this is not my last Swarm writeup. boom, LOKI'D!

Nov 26, 2012 20:08

So every now and then I get to sort of mulling over The Last Day On Twitter, and sometimes it really is entertainingly batshit. viz, the previous 24 hours: I spent some time (when thankfully most of you were asleep and should have missed it) having an embarrassing meltdown about the Kings' Cup run (short version: ashamed by still being kinda into Jeff Carter, Kopitar me on it (that goal against the Canucks alskdjalksjdalksjd SERIOUSLY. S E R I O U S L Y), Jon Quick continues to look 12 years old, etc), then I woke up a bunch of times last night to the point that when I had to get up for work I only had to go back three hours in my scroll, and then there was a discussion about knocking up Scott Hartnell, I whined about work, I drank a lot of coffee, the Mythbusters did their best to help half the internet end up on some kind of watchlist, team NZ took over my feed in the afternoon to despair over our government and interspersed that with a lengthy discussion on the treatment of women in Bond films, I yelled about the Fast and the Furious and how Paul Walker and Vin Diesel's characters are the pairing I tinhat with all my heart, and then demanded that Imp provide the letters of marque for her pirate bourbon. Plus general flat shenanigating.


(This is just a thing I was thinking about driving home because seriously, that pretty much IS a normal twittercycle. Ha.)

In the interests of trying to be a Better Updater (Better Blogging for a [fill end of sentence here if you know it; spoilers darling]), my Short Week at work was mostly good, I had a gigantic meltdown/temper tantrum about how shitty parking in Auckland is (seriously what is even the fucking point if all street parking is now 1 hour max I hate you in the face people in charge :( ), met up with Team Auckland and
labellementeuse in a park by the waterfront which had magic beanbags until the security dudes started confiscating them, we upped sticks to a pub and I had a delicious alcoholic gingerbeer and stopped sulking, and then we had really good cheap Mexican (previously unpossible in Auckland, so hooray for that) before heading back to the flat for some quality Carding against Humanity. Sorry, humanity.

Saturday was brunch at Circus, and the marvel that was actually getting a table big enough for all of us (A+, T!) and having eyes for naught but waffles, followed by some more flat hanging out time, followed in turn by bra shopping, and then Blade and I went go-karting for my work holiday party thing.

The go-karting was kind of fun but also kind of stressful (and also I was struggling to reach the pedals; I KNOW, Scully joke goes here) so we tapped out after one set of laps and just loled at everyone else. It also proved a useful test for "how to know if you're from fandom", because we realised we were both paying the most attention to the developing narrative that was bb!coworker's ladyfriend beating the pants off him, to our deep appreciation. The best part was when he spun out while trying to overtake and she cheerfully flipped him off while racing away. SUPERB.

Sunday I was largely useless, which was annoying -- I HAD PLANS, SIGH -- but apparently I had a deep-seated need to hibernate also, and that kind of won. I did run some errands eventually, the upshot of which is the flat now has a brita pitcher (or at least a briscoes own brand version of same), I have a tool box to keep makeup and hair crap and craft stuff in (idea happily filched from
amphibious_one), and I priced up the privacy fence stuff we need to get to cover the gap where the fence between us and Judgiest Neighbour is still somewhat brokedy.

Work today was mostly super boring - I ran out of paperwork and also other stuff to do, EEP - but tomorrow we have a bunch stacked up to do, at least. And I went from "yay I get to leave early!" to "accidentally doing an hour of overtime" for ~reasons, so that helps my sad sad total of flex time, although it also meant it's now 8pm and I'm only just now about to start working on my next hockey blog post properly. Oops.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get home from work with sufficient time/give-a-shit to do some gardening and affix our solar lights properly to the carport! #livinginhope

...if my brain was more functional I'd close out with an insightful or conversation-starting question for anyone who made it this far, but, well. I got nuthin. Please feel very free to share any information you feel I should be privy to in comments, I guess? :D?

OH WAIT I remembered the other thing: so driving home after dinner on Friday evening and it was pretty late and I was kind of wound up and we, uh, may have ended up sharing 'shampooing a baby bear' with team Auckland BUT ALSO somehow it seemed both relevant and totally reasonable in the course of that anecdote for me to realise that ACTUALLY the shootout was a metaphorical equivalent of knotting, which theory I expounded on at great length and volume (can't remember now, don't partic want to), after which a tiny voice from the backseat was like "I can't believe you ruined baby bears for us :(", at which point the only response was "well, at least I didn't ruin the shoot out OH WAIT, I CAN'T BECAUSE IT'S ALREADY TERRIBLE!"

I swear I was sober.

#predictable #asfuck #notintheplayoffs #onceburned #fucktheDevils #hashtagsoftwitter #atthispointimjustentertainingmself #itsokayiunderstandifyoudefriendme

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friends, shenanigans, twitter, flat of trolling, nice pile of rocks

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