Dear Author for Hockey Poly Fic Exchange

Jun 03, 2017 17:44

Dear Author for the Poly Hockey exchange; I am so terribly sorry about how late this is; if you've already figured out what you're doing then that is awesome and don't let anything I'm adding here put you off. <3

Please find below the cut just some general thoughts/comments, although overall I would just be thrilled with any story for any of the pairings I've requested.

In general, I like: friends to lovers, found families, teaaaaaaam, pining (preferably requited!), first times, humour, AUs (especially sf/fantasy type ones; x in SPACE!! is very much up my alley, for example, for the fandoms that aren't already there :D), competence porn, fake dating, had to get married for reasons (bonus points if said reason is tax related :D), friends with benefits that grows into feelings, epistolary fic, plotty things, porny things, classic tropes being used for good or evil; basically I'm happy to be sold on anything.

I love slice-of-life type vignettes and hockey-specific details are awesome too; if you want to set something in or around a game I'm also super on board with that. Something close to 'canon' is also great. I love seeing fictional takes that incorporate facts we may know about and put a new spin on them. I also love seeing the larger cast that is involved in hockey fandom; I really like it when other people get to show up and have their own lives and issues and other stuff going on as well as seeing the main pairing. Also, consensual non-monogamy is totally fine by me; as is people having history dating other people and that being OK and normal (and not a source of jealousy, preferably.) BDSM content is generally also cool with me; I just am not that into a/b/o AUs -- D/s dynamics outside of that are all good. Outsider POV is also really fun, and if anything more unusual is your jam then I'm down with that, too.

I don't like: non-con, torture, grimdark for the sake of grimdark, abuse or basically anything that would usually be warned for. I prefer happy endings, but if a wistful or bittersweet place is where your story goes, that's fine. I just don't like suffering for the sake of suffering.

My specific pairings:


Okay, so obviously Leddy/Saad is my otp and all that, but I would looooove to see how Trocheck could fit into that as well. I'm a total sucker for playing off the resemblance between Leddy and Trocheck, or at the very least making a lot of jokes about how Brandon Saad has a type, but I would love to see the interpersonal dynamics here as well. Saader and Tro have so much history together, they've grown up together, but then Leddy and Saad got to win a Cup together and play in the NHL together. I'd be into anything here from, like, a threesome just for fun (whether it's Leddy or Trocheck as the 'third' going with an existing couple) to a fully developed poly relationship. A poly V would also be fine with me here, so long as everyone ends up happy with their arrangements.


These three guys were soooo much fun this season, even if the Islanders had a rough go of it overall. Beau and Josh seemed to have really great chemistry on the ice, and half the time they picked up points I feel like Leddy was on the ice with them too, so I'd love to see that spilling off the ice and into the bedroom. Especially if you bring in Leddy feeling responsible for the younger guys and trying to be a good influence and yet still being hopelessly attracted to them. I'd be happy to see Nick getting pulled into an existing Beauvillier/Ho-Sang relationship or Josh to be the new addition, since Beau's been up with the big club for the entire year instead of just the end of it.


I'm super easy, they're super pretty, I would be extremely happy with anything whatsoever for these guys. Canon fic, AUs, whatever floats your boat. And since I've read some really awesome fic along those lines, I would also be totally down w Rule 69 fic, although I'd prefer that they all be women in that case.


Again, super happy with anything here; I like the vibe between all three of these guys, their friendship and affection and history together. Something from when they're all in Rockford together would be great; something about them picking up a relationship again after they're all on different teams now would also be super. I'd prefer to avoid Hawks-heavy settings for this, but as long as you avoid Kane it's okay.

Jenner/Jones/Murray; Jones/Murray Werenski

My prompts/likes for these are pretty much the same; I love the competence porn aspect of how good all of these guys are at what they do; I love their friendship and the way they seem to click so easily. Incorporating both the way they need to work together on ice and living together for Boone and Ryan is a plus.

In conclusion, I hope you have a great time writing and I'm sure I will love whatever you come up with. If you're concerned about something and want to anonymously check my opinion on it, Izzy (izzy on DW, izzybeth on LJ) or Kat (katrin on LJ) should always be able to get hold of me to ask.

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