For the record, I currently have seven gdocs open for six different AUs, five of which are totally not at all our Big Bang. Er. Oops? I'm trying to clear off my phone before it explodes and dies of over-full mailbox. I mean, I knew we AU-d a lot, but there's at least two on here I'd completely forgotten about (girl!Spencer/Cassadee, a) how are you so hot and b) what happened to the rest of you? I'm sure we were more prolific than that.)
Work was pretty full-on today - CODM had a day off to run errands, and then my manager called in sick and my boss is almost never in on Fridays anyway, so if only OtherPersonInMyRoom had been away I would've had the place to myself and could've danced around singing like an idiot. Admittedly, he didn't get in till after nine so I totally did that anyway. :D Fridayitis struck with a vengeance first thing so J and I went on the Quest for Coffee, and then I maybe texted Kat kind of a lot at intervals throughout the day (we were wicked productive. For values of productive which, once again, totally don't include deadlined work. OOPS.) and then I got slaaaaaaaaammed right after lunch with a 200kg sample. Oww.
(ETA: Make that eight gdocs. Stray girl!Ryan snippet, how you doin'? *snort*
No, seriously. This is my browser right now.)
Anyhoo. I am still trying to work on writing and am only semi-here, still haven't sorted myself out vis a vis dreamwidth (and my journal import appears to have gotten hung, siiiiiigh), I also still haven't actually split out the mother-safe photos from the really-not-omg ones from the con, and my brain appears to be frequently trapped in the singularity where I am super super motivated to write/report/craft/do stuff at work and then get home and go *FLOOP* with a book. And tomorrow I get to steal a
jocondite for Stake-and-Bake, so... wish us luck in being productive! (Well, Stake-and-Bake for me. Cupcakes and writing for her. What can I say, I love it when a plan comes togethercode name occurs to me. :D)