
Jan 02, 2012 20:05

So, um, I kind of gave up on doing anything in the last two weeks or so that wasn't working, eating, writing and watching hockey. Probably I should go back to having a more rounded life again now, but in the mean time, in a slightly less manic format for those of you who may not be stalking tags on the AO3, here are the fruits of my labour:

Aforementioned Yuletide story for
delurker, who was awesome enough to ask for a story that could also be described as "everything I enjoy reading and writing, ever". :DDD

Beauty Move::Hall/Eberle, Eberle/Teubert (Edmonton Oilers)::Rated R::6400 words
Wherein: When Taylor Hall said Tubes could move in with him and Ebs, this was not what he was expecting.

And for the Hockey Holidays exchange, I put together two stories. GUESS MY OTP. NO REALLY. GO AHEAD. IT'S SUPER SUBTLE. :D?

Play Along::Keith/Seabrook (Chicago Blackhawks)::Rated R::9300 words
Wherein: "I bet you a hundred bucks," Sharpy says, gesturing with his drink to punctuate how very serious he is about this suggestion, "that I can pick up the next person who walks in that door before you can." Duncan Keith probably shouldn't have taken that bet.

Time as an Abstract::Keith/Seabrook (Chicago Blackhawks)::Rated R::5400 words
Wherein: Duncs and Seabs share a quiet moment after the Winter Olympics.

And honestly, if you like hockey fic you should basically go gleefully wallow in read everything in the exchange pool because it's great. :DDD Thank you so much to
just_katarin for organising everything!

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