This is why fannish crossovers are my very most favourites.

Jul 31, 2009 21:26's becoming ever more apparent that Kat and I are, in fact, kind of unbearably attached at the hip already and alarmingly prone to injokes (Kat: "And we never give them up!" Both of us: *are then rickrolled IRL*) and also there is that problem I have with shutting up ever and basically I am a little worried that we may be intolerable to the rest of the world in short order. (Um. If we're not already.) I would feel worse about this, except it's also really hilarious and awesome being us, so finding reasons to stop is difficult. And oh my tawg, I can't even begin to imagine how much WORSE we're going to get. Eek.

Also, for the record, Joy is suggesting that our collective name be Jeff. (Because Amanda and Neil already took Steve. And we are all giant Eddie nerds.) We certainly do not portmanteau either with real names or usernames, so mostly I am stuck on 'amused'. also dawns on me that this is again probably a wise time to actually explain that, really, we're not dating. We're JUST LIKE THIS.

"All shall love cupcakes and despair!"

"...oh my god why didn't we start saying "no homo!" during Star Trek??"

"The best Kentucky-Fried Manflesh in all Middle-Earth!"

At the umpty-millionth iteration of "Frodo Don't Wear the Ring": "How are we so wrong IN REAL LIFE?"

"Truest of the telephonic precursor of email!"

"This week, on a very special Lord of the Rings..."

"Frodo, I am your father."

"For godssake, man, I'm a rider of Rohan, not a doctor!"

LotR: *has Grima Wormtongue* Kat: "Does his hair remind you of anyone?" Me: "I HATE YOU IN THE *FACE*."

"*snaps fingers* That dude! From the mythology! Um... Elven Jesus?"

"(re wargs) That's what happens when the drop bears and the wombats get reeeeeeally drunk together..."

Chris: "Elves are certainly silent and deadly, like ninjas and farts."

Chris: "I'm reading this book where there's this girl who's like in love with this immortal being, who follows her around--" K: "Twilight?

injokes, platonically gay marrieds, kat

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