So today my iPod was all "hey, have some songs about blow jobs!", and it was extra funny because I was just fanwanking for my own entertainment inside my head how New Perspective makes me think of Until the End of the World for more than just the obvious reasons (pause for people to defriend on principle), and then the random function played them back to back. I can't make this shit up. And then like an hour later I hit the UnFire-era boot where Bono sings "I Will Swallow". And then I got home to the internet and lol theme, let me say that much. *snicker* IL all Petes.
Semi-relatedly, I have remembered the - admittedly rather large! - thing that was missing from my round-up post day-before-yesterday. Which was that, oh hai, I am kinda seeing some of you people soon, hopefully.
To my deep and abiding (and diamond-shoes-that-are-pinching-my-feeeeet) regret, I am having to give up on my hopes of getting out to Boston. I really really wanted to see my Boston fangirls in a less crazed pre/post/during con atmosphere, but I am stretching a fraction past where I should really dare to pull this trip off, and barring extra time or money falling from the sky, I cannot make it happen. DDDDDD: I am really sorry, guys. Hopefully next year? I plan to aim for the east coast, not coincident with a con, so. I will keep you all informed. Sadly unless we get some last minute can't-turn-it-down shows by bands I do really stupid things to my credit cards for (you know who you are. most of you are on Decaydance or are Irish. *facepalm*) it's just... not gonna happen.
However, because I realised flying into LA on the 14th from Chicago and then turning right around again to fly out on the 15th was basically a PLAN OF STUPID and would only give me one extra day back at work, I do have three more days than originally planned. \me/
So the current schedule is: Thursday 3rd Sept - go to work, come home, tear out hair and be a crazy person, fly to LAX.
Second Thursday - land in LA, rejoice, make my way to the casa de salida somehow.
Tentatively Tuesday 8th Sept - fly to Chicago. Figure out if is smarter to get to LAX and take direct flight (local input pls??) or to get to Burbank (which I can do with I think less stress!) to get a flight through Vegas. Flights exactly same cost. Connecting flight 2 hours longer, but I feel that McCarran may be a valuable experience for fic research. Um. Possibly I am wrong as a person? IDK IDK. Also I am open to persuasion of better routes/times/days to travel depending on, like, what's on places and so on.
Friday 11th Sept - Cavashawn in DeKalb! In theory, anyway. Can I scam a ride with someone/s? Also do I need to get tickets or is that on-the-doorable, do we think? I swear I will be doing my very very best to be less of a flake this trip. I hope to not be in week three of being SICK SICK SICK GAHHHH this time, at least. *crosses fingers and hopes was not so terrible on first impression as feared last time, anyhow*
Saturday 12th Sept - U2s at Soldier Field. Probably there will be epic GA lining. Because it's us and U2. I know we have a hotel room for this night and the next, I fail to remember where it is. :D
Sunday 13th Sept - Lather rinse repeat. <33333
Monday 14th Sept - fly back to LA with Cordy and Lis. Have this flight already. Rejoicing! Memo to self: omg borrow an iPhone or something and check in from GA on Sunday. (Allison had to save me from myself last time I flew Southwest. I... didn't read the small print to realise they did boarding like that now. &Allison;)
Friday 18th Sept - get to LAX somehow, fly home.
Saturday 19th Sept - Heisenberg's Uncertainty Date! aka will never exist for me.
Sunday 20th Sept - get home. Fall gratefully upon
katrin. Do not sleep.
So mostly what I want to be a giant pest and ask about are:
1. Chicago and LA, what is your early Sept weather generally like? Do I need long sleeves or can I subsist on t-shirts and a hoodie in case of coldness? I can comprehend fahrenheit pretty instinctively at this point, so temp ranges are fine if that's what you have.
2. the Casa de Salida are being awesome and letting me steal the futon again so that is sweet, but can I be shameless and ask if anyone minds donating couch/carpet space for me to sleep on in Chicago from Tues-Fri? I am generally a pretty good houseguest, I think? And I can certainly take direction if requested to do/not do stuff. Also I will like buy you dinners and stuff. Mostly I just want a) extra hang out times and 2) to not have to get a hostel since I am trying to do this on the cheap again.
3. if you are in Chicago or LA let me know when you are free around those times (er, if you want to see me. obviously. do not want to inflict self upon the unwilling!) so that I can see you! I certainly owe a couple of you movie tickets/drinks (if not more!) and there are positively scads of you I either hardly saw last time or saw only through the depths of lurgy. I hope to improve upon that this time.
Okay. Back to trying to catch up on LJ now. Northern Hemisphere Monday, how are you the spammiest?