as people and succeeding while also, you know. Kissing. :D

Seth Jones/Brandon Saad

I'm down for pretty much anything with this pairing; whether it's them bonding over being traded last season, or about living up to their new contracts, or about being seen as veterans on this team despite being under 25 themselves still.

I'm also super on board with anything that incorporates any of their international play, whether it's the pre-Sochi summer training camp, the World Cup of Hockey this year or pretending that they could actually be going to the next Olympics. (Bonus points if you give me a Nick Leddy/Seth Jones dpairing, I am Just Saying, and also Goddammit NHL :( )

I'm really drawn to the way they're both sort of quiet-seeming guys who are super competent at their jobs and I feel like it could be really interesting to see how that plays out interpersonally, so if you want to lean in to that or make it weird then I'm on board.

Brandon Saad/Vincent Trocheck

My friends to lovers thing gets another workout with this pairing, and there's not nearly enough of it so you would very much make me happy to add more fics about them. I really like the fact they've got so much history together, from playing in Saginaw to being on Team North America together in 2016. If you want to dial up the competitiveness then I'm down for that (sex bets! XD), like using the fact that Saad made the 2015 All Star Game and then Trocheck was in the 2016 one, the fact they were almost neck and neck in scoring for a lot of last year, etc.

This is another pairing I'm perfectly happy with PWP, AUs or even just domestic slice of life type things; mostly I would just love to see more of this pairing in the world.

Boone Jenner/Seth Jones/Ryan Murray

Aaaanything in this trio is Extremely Relevant to My Interests; whether that's as a true trio or a poly-V or something that starts one way and develops into more, basically my instinctive reaction is "yes, please".

I'd like more stories about Seth slowly becoming a part of Boone and Ryan's relationship, or even Seth starting a relationship with one of them which leaves the other pining as they realize what they're missing out on. Relationship negotiation is a thing I'm fascinated by and I think there's scope for a lot of that here, especially if you want to lean on how tough the 2015-16 season was for Columbus OR how the 16-17 regular season was the exact opposite, or even how the contrast between those experiences could affect the guys on the team and their relationships with each other.

Seth Jones/Zach Werenski

They have such great chemistry and trust on ice again, I'd like to see how that might spill over to their personal lives; whether you want to lean into the hockey details side or go AU with it. First times would be awesome here, or any sort of spin on a classic trope --they have a game in Vegas this year so if you want to go the "woke up married" route then that would be aces.

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