Now better light and with non-cellphone resolution! :D

Dec 19, 2011 21:31

So after many many months I have finally begun the process of Operation: Retaliatory Trolling. As you may remember, I went on holiday for a couple weeks earlier in the year and returned to find that my entire room had been covered with tinfoil. Also there was a stripper pole. The lesson is: don't leave
blademistress alone with a broken laptop.

For reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, my return volley took a little longer than I would have hoped.

After some thought and examination of my resources, I decided that the thing to do would be to brick her into her room with lego. I thought I had enough lego. (LOL NO.) Obviously, because fire safety I wasn't going to do it until first thing in the morning, and then I was just going to sit there with the camera and film what happened next.

During the construction phase.
jocondite and
the_antichris and
stickmarionette kindly helped me with this part. It took us three hours of solid (and painful!) work to get this much done. Please note our architectural features, such as the windows, trees, flowers and slightly decapitated minifigs. :D

And this would be the full effect, as seen by Blade on Sunday morning.

Unfortunately, the top plate was a lot trickier to manouevre into place than I would have liked, and it tried to fall very loudly. I did catch it, and nothing broke, but about half an hour after I'd got everything set up I got a text message asking if I was done trolling her yet. SIGH.

I did also stockpile all of the tinfoil that's fallen down in my room so far -- what can I say, I hoard and I hate wasting things -- and, well, this happened as well:

This is the couch Blade usually sits on. This was literally a last-minute idea, so it's a bit rough, but I think the reaction I got for that from our other flatmate was actually better than anything else. :D The flat being the flat, everyone promptly just sat on the couch as is for the remainder of the day...

And soon we get to buy a brand new couch like actual legitfax grownups, which will fold out to be a bed and we will be able to have people stay over without barking their shins on the camp bed! \o/

Though the best part is, I think, that now I can actually TIDY MY ROOM, since I've spent the last two months with strategic piles of clothing everywhere to HIDE all the lego. And now it can actually go back where it belongs. Freedommmmmmmmmmmmmm!

...also, whenever we can be bothered moving the wall** it's going to be repurposed into a Dalek. We are nothing but ourselves. :D

**The top plate is leaning on the wall in the hall, Blade has just been stepping over the bottom layers since yesterday. Unfortunately she's too coordinated for me to be genuinely expecting an hilarious CRASH in the near future.

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shenanigans, flat of trolling

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